Asbury Sunday Worship:
9:00 & 11:00 am: Worship in the Sanctuary
10:00 am: Sunday School
11:00 am: Live-Streamed Worship
| Follow us on social media! | | Art Song KC Concert: Saturday, March 22 |
Come see Art Song KC’s next recital, I Hold My Soul: Music by Women Composers, featuring Jacob Sentgeorge, tenor, Courtney Fletcher, mezzo-soprano, and Mia Kim, piano, on Saturday, March 22 at 7 pm in the Asbury Sanctuary.
The event is free; a free-will donation is optional. All are welcome to attend!
| | Banned Book Club: Tuesday, March 25 at 6:30 pm |
Banned Book Club will be held on Tuesday, March 25 at 6:30 pm in the Parlor. We'll be discussing the Young Adult novel Lily and Dunkin by Donna Gephart (click here for link).
This title was recently challenged in the Gardner Edgerton School District. All are welcome to participate in our book discussion.
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Used Book Sale: March 28-30 in Hager Hall
Helps Support United Women in Faith Missions
Our UWF Used Book Sale is coming up next weekend! We'd like to remind everyone that the last day to donate items is Wednesday, March 26. We're accepting all gently used books, audio books, puzzles, DVDs, CDs and LPs. No damaged books, encyclopedias, textbooks, or magazines, please.
We are also looking for volunteers to work the sale and especially need help with set-up on Thursday, March 27 from 9 am-noon and tear down on Sunday, March 30 from 12:30-2 pm (pizza will be provided for lunch). Click here to access the online sign up or contact Paula Blood at pdblood@sbcglobal.net or 913-205-0100.
We're looking forward to the book sale, and hope everyone can stop by and shop! The book sale hours for next weekend are:
- Friday, March 28 from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
- Saturday, March 29 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
- Sunday, March 30 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
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Mark your calendars for UMCOR Sunday! This Special Sunday is an opportunity to strengthen our connection to global ministries that provide disaster relief, aid for refugees, sustainable agriculture, and more. Every gift makes a life-changing impact.
We will be collecting a special offering to help support UMCOR’s administrative costs. This helps UMCOR keep the promise that 100% of any gift to a specific UMCOR project will go toward that project and not administrative costs.
Special offering envelopes will be available during worship. You may also give via EasyTithe (click here) by selecting “Other Fund” and typing “UMCOR Sunday” in the notes section. Thank you for giving to the UMCOR Sunday offering!
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Greece Pilgrimage Presentation:
Sunday, March 30
On December 27 - January 3, 2024, four of our youth went on the Leadership Lab Pilgrimage to Greece to follow the missionary journeys of Paul.
Emilie Wolff, Clara Breneman, Willa Prothro, and Tate Coe will share their pilgrimage experiences and photos on Sunday, March 30 at 10 am in Hager Hall. Please join us! All are welcome to attend.
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Spring Grounds Clean Up:
Saturday, April 12
Come out and enjoy some fresh air while helping us clean up the church grounds! Our Spring Clean Up is taking place on Saturday, April 12, beginning at 9:00 am. We'll meet in the MSR lobby beforehand.
Bring your rakes, clippers, gloves, and any other useful gardening tools—bags are helpful as well. All are welcome to join us—even if you don’t have a “green thumb,” there’s a job for you. This is a great opportunity for fun and fellowship!
Coffee, juice, and doughnuts/bagels will be provided. Contact Trustees Chair David Blood at 913-548-3644 or purplepride95@gmail.com if you have any questions.
| | Candy Needed for Easter Egg Hunt |
We'll be collecting candy for the Easter Egg Hunt this Sunday. Fun sized candy works best in the eggs, and we always need plain M&Ms for our youngest egg hunters!
You can place your candy in the basket on the Easter Egg Hunt table in the Welcome Center, or make a monetary donation for us to purchase candy. To make a monetary donation, either write "Easter Candy" in the memo line of your check or on the giving envelope for cash donations. To give via EasyTithe, select "other" from the dropdown menu and type "Easter Candy" in the "note" box.
Thank you for helping create a fun Easter experience for our youngest Asbury friends!
| | 2025-26 Asbury Scholarships Now Open |
The Endowment Committee invites any Asbury community member who will be a full-time vocational/technical school or degree seeking student to apply for a scholarship for the 2025-2026 school year.
Funding for these scholarships have been provided by bequests, memorials and generous givers that recognize the value of higher education. We hope all students will apply, and we look forward to reviewing your applications.
You can find the application online here. If you would prefer a hard copy, email our Director of Communications, Sharlynn Verner at sharlynnv@visitasbury.org. All applications must be returned to Asbury on or before Sunday, April 27, 2025.
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Asbury’s scholarship program has been awarding post-secondary tuition assistance to eligible applicants for over thirty years. Who’s eligible? Any full time vo-tech or degree seeking student connected to Asbury. Awards are not based on needs or merit, but simply on love. Last year the Asbury Endowment Committee awarded thirteen scholarships at $1000 each. We are expecting a similar number this year. Two thirds of our funding needs will come from endowed funds and The Morris Family Scholarship. Until our endowment grows considerably, we will continue to rely on gifts from the congregation to fund this ministry.
Please show your love for our students by making a donation to the scholarship fund. To help us meet this goal, please make your gift by April 30. You may pay with check or online at https://app.easytithe.com/App/Giving/visitasbury. Please write “2024 Scholarship Fund” in the notes or memo line. Gifts from Qualified Charitable Donations or appreciated securities can be facilitated by contacting the church office at 913-432-5573 or Dan Clevenger (danc@visitasbury.org).
Thank you so much!
-The Asbury Endowment Trustees
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Good Enough Online Lenten Devotion
New episodes Mondays at 6:00 pm throughout Lent
Each Monday at 6 pm throughout Lent, Pastor Jeff will be posting a short devotion online on our website. He’ll be using Kate Bowler’s and Jessica Richie’s Good Enough: 40ish Devotionals For a Life of Imperfection as a guide to offer an encouraging word and prayer for the week ahead.
Throughout the week, if you have any questions about Lent, please e-mail Pastor Jeff at jeffp@visitasbury.org.
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Lenten Film Study: Good Enough Films About Good Enough People
Wednesdays at 11 am, through April 16
Join Pastor Jeff on Wednesdays at 11:00 am to discuss three movies over the next six weeks, alternating watching a movie one week and having a discussion the other. These three films feature imperfect people striving to do the best they can, sometimes in difficult circumstances. At times uplifting and heartbreaking, these movies don’t shy away from the realities of daily living, and highlight the hope experienced by ordinary people in ordinary places. A light lunch will be provided. Sign up by calling the church at 913-432-5573 or click here to fill out the online form.
- March 26 – Places from the Heart (Rated PG / 1984) starring Sally Field
- April 2 – Movie Discussion
- April 9 – The Straight Story (Rated G / 1999) starring Richard Farnsworth
- April 16 – Movie Discussion
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Lenten Musical Meditation:
Wednesdays from 6:00-6:30 pm, through April 16
You are invited to a half-hour meditation in the Sanctuary during Lent, beginning at 6 pm.
These musical meditations will run from 6:00-6:30 pm each Wednesday from March 12-April 16. Each meditation features the reading of scripture, poetry, prose, or prayer, piano performance by Pastor Daekyung Kim of several hymns beautifully arranged by various composers, and a time for meditation in silence. All are welcome to attend!
| | Civil Rights Immersion Trip to Alabama: June 18-22 |
The Great Plains Conference’s third Justice Encounter focused on the Civil Rights Movement will take place from June 18-22 in Montgomery, Alabama. You can apply by clicking here.
This immersion is available to any clergy or laity in the Great Plains Conference who is interested in learning about the history of racism in our country, as well as the past and current work of racial justice in America. Click here to learn more about the 2023 immersion to get a sense of what to expect for this summer's Justice encounter.
Questions? Contact Rev. Maddie Johnson, Doing Justice Initiative Coordinator, at mmjohnson@greatplainsumc.org.
| | Travel More: Native American History & Cultures - Begins April 5 | |
The Asbury Travel More Project is a great opportunity to recognize and appreciate the presence and gifts of our neighbors with various cultures and faiths. For the past two years, we’ve taken a trip to the Middle East, India, Korea, Africa, Japan, and Spain. Click here if you’d like to take a glance at the last two year’s trips. This spring, the Trip to the Native American History and Cultures, our first trip of the Asbury Travel More Project 2025, will kick off. Check out the itinerary below:
Week 1: Watching the Documentary "Trail of Tears" (2009 / PG / 1 hr 16 min) - Saturday, Apr. 5 from 10:30 am-12:15 pm at Asbury
Week 2: Attending the KU Powwow & Indigenous Cultures Festival - Saturday, Apr. 12 from 10 am-3 pm at the Lied Center in Lawrence, KS
- We'll leave the church at 9 am. Please let us know if you would like to carpool.
- This is a full-day event, but our group will be focused on the presentation at 10 am, and the Powwow at around noon. If you drive separately, you can arrive early or stay longer. Click here for a complete schedule.
- There will be several Indian Taco vendors on site for lunch.
Week 3: Touring the Shawnee Indian Mission Historic Site - Saturday, Apr. 19 from 3-5 pm
Registration is now open. Please contact the church at 913-432-5573 or click here to email Pastor Daekyung if you would like to join this trip. Deadline to sign up is Monday, April 1.
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- Electronic Fund Transfer
Online through Easy Tithe
| | - Text the word 'Give' to 913-774-6060
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Hello everyone! As many of you are probably aware, the leaders of the Evening Care program that had met at Asbury on Thursday evenings have had to step down or retire.
Evening Care is a much beloved program that started in 1979 as a respite for families who had family members with differing needs and abilities. Now, many of the guests live in group homes, but some still do reside at home. Unfortunately, the program is on hiatus while they search for new leadership.
We would love to find a small group of people who would be interested in taking over the leadership of this amazing group. Right now, our plan is to have one activity night per month in April, May and June. April 10 is Bingo Night! Anyone who has an interest in learning more about Evening Care is welcome to come.
The former leaders, Ginni Duggan and Angie Beck, are organizing these nights and are happy to talk to anyone who might be interested in what leadership of the group entails. We truly feel we have been given so much more than what we give to this group. It is a very special community and everyone involved wants to see it continue! If you have an interest, come visit us on Thursday, April 10 from 6:30-8:00 pm in Hager Hall. Or contact us at eveningcaresnm@gmail.com for more information.
| | Help Serve Lunch at Cross-Lines on April 10 | |
Well, we unfortunately got snowed out of helping in February, but we have another opportunity coming up in April to help out at Cross-Lines!
We need six servers to help serve lunch on Thursday, April 10 from 10 am - 1 pm at Cross-Lines (736 Shawnee Ave, Kansas City, KS 66105).
If you have questions, please contact the church at 913-432-5573. Thank you!
| | Help Out with Our Next Food Drive on Saturday, March 29 |
We're having a Food Drive! Join us on Saturday, March 29 from 10 am to 4 pm at the Hy-Vee at 75th and State Line in Prairie Village.
We're looking for volunteers to serve a one hour shift. If you are available to help out that day, please contact Food Pantry Director Roseann Sanders at 913-593-7177 or roseann.sanders@gmail.com. Thank you!!
| | Food of the Month for March |
The Asbury Food Pantry's "Food of the Month" for March is cereal. This is always a favorite of our pantry guests! Any donations can be placed on the table in the Welcome Center or on the cart by the main entrance.
If you have any questions, or if you are interested in volunteering with the Asbury Food Pantry, please email Rosie Sanders at roseann.sanders@gmail.com or call 913-593-7177. Thank you!
| | Morning Meetup: Sunday at 10 am in the Parlor |
Morning Meetup is tailored to the needs of parents and will meet weekly in Hager Hall at 10 am for discussions with one another and community building. The group is structured, so you can jump right in when you are able to attend. Although the group will begin gathering at 10 am, you are free to join the conversation anytime between 10-11 am.
If you have questions, feel free to contact our Director of Family Ministries. Our next Speaker Sunday is April 6.
The nursery will be available for children who have not started kindergarten. Elementary aged children can join Kids' Hour (3rd floor east) and youth (6-12 grade) can join Coffee and Convos in the youth lounge (3rd floor west).
| | Sunday Nursery Hours: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm |
9 am: The nursery is open for children who need it, up to 3rd grade.
11 am: The Nursery is open on Sundays for children aged infant through 5-years-old (if they haven’t started Kindergarten yet). Children who have started Kindergarten are encouraged to join the Kids Sing rehearsal.
| | Kids Hour: Sunday at 10 am (Music Rotation) | Kids' Hour is a great way for kids to make friends and build community while learning Bible stories. Kids (PreK-5th grade) are invited to join the fun of exploring Bible stories through weekly rotations such as art, music, games, cooking, drama, science, and videos. | | Kids Sing: Rehearsals Begin Sunday, March 23 |
Rehearsals for our next Kids' Sing begin this Sunday, March 23!
All PreK-5th grade students are encouraged to join Alicia Wolff in the kids' wing following the children's time to rehearse. Kids will offer their song on Palm Sunday (April 13) during the 11 am service.
| | Third Grade Bible Presentation: Sunday, March 30 |
On Sunday, March 30, we will celebrate a milestone in the lives of some of our elementary aged children with the presentation of third grade Bibles.
We celebrate with them as they begin to encounter the Bible stories and God's love in the pages of their very own Bible. If you have a third-grade student, please contact our Director of Family Ministries to get them on the list!
| | Easter Egg Hunt: Saturday, April 19 at 10 am | All children up to 5th grade are invited to Bennett Park at Rosewood Dr. and 77th Street on Saturday, April 19 for a community Easter Egg Hunt and to meet the Easter Bunny! The egg hunt starts promptly at 10 am. | | Vacation Bible School: Road Trip on the Go with God - Sun. July 27 to Thu. July 31 |
Embark on an exciting journey with Road Trip VBS! This Vacation Bible School series is based on Joshua 1:9 – "The LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Discover God's presence everywhere as we explore new places, make new friends, and experience God's goodness together.
Click here to register today!
| | GodSquad (4th - 6th grade): August 4 - 8 |
GodSquad is our annual service week for those in 4th - 6th grade. We will serve at a variety of local nonprofits throughout the week. Participants will meet at the church at 9 am each day and head to the service sites, and will return to the church by 1 pm daily.
Click here to register today!
| | Coffee and Convos: Sundays at 10 am |
All 6th - 12th grade students are invited to join us in the Youth Lounge for treats and discussion.
| | Youth Group: Sundays at 6 pm |
All 6th -12th grade youth are invited to join us in the Youth Lounge at 6 pm for dinner and Sunrise Service planning.
| | High School Service Trip to Washington, D.C.: June 1-7 |
Registration for the High School service trip to Washington, D.C. from June 1-7 is closed. All spots have been filled.
If you have any questions, please contact our Director of Family Ministries, Heather Jackson, at heatherj@visitasbury.org.
| | Middle School Service Trip to Omaha, Nebraska: July 13-17 |
Registration for the Middle School Service trip to Omaha, Nebraska from July 13-17, 2025 is open! The cost of our service trip is $75 per person. Register your current 6th-7th grade student today by clicking here!
If you have any questions, please contact our Director of Family Ministries, Heather Jackson, at heatherj@visitasbury.org.
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