TSOE FALL 2022 NEWSLETTER | Vol. 1. No. 2

James D. Wolfinger, Ph.D. | Dean, School of Education

Dear Colleagues,


How time flies! As I now become more fully a part of the St. John's community, I am excited to update you on what we continue to do across The School of Education (TSOE) that "makes a difference." As you prepare to enter this Christmas season, I wish you peace, happiness, and best wishes for 2023! 


Wishing one and all a Blessed Holiday Season!

Warm regards,

James Wolfinger


Faculty Focus: Counselor Education faculty member Heather C. Robertson was honored with the "Outstanding Career Practitioner Award" from the National Career Development Association. The award recognized Dr. Robertson's work with military veteran career transition and New York State Career Development Association (NYSCDA).

LEARN more about NYSCDA!!

Ceceilia Parnther, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Department of Administrative and Instructional Leadership in The School of Education, was awarded the Faculty Excellence in Student Engagement Award on Tuesday, August 30, 2022, at the Faculty Convocation held in Carnesecca Arena, on the Queen's Campus.

Read ALL about IT!!


Deborah Harte (22Ed.D), a recent graduate of The School of Education (TSOE) and Director of the Borough of Manhattan Community College’s (BMCC) Advocacy and Resource Center, is making a difference through a $100,000 partnership between BMCC, Amazon Go, and Amazon Fresh to reduce student hunger. Her dissertation research focuses on community college students and food insecurity.

Read ALL about IT!!

Education Alumnus Authors Children’s Book that Celebrates Diversity 

Jorge Santos (18GEd), A St. John’s University triple alumnus and special education teacher, recently penned a children’s book that aims to help young readers embrace and cherish the diversity within their own and others’ families.

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The Dean’s Advisory Council Fourth Professional Development Conference was held on Saturday, October 15, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in D’Angelo Center, Room 128.  The keynote speaker, Natalie McGee, Chief Executive Officer and Head Consultant, Progression Partners, spoke to the audience of educators on "Culturally Responsive Teaching: Strategies to Use in the Classroom." 

Read ALL about IT!!


Thank you to our faculty, administrators, staff, alums, and especially our students who gave generously to the persistence scholarship fund on September 27. With your generosity, we achieved first place in the number of donors who gave and received $4,885 in donations. Please watch our video that offers our thanks from across the School.  



DAIL had a great showing at the fall LIASCD conference! Dr. Richard Mangeri (an alum) presided over the conference as president, while three of our doctoral students presented their research. Dr. Jaime Grillo (Director, Hofstra), Dr. Mary-Ellen Kakalos (Asst. Principal, Seaford), and Dannielle Darbee Muelthaler (Principal, NYCDOE) shared findings from their dissertation research. Other notable alumni in attendance were Dr. Bolen, Assistant Superintendent in Plainview; Dr. Pellettieri, Superintendent of Sachem; Dr. Scanlon, Superintendent of Three Villages; Dr. Lombardi, Principal in the NYC DOE and Krystle Hernandez, Director of Social Studies in North Babylon Schools. Dr. Catherine DiMartino and Dr. Stephen Kotok from DAIL proudly represented the School of Education.

LEARN more about LIASCD!!


Project WINGS: Scale-Up of Developing Academic Proficiency of Gifted English Learners with or without Disabilities through Advanced Mathematics and Language Scaffolding, was awarded a $3.2 million Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education grant. Under the direction of Dr. Seokhee Cho, Director of the Center for Creativity and Gifted Education and professor in the Department of Administrative and Instructional Leadership, this project aims to build math enrichment programs for racially and ethnically diverse students, those with disabilities and those from lower socioeconomic environments in high-need schools.

Read All about IT!!


In celebration of homecoming week, the university took time out on Thursday, October 20, 2022, to honor 14 notable St. John’s graduates as part of an Alumni Convocation Ceremony and Dinner. These honorees were selected based on their achievement of great personal and professional success while never forgetting ties to their alma mater. From among the honorees, The School of Education (TSOE) is proud to be affiliated with the following four people:


Outstanding Alumni Achievement Medal Recipients

Weedens E. Blanchard ’94SVC, ’97MBA, ’17Ed.D.

Paul F. Engelhart ’82GEd

Pietas Medal Recipient 

Michael P. Stafford ’67Ed, ’72L

President’s Medal Recipient

Mary Carole Schafenberg ’70Ed, ’80PD

Read the Q&A Below!!

Q&A with Weedens E. Blanchard ’94SVC, ’97MBA, ’07PD, ’17Ed.D., Outstanding Alumni Achievement Medal Recipient
Q&A with Paul F. Engelhart ’82GEd, Outstanding Alumni Achievement Medal Recipient


Hartigan Forum

March 28, 2023

Location & Time: TBA

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