Friday Newsletter
July 12, 2024
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This Sunday
9 am: Summer Study: There's a Sweet, Sweet Spirit Filling You with God's Love
10 am: Worship Service in Boulder Hall
11:15 am: Coffee Hour
Nursery care available.
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From the Pastor's Desk
Thank you to everyone who made the first Summer Sunday in Boulder Hall a success! Many volunteers helped get it set up with the A/V system, the tables and the bulletins/hymnals. All of you contributed to the energy in the room so that we could worship with the beauty of nature right outside the windows and savor the long days that we enjoy this time of the year.
This week we will be introduced to the work of Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow, a Presbyterian scholar and pastor who is seeking to find a better way forward for the beautiful Christian tradition that many of us have inherited. From his book Everything Good about God is True, he suggests, “We can no longer abdicate the Christian story to hate, violence, and oppression. Those of us who occupy this more loving, just, and extended version of the Christian story must do a better job of claiming, articulating, and speaking the heck up.” He’s got even more gems which we will explore on Sunday. In the meantime, check out these additional resources:
BONUS: Bruce is coming to Salem! Save the date – Aug 10 & 11, 2024.
Ever onward,
Pastor Kelly
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Looking Ahead
June 25-August 20: Tuesday Bible Study (10:30 am)
July 7-August 25: Sunday Morning Worship in Boulder Hall
July 7, 14, 21 @ 9 am: Summer Study: There's a Sweet, Sweet, Spirit Filling Us with God's Love
July 13-20: Youth New Orleans Mission Trip
July 16 @ 6 pm: Men's Night Out @ Thompson's
July 22, 1-6 pm: Red Cross Blood Drive
July 22 @ 7 pm: All Family Zoom Call hosted by Vik & Pastor Kelly
July 27-August 9: Youth Puerto Rico Mission Trip
August 10: Weekend event with Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow
August 11 & 18 @ 11:30 am: All Family Gatherings
August 26-August 30: Vacation Bible Camp
Access the full church calendar here. To add or correct something, please email
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A separate email went out yesterday with an electronic copy of the updated church directory. Please review your information and submit any corrections or additions by August 23. If you did not receive this and think you should have, please contact the church office. (503-364-3327). Thank you!
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There are some important decisions happening in our infant-children-youth ministry area. Please mark your calendars:
- 7/22 @ 7pm – All-Family Zoom call
8/11 or 8/18 @ 11:30am – All-Family in-person session
The leadership at Westminster has been discerning some structural changes for the fall as well as some changes to our child protection policy. We are finding that in order to be successful in running our youth and children's programs, we need to have parents more involved in the planning and organization of our ministry together. We would like to invite all volunteers, families, and leadership to an All Family information session on July 22 at 7 PM via Zoom to learn more about what is in store and to weigh in with your thoughts. There will then be 2 in-person (mandatory) sessions to choose from, August 11th or August 18 at 11:30 AM at Westminster.
Our Next Generation program is blessed to serve both children and youth of the church and members of the community. We recognize that for some of you, this may be your first meeting as a parent. For some of you, participation may be second nature. We invite you all to come together with us as we discern and map out next and new steps for our youth and children! The end goal is for each of our volunteers and families to find a place of service that is enjoyable, matches your interests, allows for a healthy balance with other commitments, and prevents burnout. Many hands truly make light work and will make our programs possible!
I look forward to seeing you all on Zoom on July 22 and/or at a discernment session in August.
Here is the zoom link for this meeting:
Meeting ID: 874 9873 9836
Passcode: 708267
Thank you for your support of your youth and your support of our programs!
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All are invited to a summer study entitled There's a Sweet, Sweet Spirit Filling Us with God's Love. The second of three meetings will discuss the Expression of the Holy Spirit: Pentecost, Pentecostals, and the Holy Spirit. The discussion questions are if you are comfortable, maybe share something from your spiritual journey about other/current places, other/current churches, or other/changing/current beliefs? How has the Holy Spirit been present in your life? The study is 9:00 - 9:45 am this Sunday at the church.
The next men's night out will take place on Tuesday, July 16, at 6 pm at Thompson's. RSVP to John Dalen (503-551-7791 or
Tuesday morning Bible studies continue (10:30 at the church) this summer. Michele Hare will lead the following: on July 16 and 23 viewings from The Chosen season 1 with discussion to follow and on July 30 a viewing of A Man Called Jon (being different is when God uses you the most) with discussion to follow. Anyone is welcome to join!
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The School Supply Drive is on! During the months of July and August, we are collecting basic school supplies for needy students in the community. Collection boxes have been set up in the Narthex for the following schools: Lee Elementary, McKinley Elementary, Miller Elementary, Scott Elementary, Wright Elementary, Leslie Middle School, and South Salem High School. All donations appreciated … paper, pencils, pens, markers, crayons, binders, calculators, etc. Thank you in advance for helping make this school supply drive a success.
Joy-filled volunteer needed to tutor a ten-year-old Afghan girl in reading once a week this summer. She speaks great English, is bright and good at math, but is at about a first grade level in reading. You would set your schedule and meet at her house on Market St. Contact Liz Callahan at 503-881-8846 for more information.
Hi Westminster blood donors,
In July the weather is just about perfect. Sun, but not too hot!? We realize that you may be busy with vacation plans. But wait! Please take time to join us at the Westminster American Red Cross blood drive on Monday, July 22, 2024. It will be nice and COOL in Boulder Hall as we will have the air conditioning cranked up just as the Red Cross likes it. The summer months are really the most difficult to recruit donors. Folks are gone on vacation trips, planning vacation trips or reminiscing about past fantastic vacation trips!! If YOU are not in vacation mode yet this July, please join us in signing up for a donation appointment to give a pint (or a double red, two units of red blood cells). There are currently plenty of appointments available between 1:15PM and 5:45PM. Thank you and we’ll see you at Boulder Hall on July 22 after 1:00pm!
Kind Regards,
Bill Nelson and Pam Garland
Thank you to all that have already volunteered to support the people and families of our congregation through either the Memorial Service Team or the Visitation Outreach Team. These are new opportunities with no expectations of regular meetings or serving every situation every time but as you can. There will be deacon leaders for each of these teams that will keep you informed. Been thinking about signing up, but have questions? Then contact Dianne Greenlee ( or Deanie Anderson ( for information. New sign up sheets on the bulletin board in the narthex.
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Pray for
The Mohney family as Teri's mother has entered hospice care.
Wes Peterson, who had a fall and needs rehab.
The Strauch family at the sudden passing of the kids' dad this week.
The Fair family at the sudden passing of their husband and father last week.
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In the Community
First Christian Church Disciples of Christ has invited us to attend their Family Vacation Bible School Fest at Riverfront Park on Sunday, July 14, from 12-4 PM at the Riverfront Pavilion and North Meadow. All children and youth families are invited to attend. Please note all children need to be supervised by an adult at all times.
Join us for this most excellent “GO GREEN” adventure, designed especially for kids (preschool through fifth grade), loaded with fun for the whole family! Our Bible story is the Parable of the Four Soils. Our theme is "GO GREEN!"-- we're exploring living in God's world, growing in God's love, and taking care of the planet.
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Friday Nights for the Future: a Summer Heatwave Film Festival
Everyone is invited - 7 pm on Friday, July 12, for the first film of the summer.
1st Congregational UC
700 Marion St. NE
Parking lot and entrance are south of the church.
Refreshments and discussion follows the film viewing.
No registration required.
Sponsored by Salem Environmental Faith Network, for which WPC is on the steering committee.
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Westminster Presbyterian Church | |
3737 Liberty Rd. S
Salem, OR 97302
PHONE: 503-364-3327
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