• THIS WEEK IN PNEC     July 11, 2024

PNEC Vision Statement:

"United in Faith...Committed to Love...Created to Serve"

Penn Northeast Conference UCC, 431 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, PA 18071  610-826-3113

Conference Minister, Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates      

Barbara Jennings

Patty Rehrig


Bonnie's Letter

"Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them." (Psalms 126:5-6)


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. (Romans 15:13)


Dear Friends,


Choose JOY! I know it sounds a little hokey, even unrealistic. Yet, joy is a choice. Even when our lives are filled with challenges (as most of our lives are), even when there are struggles ahead (as most of us have), even when there are worries and stress (as we all can feel), we can choose joy.


The psalmist reminds us that tears and weeping don’t last forever. We can choose joy; we can reap joy in our lives. Planting seeds yields results. Where can we, how can we plant the seeds of faith so that joy becomes a clearer choice for us to make? Paul reminds us that our God is a God of hope who can fill our lives with joy and peace in our belief.


Today I stood in the yard and felt the breeze on my face. That alone brought me joy. Today, I shared concerns, ideas, and worries with colleagues, and their willingness to hear me brought joy. Today, I heard the whisper of a memory, a moment I spent with my mom (long in heaven), and I felt joy. I took a deep breath of less humid air, filled my lungs and experienced joy.


I could have chosen to ignore the breeze, the less humid air. I could have chosen to grieve deeply the lack of earthly presence of my mom. I could have chosen to stew in my worry and my stress. Yet, in each of these instances, in each of these moments, I chose joy. Happiness is an emotion that we sometimes feel and sometimes don’t and I won’t negate the emotions we all feel. I can feel happy and sad and anxious and angry and all the other emotions we are beset with as human beings.


And – I can choose joy. I can choose to live in the joy that I am beloved by God, that I am adored in spite of my failings and whatever is going on in my life. I can choose joy. I do choose joy! I hope you choose joy with me.


Blessings, Bonnie

An Exploration of

Mental Health Awareness & Spirituality*

October 5, 2024 -- 9AM to 3PM

Union UCC, 5550 Route 873, Neffs, PA

(Event Supported by White Deer Run & University of Pittsburgh)

Event Includes:

  • Morning beverages and deli lunch
  • Becoming a WISE Church: Rev. Becky Sausser (she/her)
  • 3 breakout sessions (two a.m./one p.m. - selections made at event)
  • Resource advocates
  • Walking labryinth/meditation space (bring socks)

COST: $35 for event and deli lunch; $40 with child care and deli lunch


Dryland UCC, Nazareth

Blessings and greetings from Dryland UCC to the churches of the PNEC. Like many area churches, we are painfully aware of the decreasing number of members that have not returned to regular services since COVID-19. We know, and have felt, the impact this has had on everyone. Some churches have sought to merge with others and even face closure. Dryland would like to invite any members of churches facing the difficulties of closure to come and join us in our continued faith missions and ministry in the community. It is important to note that we are more interested in you and continuing together as a Dryland community of faith than in merging. Attached is a brochure outlining who we are and what we represent with our faith commitments. Please feel free to contact us for more information. We are very open to meeting with your consistory or congregation for more in-depth discussions.

2024 ONA National Gathering

Resistance & Persistence

Hope Reigns

September 18-23, 2024

The Summit Hotel, Cincinnati, OH

Click Here


Accessible describes PATHWAYS Theological Education online courses.

Visit us at PATHWAYS Theological Education, Inc. (


PATHWAYS next 12-week UCC Polity and History course begins on August 28, 2024. The website states: "The purpose of this course is to explore the history, polity, theologies, and practices of the United Church of Christ and its predecessor denominations. The course will include an exploration of denominational identity, hidden histories within the denomination, case studies around current issues of polity and structure, current ecumenical conversations, emerging trends within the United Church of Christ, and more." To register or for more information go to UCC History and Polity on the website.


PATHWAYS Theological Education continues expanding its offerings. Look for information coming soon on the Environmental Justice Certificate, the Advanced Faith Formation Practitioner's Certificate, and new preaching and Bible courses in conjunction with the Southern New England UCC Conference Project Proclaim (funded by the Lilly Foundation). Go to the website to see a schedule of upcoming courses.


Desert Garden United Church of Christ, in Sun City West, AZ is offering the 5th annual Sawitski Lecture. It will be a two-hour event titled "Christian Nationalism: Intent, Impact and Implications." Our Keynote speaker will be Pastor Caleb Campbell, lead pastor of Desert Springs Bible Church and author of Disarming Leviathan: Loving Your Christian Nationalist Neighbor. There will be a panel of community members providing insight, and time for questions from those in attendance.  If you are not able to attend onsite, there is a way to attend virtually. Please register for the link at  The event will happen Saturday, September 14th, from 10am - noon MST. Contact that email with questions as well.  


The event is offered at no cost to you.   


Pastor Bill (he, his, him)

Gestalt Pastoral Care

Opening to Grace

Creating Sacred Space

September 23 - 28, 2024

Fenton Memorial Deaconess Home, Chautauqua, NY

A special time to center into a quiet, contemplative week this fall. Monday-Wednesday we will gather for morning and evening yoga, prayer, and creative arts. The rest of the day is yours to do as you wish keeping silence in the house. Opening to Grace healing work will begin on Thursday afternoon and end on Saturday. This retreat is open to all. Click Here for Registration Information

Inside The Bible Mission School System

Enhancing Christin Productivity and Prosperity In Liberia



The vision to establish an institution to enhance the basic values of Christianity and provide the tools to foster community unity, cultural harmony , academic advancement, and social economic self-sustainable development, started in 2022 as a pilot project in Zwedru City, Grand Gedeh County, Liberia. Click Here to Read More...

Promote Planned Giving in Your Congregation

Learn how to promote planned giving in your congregation. Planned gifts provide a way for a donor to give out of their accumulated assets such as property or stocks to support a congregation or other charitable cause close to their heart. This free course will help you learn basic concepts, practice skills, and create an implementation plan for your congregation. The zoom sessions will be held on Wednesday, July 10th and 17th, from 7pm - 8:30 Eastern (6pm - 7:30pm Central). Register for the seminar at and then scroll down to find the course entitled “Together for Tomorrow Planned Giving In Your Congregation.”

Rev. Andrew Warner, CFRE (he/him)

Generosity Outreach Officer, Philanthropy Team

United Church of Christ, National Ministries

Springtide Research Institute

How can you listen more closely to the LGBTQ+ youth you serve?

The young people in your community look to you to feel heard and validated. Springtide Ambassador Joelle, 22, shares, “I wish the adults in my life asked me about my queerness.... When adults take the initiative to ask about my experiences and feelings regarding my identity, it shows a level of care and empathy that can strengthen my relationships with them.” 

Reflections from LGBTQ+ young people

  • Springtide Ambassador Anthony, 22, writes about how exploring the intersection of his faith and sexuality has been filled with both struggles and joys. Read A Queer Faith..
  • Reflecting on self-love in “No Love Lost: Finding Self-Love through Personal Acceptance,” Anthony shares how his journey to recognize his true self resulted in a deeper love for himself.

Springtide Ambassador Mia, 18, reveals her early struggles balancing her religious and sexual identities and the path toward embracing her authentic self. Read Loving God, Loving Myself..” 

Springtide resources for supporting LGBTQ+ youth

With Compass, our new survey tooll, you will learn what the young people in your organization want and need from you. Options include surveys to find out more about their mental health needs, their experience of the sacred, and more. LEARN MORE

UCC webinar: Navigating Election Do's and Don'ts

(taken from PSEC Newsletter) 

The United Church of Christ’s mission calls us to “welcome all, love all, and seek justice for all.” As a denomination committed to such values and justice for all, we must speak boldly in the public square through public policy advocacy - as well as election engagement - that collectively shapes our common life together. These two activities are part of what we understand as “politics”. In a country where there is significant confusion and misinformation about the constitutional relationship between church and state, some choose to shy away from politics all together. Yet, politics can not only be seen as part of our civic duty as citizens, but also an activity of righteous resistance and discipleship as Christians. Jesus’ ministry and message had significant political implications for his time – as it does for us today! 

However, in our hyper-partisan climate today, clarifying how we engage in politics is critical. Churches and clergy must abide by IRS guidelines to protect tax-exempt status. It is critical that we are well informed about what we CAN (and can’t!) do as churches in the political sphere and particularly around the 2024 election. 

Join a discussion with Heather Kimmel, the UCC’s General Counsel, and Rev. Michael Neuroth, Director of the UCC Office of Public Policy & Advocacy, on July 25 at 3:30p for Navigating Do’s & Don’ts for Churches - “Be Prophetic, Not Partisan!” Click here to register.


Ministry Day 2024

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

St. John's Fullerton from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm

     Hybrid: in-person or Zoom

     Lunch will be provided in-person.


"How to Church” - Episode 4



One of our PNEC authorized ministers, Rev. Kathryn Foster, is conducting a research study on the UCC idea, God is Still Speaking, to complete her Doctor of Ministry degree at Iliff School of Theology in Denver Colorado. A qualified participant is a UCC member, active visitor or authorized pastor 18 years of age or older, in good health, and participating in a UCC church in Pennsylvania. I offer you this opportunity. Please take a moment to consider it and decide if you would like to be included in her research initiative. To know more about the study, please click the link below and read the description of the study. Actual participation in the survey serves as informed consent. Any data collected will be de-identified for reporting purposes. This study is not conducted by the United Church of Christ, but the Office of Communication (OPTIC) is aware of its creation.


Click Here for Flyer

If you are not able to access the online survey and would like a paper survey emailed to you, please contact Kathryn directly at


2024 Lehigh Valley Pride

We are so excited to announce that Lehigh Valley Pride will be held on Sunday, August 18 at the SteelStacks in Bethlehem from 2:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Volunteer Sign-Up:


Boundary Training in 2024

Click Here for List

From the Addiction & Recovery Taskforce: Guide for parents

(Article taken from PSEC Newsletter) 

We need to be working with our children to help them avoid the pitfall of addiction. The Addiction Policy Forum has an excellent guide for how parents can help their children. Please take the time to look at it and recommend it to anyone with children. You can find the guide at:


UCC Webinar: An Indigenous Translation of Scripture

The "First Nations Version" is an Indigenous translation of the Christian scriptures. It brings a fresh language to how these scriptures are conveyed and understood. Notably, a decolonized rendering of the sacred texts articulates a different understanding of how humans understand their relationship to both God and all of God's creation. In this webinar, we will hear from three members of the translation council that produced the First Nations Version. Terry M. Wildman, who envisioned the translation, will be joined by Amy Allan and Kimberlee Medicine Horn Jackson. Even if you cannot make it at its scheduled time on Tuesday, July 16th at 3 pm ET, still sign-up, and we will send you a recording. Register now!



Cultivating a Culture of Safety

Hosted by Penn West Conference

Saturday, September 14, from 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM First Reformed UCC, 312 S. Maple Ave., Greensburg Lunch will be provided

In this comprehensive workshop, we empower ministries to foster a culture of safety in these critical areas: Active Intruder Response, Emergency Planning, and Abuse Prevention. Our team of experts will help ministries gain essential knowledge to equip them with strategies to address an active intruder event, to prepare for emergencies, and to protect their most vulnerable congregants from abuse. Presenters include: From Insurance Board: Chad Cunningham, Director, Loss Control; Elizabeth Vance, Sr. Loss Control Representative; and Local police and county emergency representatives. To register

2024 Loss Control Event Registration Form Survey (

Disaster Ministries

Church World Service Needs More Kits! The month of May set a record, marking the highest incidence of severe storms reported in the US in more than a decade. In the past month, CWS has distributed more than 2,000 kits and buckets to our neighbors in need. Therefore, the inventory is very low.  


This is why your support of CWS Kits is so crucial. This is a good time to begin planning for your next CWS kit project. Your support truly does make a difference in the lives of others when they're facing difficult times.


Remember to apply for the $250 mini-grant from the national UCC Global H.O.P.E. here


FEMA webinar: Planning for a Changing Climate...Climate change is increasing the intensity and frequency of impacts from natural hazards across the globe. Yet, it also creates chances for all of us to work more closely together and integrate planning efforts, locally, regionally, and city and state-wide. This approach fosters larger systems-wide thinking. It can help combine shared strategies and goals and lead to mitigation projects with multiple benefits.


Join us on July 24 at 11:00a to be inspired by several innovative organizations. Learn how they are connecting the dots in their communities and scaling up mitigation efforts to adapt to a rapidly changing climate. Click here for more information and to register.


July ReadyPA Monthly available online now... Click here for the newsletter. Please share this information with your congregations to help keep everyone safe and prepared.