Hello Youth and Families!


Sunday night was our final evening Youth Group at FPCA for this school year. We had a valuable conversation about phone use at youth gatherings, and I loved the wisdom and honesty that came from the youth. More to come, about our commitments to each other about phone use. We also made great progress on a Guatemala Trip fundraiser project (which I hope to unveil to the congregation on May 26), we ate a wonderful dinner provided by the Shippey/Oldenburgs, and we played some energetic and exhausting games of Flashlight Monster!

On Tuesday we had what many shared with me was one of the more meaningful church gatherings they'd experienced, when we celebrated our families, mentors, and youth who've gone through the Confirmation process with a Banquet and Session meeting/examination.


Each of our nine youth who went through the process did so with intentionality and commitment, and each came to a decision with integrity. We celebrate the courage and honesty of those who said, "I'm not in a place where I want to stand to publicly profess Christian faith and confirm the baptismal vows," and we celebrate the courage and conviction of those who are saying, "I am ready to proclaim this faith as my own, step fully into a life of Christian discipleship, and join First Presbyterian Church of Asheville as an active member."


The beauty of those courageous decisions and proclamations brought more than a couple of us to tears on Tuesday evening.

THIS Sunday, May 19:

  • Pentecost, Children and Youth Singing in Worship, Confirmation Sunday,
  • Church Picnic after 11:00 worship (we are not formally leading any activities that afternoon as we did last year, but the Congregational Life team would love some help from any youth who are around and willing!) 
  • No evening Youth Choir or Youth Group.

Looking Ahead:

  • Sunday, May 26 - worship at 8:45 and 11:00 (I'm preaching; Graduating Sr. recognition in 11:00 service); No evening YC or YG
  • Sunday, June 2 - Afternoon End of Year Celebration at Carrier Park!

See you Sunday!


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