Farm to Community
SNAP-Ed is partnering with Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center-Diabetes Education Program to bring fresh local produce brought to you by The Bittersweet - Milkweed Collaborative for a local food access and cooking series. The Farm to Community goal is to increase access to healthy, nutrient dense, local produce to community members that may be facing food insecurities or other healthy food barriers.
In these workshops participants will learn the art of affordable cooking with fresh produce. All participants are given the opportunity to order a box of fresh locally grown produce. Payment options available include check ad cash. EBT will be accepted during the workshop, courtesy of GardenShare.
Weekly workshops / produce pick up will begin on June 6th, 2024, and should run through the fall of 2024. Workshops will be held on Thursdays at 1:00pm in the LCIF Diabetes Education Conference Room, 214 King St. Ogdensburg NY.
Please check in with the reception desk upon arrival. Registration is required to attend. Please contact Kristine to register or for more information.
315-379-9192 ext.222