May 2024

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St. Nicholas’ Mission is to actively share

Christ’s love for all people.

Our vision is to strive to be a welcoming community who

worships a caring and merciful God, proclaims the Gospel, and promotes justice, peace, and love.

St. Nicholas Episcopal Church

Pastor: Bob Farrow

Office: 706.628.7272

Upcoming Sunday Worship

Sunday, May 5

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Bluegrass Sunday!

Acts 10:44-48

1 John 5:1-6

John 15:9-17

Psalm 98

Sunday, May 12

Seventh Sunday of Easter

Acts 1:15-17, 21-26

1 John 5:9-13

John 17:6-19

Psalm 1

Sunday, May 19

Whitsunday/the Day of Pentecost

Ezekiel 37:1-14

Acts 2:1-21

John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15

Psalm 104:25-35, 37

Sunday, May 26

Trinity Sunday/The First Sunday After Pentecost

Isaiah 6:1-8

Romans 8:12-17

John 3:1-17

Canticle 13

Want to know more about Whitsunday, Trinity Sunday, and Pentecost?

Visit the home page of our website.

Other Worship Opportunities

Evening Prayer

Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m.

May 1

May 8

May 15

May 22

May 29

Adult Forum

A Critical Look at the Book of Genesis

Join us on May 5 and May 12 as the Reverend Mabry Collins takes us deep into the meaning of Genesis - we'll learn new ways of looking at the creation story and its significance to us and to our lives today. You will be blessed by Mabry's teachings.

Adult Form begins at 9:00 AM. Come enjoy fresh coffee and fresh perspectives before Sunday worship.

In the Parish


Do Have a Graduating Senior in Your Family?

We will be celebrating our graduating seniors on Sunday, May 19th, during the service and with refreshments in the Parish Hall after.

Please let Erin know if there is a senior in your family you’d like to include.

May 12

SNICK (St. Nicholas Kids) will meet for the last time this school year - stay tuned for more information!

Book Club's May Book is As I Lay Dying

Wednesday, May 8

All present were impressed by Bruce Feiler’s adventurous undertaking. Those who have seen the PBS special of 2014 were also awed with the filming and believe we should share a viewing. We should talk up a watch party at church soon.

We reviewed a new list of possible future selections extracted from the book blog and chose As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner. It is among the most accessible of Faulkner’s writings and recommended by David Johnson, our own Faulkner scholar.

With David’s insights, we will discusAs I Lay Dying at our next meeting on May 8 following 5:00 Evening Prayer.

Ordination Celebration Preparation!

Parish Life is busily planning how we're going to celebrate Rev. Bob's ordination this coming June, both within our parish family and in the greater Harris County community. Stay tuned for more information on those plans.

In the meantime, we are beginning to gather contributions to purchase a congregational ordination gift: a lovely traveling communion kit that will be a blessing to Rev. Bob, St. Nicholas, and the faithful of our greater community.

You are welcome to donate through Vanco or in the offering plate on Sunday using an envelope from the narthex.

You can view our intended gift by clicking here.

Pastoral Care News

St. Nicholas has joined the Congregational Care Plan at the Pastoral Institute. If you are a member of this congregation who is wrestling with substance abuse or mental illness, please contact the Pastoral Institute.

Vestry Meeting

May 18 Meeting Canceled

Due to travel conflicts, the regular May meeting of the Vestry has been canceled.

If any business arises within the congregation that needs the Vestry's consideration, please contact the Senior Warden (Rose Brent).

The minutes from the April 2024 meeting can be found here.

Wanted: Childcare Provider

We are currently seeking a responsible adult to provide childcare in the nursery during Sunday Services and the occasional special event. This is a paid position, and there are a few training requirements.

Contact the church office to express interest and receive the job description.

Prayers for our church family member Riley Anne Johnson; and for Carolyn Cox's cousin, Janet Scent Hume.

Continued prayers for all those in need within our community and those in the world who have suffered due to war and natural disaster, especially the people of Israel and the Palestinians.

Please send prayer requests to

Happy Birthday to...

the Rector's Discretionary Fund!

Did you know that St. Nicholas shares the love of Christ by providing assistance with utility bills? The Rector's Discretionary Fund offers up to $100 per applicant, once a year, to help folks make ends meet.

The need is great in our community and the Fund runs low from time to time. Wouldn't it be a fantastic way to celebrate your birthday - or any other milestone celebrations in your life - by making a tax-deductible donation to the Rector's Discretionary Fund?

Look for envelopes in the narthex to use for your celebratory donations.

Happy Birthday & Blessings to...


Gene Wells

Martha Dimon

Remy Johnson


Reid Lind


Judy Jenks

Judy Jenks


Andy Butzon


Rose Brent


Shanti Patel


Graham and Marci Horne


Kin and Beth Brown

If your birthday or anniversary is not included or is incorrect,
please email the Parish Office at

In the Wider Church

Click here to read the latest press release from The Episcopal Church's Office of Public Affairs.

In Our Greater Community

It's time to register for TAP 2024! 

Children ages 6-11 are invited to join us for TAP: A Recipe for Compassion June 24-28! 

Teens ages 12 & up are invited to serve as teen interns/mentors during the program, with training the week before. 

Click here for more information.

Save the Date!

If you have an event coming up, an announcement you'd like to share, or have recently experienced a birth, death, or sickness and would like some EXTRA prayers, send them to or call the office at 706-628-7272.

Click on the links below to access St. Nicholas church documents and websites of interest.

April Vestry Minutes

(includes financials)

Annual Meeting 2024

2024 Annual Budget

The Lectionary Page

Donate Electronically

Instant Church Directory

Pastoral Institute

Tithe Chart

Deadline for submitting news items is noon Wednesday.

 Send news and photos to: 


The Spirit of St. Nicholas is published every month.

St. Nicholas Episcopal Church.

69 Mobley Road, PO Box 752, Hamilton, GA 31811


Visit our website