Learn, Teach, Inspire



Tuesday News and Updates

Important CDA Credential Student News

Conference by the Sea Wrap Up

From MSDE: Staff Listing Form - Please Complete by May 17!

Available Online Courses ...... Instructor-Led Schedule ...... Discounts & Coupons

CDA Credential... Train Your Staff... Subscription Information... JOB BOARD... GRANTS

ChildCareED Facebook Group - CDA Club for Peers & PD Specialists

Important CDA Credential Student News

April CDA On-Time Completion Raffle Winner

April prize drawing winner for completing their CDA training on time under the Maryland CDA Training Initiative is Chikako Ways! She will be receiving a Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa gift certificate.

REMINDER: MD CDA Training Initiative participants have until May 31 to complete their training. Please read note on the right from Wendy Bolyn our CDA Grant Specialist.

An Important Note from Wendy our CDA Specialist:

Dear CDA Credential Students,

TICK TOCK time’s almost up! If you have been taking advantage of the amazing Maryland CDA Training Initiative, please know that the CDA Council has set a deadline of May 31 to complete your CDA training. They will be looking closely at progress this week but we cannot guarantee continued access beyond the end of the month. Should you wish to continue your training beyond their deadline, you may be subject to a $150 reactivation fee. In addition, given the success and popularity of the Maryland CDA Training initiative, the CDA Application Fee vouchers are now being redeemed on a first come first served basis until funds are gone. If funds are depleted before you are ready to apply for your credential, or your voucher has expired, reissuing your voucher will be prioritized when additional funding becomes available. DON'T DELAY - FINISH YOUR TRAINING BEFORE THE MAY 31 DEADLINE!

Kind regards,

Wendy Bolyn

ChildCareEd (H&H Childcare)

CDA Grant Specialist

MSCCA Conference by the Sea Wrap Up

Did you find you picture on our Wall of Fame? Were your training voucher questions answered? It was a fun time to visit with everyone who stopped by.

If you didn't get a chance to discuss questions about the $400 training vouchers, contact us and we will be glad to help you with the process. Also, the next MSDE Training Voucher Info sessions are scheduled for Tuesday - May 21 and Wednesday - June 6.

Click here to view the full schedule of MSDE Training Voucher Info sessions

Click here to fill out the training voucher interest form

From MSDE: Staff Listing Form - Please Complete by May 17!

...Time-sensitive Request: Act Now to Get Free PAUs!...

Maryland Department of Education sent this bulletin at 05/07/2024 03:00 PM EDT

Staff Listing Form - Please Complete by May 17!

In preparation for the upcoming Workforce Survey, which you will hear more details about in the coming weeks, we need to collect a complete list of staff at every center and registered family child care home. Owners/Operators, please complete the Staff Listing Form linked below to provide the needed information. This form is available in English and Spanish and closes on May 17, 2024. We need to hear from ALL centers and registered family child care homes!

To earn PAUs for completing the Market Rate Survey, you must also complete the Staff Listing Form. (More information about earning PAUs.)

Click for Complete Update and Access to MSDE Staff Listing Form

ChildCareED Training Center

Phone: 1.833.2TEACH1 (1.833.283-2341) |

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