On June 15th, we join communities around the world in honoring World Elder Abuse Awareness Day by shining a light on this important issue.
What is elder abuse?
Elder abuse includes physical abuse, financial exploitation, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect against an older adult. It can occur in the home, in a facility, or in the community. Elder abuse has devastating consequences. Survivors of abuse are at a 300% higher risk of early death, have higher rates of depression, anxiety, suicidality, and incur significant financial losses.
Who commits elder abuse?
Abuse can be committed by family, caregivers, professionals, friends, or even strangers. While stranger scams receive a lot of attention, the majority of abuse is committed within the family by an adult child or spouse.
How common is elder abuse?
Research has shown that 10% of all older adults in the community will experience some form of abuse. In 2023, there were 43,443 reports made to Adult Protective Services. Individuals of all races, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds can experience elder abuse. Rates are even higher for older adults living with dementia. Research suggests that approximately 50% of individuals living with dementia will experience elder abuse. Unfortunately, most of this abuse goes unreported. Only 4% of elder abuse cases are ever reported.
How can we all help prevent elder abuse?
- Social connection is a significant protective factor against elder abuse. Support older adults in your life and community by helping them get and stay connected to positive forms of social connection, through senior centers, faith communities, volunteering, adult day programs, and more.
- Know the warning signs of abuse!
- Know where and how to report!
What are the warning signs of elder abuse?
When considering the warning signs of abuse, it’s important to look for signs of all forms of abuse not just physical. Warning signs of elder abuse include:
- Unexplained / untreated injuries
- Broken / unused assistive devices or medical equipment
- Repeated hospitalizations
- Poor hygiene, dehydration, malnutrition
- Fear of someone in their life
- Emotional distress, agitation, withdrawal
- Depression, anxiety
- Trouble sleeping
- Low self-esteem
- Out of character financial decisions
- A caregiver who ignores the older adult, is overly defensive, or doesn’t allow the older adult to talk privately
- A home environment that is unsafe or unhygienic
- Unpaid bills around the home
- A lack of food or other necessities in the home
How can I report elder abuse?
All reports of suspected elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation should be made to Adult Protective Services in the county where the older adult lives. Anyone can make a report. In 2023, the most common reporters to Adult Protective Services in Virginia were financial institutions and family members. Reports can also be made to the Virginia State Hotline: 888-832-3858
Thank you to all those who have dedicated their professional lives to making sure older adults are able to live their lives with safety, dignity and meaning. Shout out to Adult Services / Adult Protective Services workers, Long-Term Care Ombudsman, Area Agency on Aging professionals, caregivers, health care professionals, victim advocates and more! Your work truly matters.