To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose
Post pandemic 2021 was a time to reimagine community and in person events. The newly revised plans for a Barn at Woodlawn, a concept over 12 years in the dreaming and designing, were ready for the next Executive Director to implement. The drawings that I presented (my first official act) to the Ellsworth City Technical Review Team were of a smaller scale Barn than the 2019 version and included archival and collections storage space with rooms for research, lectures, and workshops and a large event space with adjacent patio and lawn area. Earlier that same year, the Trustees had committed to permanent, part-time caretakers so that the grounds and facilities would begin to get consistent and careful attention. Richard, Mike, and I have now been here for three years and the property, as we are regularly told, 'has never looked better." The years have sped past and I have enjoyed immensely working with the staff team. Hiring Education Director Kelly Lunt two years ago and watching the campus come to life through her creative, dynamic and original programs and events has been a joy. She and Richard conspired to make me enjoy Christmas! No small feat.
Thus, it was after a lot of soul-searching that I tendered my resignation effective June 30 to begin an early retirement. I realize that I need more time for myself and Woodlawn is ready for someone to take it to the next level. The closure that comes from wrapping up my mother's estate has been both liberating and a call to action - I am only responsible for me (and my pets!). I am grateful that I have this opportunity to make myself a priority in the autumn (winter if you go by hair color!) of my life.
Also submitting their resignations, to get back on track with their own retirement plans, are Richard Tupper and Mike Hangge. Both were drawn out of their respective retirements to help Woodlawn grounds and of course both were incredible through the construction process. There is simply no way we could have accomplished all that we have over these past three years without their careful stewardship and know how. I wish them all the best as they delve into their wood turning and custom woodworking endeavors.
Woodlawn has a lot to offer Ellsworth. The Trustees will find the next generation of stewards for this important property and I am as eager as everyone to see it continue to evolve. The beauty about history is that it continues to be written in the present moment. We are chapters in a very long book. I had my time and look forward to handing on the feather quill (historic joke!). Just remember dear readers, Woodlawn was a gift to Ellsworth - the grounds are open dawn to dusk, the Barn will soon be a place for you to rent for a gathering or to come to a workshop. Its vibrancy depends upon those who visit and enjoy it! Next month I hope to be able to share more about transition plans and the summer events schedule.
Thanks for caring about Woodlawn.
Kathy Young