Dear RBUSD Staff and Families,


As we leap into spring, we continue to work daily on Strategic Plan Goal #1: Increasing academic achievement for all students. Criterion-based, statewide testing allows us to assess where each student is in their academic journey and for us to gauge effectiveness of academic programming. I can confidently and proudly state that we are not a “testing above all” community. Rather, we focus our time and energy on educating the whole child by engaging instruction, social-emotional learning and support, extracurricular opportunities, and college and career preparation. The test scores we see in our district are certainly an appreciated outcome of the aforementioned experiences. Yet, even more importantly, we know our test scores are indicative of our talented and motivated students, outstanding teachers and staff, and supportive families. With that being said, we do believe we are capable of competitive scores relative to neighboring schools and districts. There is always room for growth at the individual, school, and district levels!

CAASPP Testing in Elementary, Middle and High School

The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) assesses English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics in grades 3-8 and 11, and science (CAST) in grades 5, 8 and 10/11. Our 11th graders took CAASPP recently, with grades 3-8 happening in the coming weeks.

Over the next few weeks, I/we ask for your support by sitting down with your child(ren) and discussing their efforts on the CAASPP. Most importantly, focus the conversation on personal growth/improvement. Secondly, let’s remind our students about pride in their teacher(s) and school as a whole. Thirdly, let’s make RBUSD stand out in the South Bay and beyond (yes, we are a little competitive). Lastly, let’s help provide the most authentic and accurate data to everyone! We know the CAASPP is one indicator of how well students have learned the state standards. It is an important indicator and we hope you will encourage your student(s) to simply take their time and do their best. The motivation to do well is key. Thank you for your support. We got this, RBUSD!

The Starting Smarter for CAASPP website is a helpful resource for parents, including a Quick Reference Guide to view practice tests for elementary, middle, and high school students.

Test-Taking Confidence

In any grade, some students may breeze through exam day and others may experience test anxiety. Please take a moment to review with your student(s) the tips below from the Princeton Review to reduce stress while awakening your knowledge:

  • Eat a breakfast with complex carbs like oatmeal or brown rice, plus protein like avocado or eggs, for a steady source of brain-powering fuel.
  • Think positively. Picture your happiest place and say to yourself, "I worked hard and I am prepared!"
  • Focus on your own test and pace rather than others in the room.
  • Breathe deeply when you feel your mind or heart racing.

Upcoming AP Testing for RUHS Students

Each year, more and more RUHS students opt to challenge themselves with Advanced Placement (AP) courses — college-level coursework for which they can earn college credits or placement based on the results of spring AP testing. For the 2024-25 school year, RUHS school counselors can provide information on which AP courses are offered at Redondo Union and guide students to choose one that’s right for them. AP courses expose students to college-level curriculum, can help students stand out to colleges, boost GPAs, and save money in college. RUHS is excited to offer AP African American Studies next year. 

For students currently enrolled in AP classes, spring AP exams will be administered the weeks of May 6th and May 13th. Visit the College Board’s AP site for free online resources and practice exams. Good luck, Sea Hawks!

Changes to the SAT

In big SAT news, the test is now completely digital with the paper-and-pencil version phased out. Not only is the format different, but the test itself will now be “adaptive,” meaning that a student’s performance in the first part of each of the math and reading sections will determine the difficulty of the second part. Scores are then calibrated based on the questions’ level of difficulty. The official College Board website provides additional information including free full-length practice exams and useful advice for studying and preparing.

We are truly proud of our accomplishments thus far this school year, as well as our collective efforts to overcome challenges. We, as a school district and community, are stronger when we recognize and celebrate what is going well and learn from what we can do better!

I will end with my best advice for test prep -- never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep!

Have a relaxing Spring Break, RBUSD!

Your Superintendent, 

Nikki Wesley, Ed.D.

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