Hello Friends,


As we bid farewell to winter, it is with great joy and anticipation that we usher in the arrival of spring! It's a season that inspires us to reflect on the progress we've made and the possibilities that lie ahead in our upcoming events. All of us at RTMC are excited to share with you the latest developments and what is blooming in our community.

In this edition, we're thrilled to highlight the remarkable energy of our volunteers, the impactful projects we've undertaken, and our upcoming events.

Thank you for being an essential part of our journey. Together, let's embrace the spirit of spring with positivity!


With gratitude,

Shelby Development & Communications Coordinator

Meet Our Team
Meet Our Board

National Rebuilding Day Kick-Off Meeting

We kicked off the National Rebuilding Day seasons with all of our group leaders and house captains. Thank you to all of the returning house captains who came out to share their wisdom and the new ones who came ready to learn. A special thanks to Lance Wolin and Roger Rothman for speaking to the group and giving pointers to those who are new to National Rebuilding Day. It was inspiring to witness the energy these amazing volunteers have for helping their neighbors. We have a very enthusiastic crew this year and we can't wait to witness the incredible work they'll be doing later in April!

Homeowner Project Success

Our ongoing accessibility efforts continue to foster independence and enhance the lives of our neighbors. One of our recent projects was completed for Mrs. S. who has lived in her home for 40 years and raised her 3 children there. They have all grown up and moved out, but Mrs. S. remains in her long-time family home.

Upon reaching out to us, she expressed concerns over fall risks and safety. We stepped up to address these concerns. While following up after her new modifications, Mrs. S. told us she couldn’t get her leg high enough to get into her bathtub, but now with a walk-in shower modification, “it's so easy." She added that “everything is beautiful." Furthermore, she appreciated the extra handrail along the stairs and comfort height toilets, enhancing ease and safety all around her home.

Mrs. S's experience underscores the significance of accessibility modifications in enabling individuals to maintain their independence and safety within their own homes as they age. By addressing specific concerns these modifications not only enhance daily living but also preserve the cherished sense of familiarity and comfort associated with long-term residency. We're delighted to be having this impact, fostering autonomy and the overall well-being for members of our community.

Don't Fore-get About Golf!

It will be here before you know it!

We are planning our annual golf tournament for October 7, 2024 at Bretton Woods Golf Course! This tournament benefits our year-round safe and healthy homes program. Your involvement would directly assist homeowners in need right in your community! Please be on the lookout in our newsletters and on our website for more updates and information.

Make your Impact Today!

We have received an increased number of calls from vulnerable homeowners who are experiencing roof and plumbing leaks! Your donation can help restore safety and comfort to a community member in need. It's important to address these concerns before further damage is caused. Every donation helps us meet the rising cost of material and labor to make the repairs that keep homeowners safe and healthy in their homes. Thank you for considering a gift to RTMC. Your support at any level truly makes a difference.

Donate Here

Refer a Veteran for Services

Upcoming Events

She Builds with ABC Metro Washington

Friday, May 17, 2024

This summer, our team of She Builds volunteers from ABC Metro Washington, led by the Women Building Washington committee, will come together to repair, and revitalize a woman owned home or woman focused facility. We look forward to working with ABC Metro Washington volunteers on this project by women, for women, and with women!

Cheers to Volunteers

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Help us celebrate our volunteers and 34 years of serving the community together! Join us for an evening of food, drinks, games, and music at Smokey Glen Farm in Gaithersburg. We will also be giving away several awards. We look forward to welcoming volunteers and other members of the RTMC community to say thank you and enjoy a night out together! Tickets and sponsorship packages available here.

Follow us on Social Media

Are you following RTMC on our social media? We post regular updates about our work in the community, upcoming volunteer projects, and ways to get involved. Like and follow today to ensure you don't miss the latest from RTMC!

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Simply aim your smart phone at the QR code and it will take you directly to our Apply for Services page on our website.

About Us

Rebuilding Together Montgomery County (RTMC) provides critical home repairs, accessibility modifications and links to community resources for our vulnerable low-income neighbors, including seniors, veterans, people with disabilities, single parents, and members of marginalized communities. Since 1990, RTMC has served more than 3,000 homeowners and engaged more than 50,000 volunteers to help our neighbors remain safely in their homes.

18225-A Flower Hill Way

Gaithersburg, MD 20879


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