December 2023

Case Manager's Corner

Care and Case Management (CCM) System News

Care and Case Management Support

Before reaching out for CCM support, please check our FAQs and Known Issues pages.

To request support for a CCM system issue, case managers should call the CCM Support Center (888) 235-6944 or complete and send a CCM Support Request Form attached to an encrypted email to

If you need to request user access to CCM and Bridge, please complete a 3rd Party System User Access Request Form, including the required signatures from your agency management. Submit the form to

To request a MEUPS password reset, email

For Bridge support, email

Training Reminders

The CCM system training is no longer available on the LMS. Please use the CCM System Training Google Drive to access all CCM training materials. This Google Drive includes CCM Job Aids/training materials folder and a demo recordings folder. Please provide any training materials feedback on our Google form.

The new “Program Card” Job Aid has been posted and shared in the Email Blast the week of Dec. 18. The changes related to the updates were also addressed in the CMA CCM meeting on Dec. 19. The Training team has scheduled two optional work sessions for the Super User work group to discuss this process and provide feedback on Dec. 27 and Jan. 4.

Case Managers will need to complete the Level of Care (Legacy 100.2) prior to creating a Program Card for a member. Please reference the Program Card Job Aid for additional details.

CMA Office Hours began on Dec. 13. These will be sessions to address Program Card, Care Plan, Service Plan, and additional CCM training questions agencies have.

Other News for Case Managers

Telligen Office Hours 

Telligen is hosting office hours for case managers to answer questions regarding Utilization Review Utilization Management (URUM) reviews for: 


  • Health Maintenance Activities (HMA)
  • Over Cost Containment (OCC)
  • Supported Living Services (SLS) Exception 
  • Children's Home and Community-Based Services (CHCBS) 
  • Children's Extensive Services (CES) 


The first hour of office hours will be dedicated to questions and information about HMA, OCC, and SLS Exception reviews. The remaining 30 minutes will be dedicated to questions and information specifically for CES and CHCBS waiver reviews.


Please submit any office hours topic requests by using the Telligen Support Request form no later than Jan. 30, 2024.  


Meeting Details 

9:30 to 11 a.m. 

Feb. 6, 2024  

Please register to join.


Each attendee should register individually. Questions and answers from previous office hours are on our webpage under Telligen Office Hours.

CMA/DVR Roundtables

All Case Managers, Supervisors, and staff responsible for referrals are invited to attend the upcoming Roundtable sessions that are hosted by the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR). The objective of the Roundtable sessions this year is two-fold: 1) Education and 2) Networking.

This year there will be three sessions that align with the three CMA Transition Phases. All sessions will run from 10 a.m. to noon.

 What to Expect?

  • Brief update related to Case Management Redesign
  • Training on the intersection between DVR and DD/SLS Waiver Supported Employment
  • Networking opportunity with the DVR office(s) that serve your designated area
  • Confirm/establish contacts between your organization and DVR office(s)
  • Share your intake process
  • Outline your current (if any) referral process to DVR

Representation from CMAs is critical to the success of the Roundtable sessions. Thank you in advance for your participation and partnership! Ensuring CMAs have appropriate contacts with DVR and staff understand the sequencing of funding that can exist between DVR and CMAs will be invaluable in supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in their employment goals. 

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Jenny Jordan, Supported Employment HCBS Benefit Specialist at

Contact Us

  • Please send questions about the new CCM system and Colorado Single Assessment & Person-Centered Support Plan to our CCM inbox.