The CCM system training is no longer available on the LMS. Please use the CCM System Training Google Drive to access all CCM training materials. This Google Drive includes CCM Job Aids/training materials folder and a demo recordings folder. Please provide any training materials feedback on our Google form.
The new “Program Card” Job Aid has been posted and shared in the Email Blast the week of Dec. 18. The changes related to the updates were also addressed in the CMA CCM meeting on Dec. 19. The Training team has scheduled two optional work sessions for the Super User work group to discuss this process and provide feedback on Dec. 27 and Jan. 4.
Case Managers will need to complete the Level of Care (Legacy 100.2) prior to creating a Program Card for a member. Please reference the Program Card Job Aid for additional details.
CMA Office Hours began on Dec. 13. These will be sessions to address Program Card, Care Plan, Service Plan, and additional CCM training questions agencies have.