Happy Thursday Church!
We are rolling on in this Lenten season. It is amazing we are just a couple of weeks away from Easter. I hope that this season as been meaningful for you; I know it has for me. For those of you who were in worship on Sunday, know what a blessing we all received. It has been a while since we heard a female voice in the pulpit, and what a voice we heard. Kendra Kertson brought the WORD. The message was one I think we all need to hear. Listening with our hearts, like Jesus did, is a key, not only to a meaningful life, but also to our mission as a church. God is up to something folks … I hope you grasp it.
This week we will be back in our “A Million Dreams” series. I will preach from one of the most beloved stories in all of scripture. If you want to get a head start, read Luke 15:11-32. There are times, in all our lives, when things don’t turn out the way we pictured them. Hopefully, some of the time, those things work out in a good way. Other times, especially for those of us in leadership positions, things don’t work out and our dreams seems to die. I hope you will be with us on Sunday as we delve into this story … and no, I am not going to reveal it, you need to look it up. It is a story of family, of love, of acceptance, jealousy and especially of grace.
As we inch closer and closer to Holy Week and Easter, I want to encourage you to make plans for worship. Good Friday, March 29th, we will join our sister churches, First Congregational Church of Ramona and First Congregational Church of Escondido (host church) for a time of music, reflection, silence and tears. Please, prayerfully consider being there. This service will not be live streamed.
Good Friday Worship Service
March 29th, 6:00 p.m. First Congregational Church of Escondido,
1800 North Broadway in Escondido. We will be carpooling from the church. Car pool signups are in the fellowship hall.
Holding you close and lifting you high!
Pastor Greg