...Everything is happening in Dupont from spring gardens to attending in-person events and working with community leaders on issues we care about. Dupont is heading into spring with joy!
Thanks to all members who attended our year-in-review meeting. It was a pleasure to look back at the work and progress we made together this year. We are very happy to head into this membership year with two new Board Members - Justin Thornton and Patty Zweibel. We are always grateful to the hours and commitment of members to the DCCA's all volunteer board.

Our last membership meeting before Summer break will take place on Monday, June 6th. Along with our regular DCCA updates, Ward 2 Council Member Brooke Pinto will attend to talk about neighborhood issues and answer members questions.

Not yet a member? Click here to join DCCA - memberships start at $15.
Volunteer in the Garden this Weekend!
Saturday May 14th
10:30 AM
T Street Park (@17th)

The DCCA gardening team will meet in T Street Park for our second garden volunteer gathering this season. 

We intend to prepare the beds for new forthcoming plants by weeding, amending the soil, and removing some plants that have overstayed their welcome (liriope!). We will also likely walk over to Stead Park 3 blocks away on P Street to save some plants before they being major park renovations. We'll dig up and put some plants into containers for use at T Street Park.

Gardeners with little or a lot of experience are welcome. We suggest you dress in clothes that don't mind dirt. If you have them, please bring your gloves and -- if possible -- a shovel or small tools to help with the top layer of soil while navigating around plants (e.g., a hoe or small rake). 

This is a great way to meet your neighbors, enjoy the outdoors, touch the earth, and contribute to Dupont's greenspace! All are welcome and everyone leaves with a smile!
Dupont Farmers Market Thursday is Off to the Races
3 - 7 PM

The Dupont Circle Farmers Market had a ribbon cutting to celebrate its new expanded market day - Thursdays!

For more info on what's in season, vendors, and more click here.
Helping Save Monarch Butterflies
Sunday, May 15th
Dupont Farmer’s Market

Please help save Monarch Butterflies by planting free milkweed that will be made available this Sunday at the Dupont Farmer’s Market. Steve Aupperle, Phil Carney, Debby Hanrahan and friends will be giving away milkweed sprouts. Stop by to say hello and head home for a Sunday planting - the butterflies will thank you!
Engine Idling Citizens Enforcement Pilot Program
DCCA members have complained about trucks leaving their engines idling for long periods of time in our alleys. Now there is something you can do about it. The DC Department of Energy & Environment has initiated a pilot program to test the feasibility of expanding opportunities for DC residents to help improve air quality. The procedure for reporting excessive idling is described here and requires the DC311 Mobile App.
Virtual Primary Debates
The DC Office of Campaign Finance is holding a series of debates for the upcoming election via online streaming. They will be recorded and remain online for the rest of the calendar year.

Time: 7 PM

May 16: Mayoral candidates
May 17: Attorney General candidates
May 19: At-Large Member of the Council candidates.

Note that only the candidates covered by the Fair Elections Program (public financing) are required to participate, but candidates with traditional funding are also invited. Click here for more information.
Tour (Locally) the EU and its Embassies!
Saturday, May 14
10 AM to 4 PM
In and around Dupont

The European Union and its Embassies open their doors to the public for a day of culture, food, music, and more.

No registration, tickets, or passport required!

Click here for more information
Spring Makers Market at Dumbarton House
Sunday, May 15
10 AM - 3 PM

Support small, local businesses during this shopping event on the grounds of Dumbarton House!

Vendors will be spaced throughout the grounds selling handmade goods, locally sourced items, art, stationary, home goods & more. Museum admission is included in this pay-what-you-can program so you can stop in and see “Made in DC,” the exhibition that inspired the event!

Come enjoy a beautiful spring day and support local business!

For more information click here.
Rescheduled: Kids Celebrate the Earth
Saturday, May 21st
10:00am - 11:30am
Garrison School Playground
1200 S Street, NW - Enter the playground from 13th Street

Join the Logan Circle Community Association (LCCA) and the Shaw (Watha T. Daniel) Neighborhood Library for celebration of the Earth at Garrison's playground.

Children will learn ways to protect mother nature through an organized craft project and storytelling. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to peruse a selection of books from the library. Kids can be checked out the library books right at the event.

First Friday Transitioning to Third Thursday
Third Thursday of month (starting May 19)
5 PM - 8 PM

First Friday Dupont, a monthly program that featured neighborhood art galleries is taking on a new approach as ArtWalk Dupont. 

Moving forward this monthly event will take place on the Third Thursday of each month and will feature the Dupont Circle arts community as well as BID (its new sponsor) businesses. The debut of
ArtWalk Dupont will include a gallery walk, musical performance by Dave Manley, chalk art by Chalk Riot, live painting with Patrick Owens, and more! 
Local Newslinks of Note

D.C. Council Gives Initial Approval To Budget - LINK

Who is on the ballot for the June 21 Primary - LINK

We Still Don’t Know Who Painted The Obamas’ Official White House Portraits. But Here Are Some Guesses - LINK

Rose Ave Bakery Is Setting Up Shop in Woodley Park - LINK

Your 2022 Michelin Star Brunch and Lunch Guide to DC - LINK

A Women-Run Wine Garden Opens in West End - LINK
Dupont Circle Citizens Association | |