
Since 1994, Childcan has awarded 145 bursaries to Childcan cancer survivors who are pursuing post-secondary education.

We are so proud of our recipients.

Wouldn't it be great to reach 150+ bursaries in this 50th Anniversary year?! Help spread the word!

Learn more and apply now!


Childcan families, join us at Reptilia, for a fun-filled FREE afternoon, on Friday, July 12, 2024 from 1-2:30pm!

You MUST be registered to attend. Tickets are limited.

Please register before Thursday, June 27, 2024.

Register now!

Fore the kids

Caddy up!

Register your foursome now for the Family & Friends Golf Tournament, Sunday, June 9, 2024, at FireRock Golf Club.

To secure your spot, register before June 1, 2024.

Register now!

Pyjamaganza near you!

September's Childcan Pyjama Walk will be taking place in London on September 21 and in LaSalle on September 22, 2024.

If you'd like to volunteer to help organize one of these events, please let us know.

If you would like to hold an event in your area, we will work with you to make your PYJAMAGANZA a success! Plans are already underway for an event near Mitchell, Ontario. Please contact Sarah today -

Contact Sarah today


September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and a time to glow gold.

Volunteers across our area are already working hard to ensure that flags will fly and proclamations are made.

Lawn signs are available too.

If you would like to help ensure that September is proclaimed as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in your municipality, please reach out.

Contact Sarah today

Become a Childcan Champion

Fund hope through bursaries, family events, advocacy and more.

Monthly donors make a difference for Childcan kids and their families every day of the year.

Become a Childcan Champion. Sign up today.

Become a monthly donor
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