
❤️2023❤️ Newsletter

Boards and Banquets and Babies, Oh my!

Please join us in welcoming our new leadership team!

We have a new Board of Directors! On January 28th we met with Ashley Graves from Five Stone Mentoring to train our new board members. Immediately after the training, our board felt so equipped to step in and take this ministry into the future, we moved right into elections!

Pastor Anthony Mugnano - Board Chairman

Ron Nelson - Vice Chairman

Lisa Ruppert - Secretary

Leslie Toback - Treasurer

Additional board members - Nancy Chase, Wendy Rodriguez, Karen Bakun and Michael Anson.

Thank you for serving! We are so blessed to have you!

Join us on April 27th for our

20th Anniversary Fundraising Banquet

Tickets and sponsorship opportunities are available now!

Sponsorship and Ticket Information

Join us as we celebrate 20 years of "Building Hope"

into the lives of women and babies right here in the Hudson Valley!

In addition to our moms and babies from MHHV, we have several moms who chose life at MyChoice joining us at our banquet this year!

Register here!

“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” (Psalm 34:8)

Our vision: To live in a community where all unborn babies are given the gift of life!

God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit... (Romans 5:5)

Do we have fun at MHHV???

You bet we do! Between taking care of babies, working, building businesses, establishing resources, meeting with our mental support staff and case manager, Bible study and prayer time, we enjoy tummy time, family meals, baby photo shoots and, this month, a special "Gal-entine's Day Celebration"!

Reach out today!
Click here to email us now!

A big, heartfelt "Thank You" to the Red Roof Inn in Newburgh for hosting our board of director's training! We are so grateful to their leadership for allowing us to use their meeting space. Please consider inviting your family and friends to stay there when they visit the area!