Sutters Fort 2024

In this Newsletter ~ Goodbye ~ Director Jennifer Exciting News ~ Volunteer Appreciation Day & Clothing Swap ~ 6th Grade Knighting ~ Closing Ceremony ~ 8th Grade Graduation



21 | Board Meeting 6:30 pm, on Zoom

27 | Memorial Day - No School

31 | Parent Council Social -Volunteer Appreciation Day & Clothing Swap, 1 pm - 2pm in the Grove

31 | 5th Grade play, 9am on campus & 6pm - 8pm at the church


6 | Last Day of School - Early Childhood

7 | Last Day of School - Grades Closing Ceremony at 11:45 am, in the grove

8 | 8th Grade Graduation

17 | First Day of Summergarden & Kinder Camp

18 | Board Meeting 6:30 pm, on Zoom

19 | Juneteenth

23 | DWS 38th Birthday!


4 | Holiday - No Summergarden or Kinder Camp

23-24 Calendar
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Your World

by Georgia Douglas Johnson

Your world is as big as you make it.

I know, for I used to abide

In the narrowest nest in a corner,

My wings pressing close to my side.


But I sighted the distant horizon

Where the skyline encircled the sea

And I throbbed with a burning desire

To travel this immensity.


I battered the cordons around me

And cradled my wings on the breeze,

Then soared to the uttermost reaches

With rapture, with power, with ease!

Click "View entire message" at the bottom of this email to make sure you see all news and updates


Goodbye Ms. Katie

We are sad to share that at the end of May, Ms. Katie Mahoney will be transitioning to a new role. Katie has been a solid steady presence at our front desk for the last year and is beloved by students, staff and parents! She will be incredibly missed! 

Tidying Up -

Find your Lost Items

in the breezeway

As a reminder, our lost and found is getting full again. Please pick up your children's lost jackets and accessories in the breezeway at your earliest convenience. We will be donating items again at the end of the year.

7th Grade Puppet Show

Wednesday, May 22 at 2pm

in the Mary Stevens Davis Library

Summergarden Withdrawl

Please remember that if you need to cancel your Summergarden or Kinder Camp enrollments after May 15th, we can offer you a 50% refund. Cancellations must be requested in writing and sent to Of course, if you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to reach out to Katie at She's happy to help!

Board Meeting

Tuesday, May 21st

6:30 pm


All families are welcome and encouraged to attend our monthly Board of Directors meeting. Our March meeting is tomorrow night. Join us on Zoom Here

Click here to Join Zoom Meeting

2024 - 2025

Academic Calendar

The Board and faculty have approved the full 2024-2025 Academic Calendar. Please click here or the button below to download a pdf version of the calendar.

View More

Exciting News

Exciting News

Our very own School Director, Jennifer Slater was nominated and selected to lead the NorCal-Neva region delegates circle as well as to serve on the Leadership Council for AWSNA. Each full member school and institute of the Association is represented by its Delegates. The schools are responsible for supporting one another. Regional Delegates' Circles carry the work of the Association regionally and locally.

The schools and institutes in each region are represented by a member of the Leadership Council, who guides the work of the Association regionally on behalf of the whole Association. This council, which also includes representation from the Teacher Education Delegates Circle, the Pedagogical Section Council, and the Waldorf Early Childhood Association, fosters the spirit of collaboration both regionally and continentally.  It is an honor to serve.  Congratulations, Jennifer!

Volunteer Appreciation Day & Clothing Swap

Friday, May 31st

1pm - 2pm

in the Grove

Offer thanks to all of our amazing volunteers form the 2023-2024 school year while we enjoy the sunshine, refreshments, and the coming of summer.

Click here for more Clothing Swap Info

Office Coordinator Needed!

The Davis Waldorf School is seeking an office coordinator to support school functions and be the first point of contact. The Office Coordinator provides administrative support to ensure DWS operates smoothly. The Office Coordinator is the primary employee for the front office where tasks include serving as the main point of contact for visitors, parents, students, and all other customers in person as well as by telephone, mail, and email. Additionally, this position organizes, develops and maintains systems to support the school in maintaining orderly data management and processes. Hours are from 7:30-3:45 throughout the school year with more flexibility in summer and breaks. Interested? Please contact Jennifer at


Knighting Ceremony 2024
Knighting Ceremony 2024
Knighting Ceremony 2024
Knighting Ceremony 2024

6th Grade:

Squire Pledge Ceremony

The Squire Pledge Ceremony is a rite of passage ceremony acknowledging and celebrating the sixth graders coming of age. In order to fulfill this pledge, each child was asked to work on a virtue at home and another virtue at school for a month. They also had to complete a 12-hour vow of silence during an overnight on campus. During the ceremony, Ms. Pérez presented each child with an area of strength and a virtue to bring more focus to, as each child moves forward into their tween years. Additionally, each child did a brief presentation about the adult they hope to become and what they leave behind from childhood. Each child also shared with each one of its parents a few words of appreciation. The parents in turn, presented their child with a few words acknowledging their child's areas of strength at home.

Knighting Ceremony 2024

6th Grade:

Medieval Games & Knighting Ceremony

On May 10, the sixth grade joined seven other schools at the Jacobson Dude Ranch to participate in a festival of spirit and adventure hosted by Yuba River Charter School. The day began with each school parading in their handmade medieval tunics while carrying their school banner and performing a short piece for everyone. The students were grouped into “shires” which included students from all of the schools. Each shire traveled together to participate in a series of ten knightly and courageous challenges that included ax throwing, pontoon crossing, archery and a reflection pond. At the end of the day, the shires were challenged to tug-of-war. The closing ceremony included the knighting of all participants. However, our sixth graders were knighted in a hurry as we needed to get back promptly to the Spring Concert.

Knighting Ceremony 2024
Knighting Ceremony 2024

4th Grade: Sutters Fort

On May 13th, The 4th Grade went to Sutter’s Fort State Historic Park which sits in Midtown Sacramento. This area is the homeland of the Nisenan people but, from 1839 to 1849, Sutter’s Fort was the economic center of the first permanent European colonial settlement in California’s Central Valley. The discovery of gold at Sutter’s Mill in Coloma in 1848 started the gold rush that ultimately led to exploitation of Native people across California. The 4th grade students learned about the fort's history while participating in 1840 style candle making, cooking, laundry, rope making, spinning and weaving. Experiencing the daily activities of a person who lived at the fort during this time allows the students to engage with the material they are learning.

Sutters Fort 2024
Sutters Fort 2024
Sutters Fort 2024

Our trip to Sutter’s Fort was a delight!  After the parents dropped us off at the Railroad Museum in Sacramento and zipped away to prepare to receive us at the fort, we meandered along the Old Town’s wooden sidewalks until it was time to load up in the horse-drawn carriages. Along the way, we sang songs we have learned this year, accompanied by the gentle clip-clopping of the horses’ hooves.

Once we arrived at the fort, we broke up into small groups and each child experienced aspects of the life of the fort as it might have been in the 1840s through engaging in candle making, leather working, rope making, cooking, baking, laundry, spinning, weaving, and more! After a delicious dinner prepared over an open fire, we enjoyed storytelling and square dancing. Finally, we bedded down for a night under the stars and thrilled to see bats and even owls swooping through the night sky. The next morning, we relished the delicious cinnamon buns the children had made in the bakery the previous day and then we loaded up in the cars, exhausted but happy. It was a wonderful experience made possible by the dedicated parents of the fourth grade class. We thank them for their ongoing support!

1st Grade: The Very Hungry Caterpillar Reading

The first-grade class delighted their eighth-grade buddies with a charming performance of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" in Spanish. After the show, the eighth graders surprised each first grader with a beautifully hand-drawn version of the book. The celebration continued with a feast featuring all the delicious foods mentioned in the story, generously provided by the parents. It was a joyous event that brought both grades together to make memories for life.

The 8th Grade: Rafting on the San Juan River

At the Davis Waldorf School, our 8th grade class trip is a truly magical experience designed to tie together everything we have brought to the children over the years, from academics such as science and language arts, to our reverence for the natural world, to learning to honor and support each other in community.  The trip serves as a rite of passage as students face and overcome physical and mental challenges, affords time to honor and celebrate the social bonds formed over years together as a class community, and provides the opportunity for each student to be of service to the wider world.  This year’s eighth grade class will fly to the Four Corners and then raft for four days down the San Juan River to a Navajo reservation in Arizona.  There, their teacher, Ms. Carollo, and trip leaders will guide them in community service projects as well as carefully designed opportunities for thoughtful reflection looking back on their grade school years and looking forward to who they are becoming as human beings. This ten-day long adventure offers them a deep experience in the development of trust, friendship, independence, gratitude, and reverence for the self, the other, and the Earth.  The trip provides them with a sense of closure for this part of their life and readies them to face the new challenges the future will bring.


May Faire

Our May Faire celebration was a beautiful example of our Waldorf community and values. A week of warm sun was followed by a day of nothing but rain on our May Faire and we didn't let it stop us! This beautiful day celebrates each class as it marks the day equidistant from both winter solstice and summer solstice. This celebration of spring is hallmarked by the 8th graders may pole dance where they braid ribbon on the pole as they dance while the kindergarten classes sit underneath. the 7th grade performed 2 puppet shows while other festivities included flower crown making, a petting zoo, jump rope making, a sword dance, flute performance, face painting, and many more.

May Faire 2024
May Faire 2024
May Faire 2024
May Faire 2024
May Faire 2024
May Faire 2024
May Faire 2024
May Faire 2024
May Faire 2024
May Faire 2024
May Faire 2024
May Faire 2024
May Faire 2024
2024 Spring Concert
2024 Spring Concert

Spring Concert & 8th Grade Solos

The Spring concert is a time for each class to showcase everything they have learned throughout the year. Each class chooses a song special to them and performs them for the whole school. The soon to be graduating 8th graders get to showcase their special interests and talents as they each have a solo they get to arrange their unique performances. Some 8th graders chose music while we had our first karate performance ever.

2024 Spring Concert
2024 Spring Concert


Last Day of School

see below for details

EC and grades

If your child is in Preschool or Kindergarten please remember that your child's last day will be Thursday June 6th.

If your child is in 1st Grade and above please remember that your child's last day will be on Friday June 7th.

Closing Ceremony

Friday, June 7th

11:45 am - 1pm

in the Grove

All families are invited to our closing ceremony which will commence at 11:45 am on Friday. Please remember to park at the church with time to walk over o the school. Please remember that all students must return to class after the ceremony in order to be dismissed by their teacher. The 6th graders will be fundraising with popsicle sales after the ceremony in the grove.

8th Grade Graduation

9:30am, in the Grove

Join us as we celebrate our 8th Grade class as they officially end their time at Davis Waldorf School and begin their journey into high school. All families are invited to help us bid the 8th Grade class good luck. Please park at the church and make time to walk to the grove.


Suggestion Box

The DWS We Hear You Suggestion Box is in full swing! We now have an online version to promote equitable access! Make a suggestion here Thank you for your suggestions, affirmations, and ideas. We read your suggestions each week and have taken action steps! Please keep your suggestions coming. WE HEAR YOU! 

Davis Scholastic

Chess Club

Various dates & locations

John Langreck, chess teacher, is holding classes through zoom and in person in the Sacramento and Davis areas depending on the date. Please contact John for more dates, details, or any questions at:

(916) 996-1428

Click Here for More Information

Watermelon Music

is Closing

1970 Lake Blvd. ste #1 Davis

The owner, Jeff, would like to go with as much integrity and grace as possible. Therefore, Watermelon Music will be giving 50% off on the remaining balance of all rented instruments. They are also selling all of their merchandise at a discount right now. As this is a very sensitive time for them please be sure to reach out and express any gratitude you may have for them as they have provided Davis Waldorf School families with instruments for many years. If you have any questions please contact Angela Kost at or Jeff by phone (530) 758-4010 or email

Do you have a submission for our Newsletter?

If you have an item to include in an upcoming newsletter, 

email Cheyenne Rada at

Sutters Fort 2024


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