DCCA Submits Testimony on the Proposed Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan
DCCA President Glenn Engelmann testified at the DC Council’s hearing on the Proposed Amendments to the DC Comprehensive Plan.

DCCA applauded the Council’s changes to the framework portion of the plan which preserved the right to seek court review of zoning decisions and the proposed retention of the overall density guidance for the neighborhood. However, we advocated for tightening the language to ensure that due recognition is given to the historical nature of our neighborhood but at the same time advocated for stronger language relative to the creation of affordable housing and consideration of converting commercial properties to residential in order to achieve this goal.

A copy of DCCA’s statement can be found by clicking here.
Membership Meeting Readout
Thanks to the members who attended the November membership meeting with DC's Attorney General Karl Racine. The presentation and Q and A included a wide range of topics and provided helpful insight to the ways the work of the AG office is impacting the neighborhood and the city at large. Topics included public safety, DCRA, AirBnB legislation, zoning, the pandemic, homelessness, emoluments case, and more.

We look forward to convening for our December meeting on Monday 12/7 when the newly elected At-Large Councilmember, Christina Henderson, will be our featured speaker.

Have a suggestion for a topic or feature speaker? Click to send a note with your suggestions.
DC COVID-19 Updates and Response
As always you can find the DC Government's COVID-19 informational page here. The page contains continually updated news, resources, testing sites and data on the public health emergency.

The District's November 9th Situational Update includes information about community spread, considerations for holiday planning, and a plywood re-purposing program to help businesses as they remove plywood from store fronts. To read the update click here.

🇺🇸The update also includes special recognition to the Districts 30,000 veterans for Veterans Day - DCCA proudly celebrates and honors our veterans.
State of Older Adults in the District of Columbia
The DC Council Budget Office is releasing a multi-part series entitled the “State of Older Adults in the District of Columbia.” The reports include more about the 90 publicly provided programs and other benefits available to senior adults in the District, identify the seniors who are eligible to enroll in these programs, and the demographic and economic characteristics of the District’s senior population.

To view the first three reports click here
Leaf Collection Is Underway!
The DC Department of Public Works 2020 leaf collection campaign began on Monday.

Previously, District households serviced by DPW were asked to rake leaves into paper bags. Paper bags are no longer required for collection. Residents are asked to rake their leaves, for collection, to the curb or into the tree box at the front of the residence.

Collections will occur twice in each neighborhood, this year between November 9, 2020 and January 30, 2021.

For more information, collections schedules and tracking visit dpw.dc.gov/es/service/leaf-collection
DC Transportation Survey
The DC Pedestrian Advisory Council shared this link to
moveDC, the long-range transportation plan for the District which establishes goals, policies, strategies and metrics for DDOT to invest in transportation facilities and programs across all eight wards.

The site includes a survey seeking input from all residents.
3rd Annual DMV Black Restaurant Week
November 8-15

Click here to learn more about the 3rd Annual Black Restaurant Week event and find links to the participating restaurants. The event's organizers encourage residents to make a statement to support DMVbrw businesses.

Take some time to visit or order takeaway this week - and in the weeks to come!
Lend a Hand
In this challenging time we wanted to offer some ideas on ways you can give or receive help for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Take a look at some of the requests for volunteer support and programs to help those in need enjoy the holiday season.

  • The Universalist National Memorial Church on 16th Street partners, Food for All DC, is seeking driving assistance for food delivery over the Thanksgiving period. Click here if you have a car and are able to help drive on November 20, 24 or 26.

  • Edlavitch JCC is organizing helpers through their "Everything But the Turkey" program which supports DC Central Kitchen's effort. Click here to read about ways to help.
Save the Date: Small Business Saturday 11/28
Saturday, November 28

As you think ahead to holiday and other shopping please remember to reserve some time on Thanksgiving weekend to shop local and help our neighborhood retailers during the season of giving.

Click here to read more about local shops and brands and to discover unique purchases to share with family and friends.
Join Us in Lifting Up a New Neighbor
It's been reported that one of Dupont's own was attacked with pepper spray this week while tending to his shop.

We hope you can take some time to join us in supporting the newly opened Valley Brook Tea by visiting the shop on the 21st block of P Street to purchase a cup of tea and offer a kind word or you might consider its online product selection including bulk tea and gift sets.

There is really no better time to share a calming cup of tea and let a neighbor know that their community supports them.
Newslinks of Note
Are the proposed changes to D.C.’s Comprehensive Plan already out of date? - LINK

Golden Triangle Business Improvement District Partners with Smithsonian - LINK

A Proposal To Expand Rent Control In D.C. Gets A Contentious Hearing - LINK

The National Native American Veterans Memorial Opens In D.C. On Wednesday - LINK

José Andrés’ ThinkFoodGroup Will Help Make the Cafe Menu at MLK Library - LINK

Bowser Administration Releases Citywide Survey to Shape Future of Parks and Recreation - LINK
Membership runs through the calendar year.

DCCA membership is open to residents, businesses and supporters of the Dupont Circle neighborhood according to the Association's Bylaws.
Dupont Circle Citizens Association | info@dupont-circle.org | www.dupont-circle.org