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May 23, 2024

Weekly Update

A Message from Principal Simpson

Diana Simpson

Dear Parents,

Whew! The last week of school is always a whirlwind of fun. I know everyone is excited to head into summer. Here are just a few notes before we go.

We will be sending out communications during the summer. Please keep an eye on your email. Important notices include instructions for registration/check-ins, electives information for sixth-eighth grade, and updates on staffing and programming.

A shout out to Mrs. Bauer and the middle school field day elective students for a fantastic job with K-5 field day! Everyone had so much fun, and students went home happy and tired. Mr. Macias also did an excellent job with middle school field day. The ninja course challenged the kids, and they demonstrated perseverance while tackling the "warped wall." 

Today, we say goodbye to our eighth graders. This is always a bittersweet time for me. I am so excited to see these kids fly, and I know they will do incredible things in high school and beyond. We know that BFA has prepared them well, and we are proud of their accomplishments. However, this also means that this is the last day with several of our BFA families whose youngest children are graduating. We truly have become family in the previous thirteen years, and it's so hard to say goodbye. We hope you all know, you'll always be a part of our BFA community! And, we hope you'll stay in touch - whether it's with a holiday card in December or an email to tell us about the terrific things your student(s) are doing in high school and beyond.

Below is copy from the congratulatory ad we ran today in the community newspapers--so be sure to pick up your local paper (the Highlands Ranch Herald, Centennial Citizen, the News-Press, or Parker Chronicle to name a few!).

I hope everyone has a beautiful and fun summer, and we will see you again in August!

Mrs. Simpson

Graduation Ad 2024

Getting Ready for the 2024-25 School Year

New Families: Check out the Webpage Created Just for You!

We’ve created a webpage especially for our new BFA families to help answer some of the questions you may have about BFA. You can go to the Getting Started at BFA: Helpful Information for New Families webpage now, or find the webpage later by going to the BFA website and looking under the Parents tab.

We'll be providing a lot of information during the next few months, but if you have any questions in the meantime, please contact us at

All Families: See Our 'Getting Ready' Webpage

For all our families, new and returning, we've created a webpage with all the key dates and information to help you get ready for next school year. See our Getting Ready for the 2024-25 School Year webpage for all the details!

BFA Summer Enrichment Camps

Camp Catalog

Summer Enrichment Camps

Summer is right around the corner! Each year BFA teachers offer different enrichment camps throughout the summer. 

There are some terrific academic ‘boot camps’ that help our students get ready for the next school year. In addition, there are incredible science camps, sports, performing arts, social, and even crocheting and fashion design camps available.

These camps are a great way to kick-start the new school year, make new friends, and/or spend time with current classmates. The incoming kindie and middle school camps are especially valuable for helping our students make new connections.

There are camps for all interests and age groups. Please see the Summer Enrichment Camp Catalog for all the details and to register. (Note: Pay special attention to the registration deadline as some camps have closed.)

BFA News

Friendly Reminders

Calendar Reminders

Below are a few important calendar reminders:

  • The Eighth Grade Clap Out begins at 2:30 p.m. and their Graduation is at 6 p.m. today, May 23.
  • Tomorrow, May 24, is the last day of school for our K-7 students. Students may wear Dress of Choice. It's also a half day, so we'll plan to start scanning cars in carpool at 11:30 a.m., and we'll release students at noon.
  • There is NO after school care, so please be sure to be on campus to pick up your students by 12:15 p.m.

Congratulations Max Dobelbower!

Congratulations to Max Dobelbower (6th grade) who read 104 books this school year! WOW! Mrs. Simpson and Ms. Williams recognized his efforts with a certificate and a gift card. We have tons of avid readers among our students but Max took reading to a new level--the student who came in second to him read 33 books, which is also no small feat.

GREAT JOB, MAX! You're an incredible kiddo and we're very proud of everything you've accomplished this year.

Mrs. Simpson giving cert. to Max

Mrs. Simpson presenting Max with a Certificate and Gift Card for reading 104 books this school year!

Max and Ms. Williams

Ms. Williams and her superstar reader, Max!

Lost and Found

Lost and Found Cleaned Out Tomorrow

Lost and Found will be completely cleaned out during school tomorrow, May 24. Please stop by TODAY to look for lost items.


May Volunteer of the Month Drawing Winner

Each month, a volunteer will be randomly chosen through a drawing to win a fun, surprise gift. All you have to do to be eligible to win, is log at least ONE hour of volunteer service in the month prior to the drawing.


This month, Nisha Nelson is the winner of the PTO drawing for her volunteer time in April, and has won a gift card to Starbucks. Congratulations, Nisha! And, thank you for helping out around school!


PTO Election Results

Volunteer Opportunities Still Available

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2024 PTO Elections. The PTO is excited to announce their 2024-25 PTO Team and they look forward to serving the BFA community again next year. Thank you again to the incredible 2023-24 PTO team for your dedication, enthusiasm and volunteerism.


Thinking about volunteering for the PTO? There’s still time! The following positions are currently open for next year:


Uniform Consignment Committee Chair

Ben’s Brigade Committee Manager

Social Media Committee Manager

Virtues Awareness Committee Chair 


If you’re interested in volunteering for these positions, or want to learn more, contact Kelly Dees, PTO Secretary, at

PTO Sponsors

Thank You Sponsors!

A major THANK YOU to our amazing BFA PTO Sponsors this year! We have had some wonderful involvement this year as we changed a few things up. We are so grateful to have your support--for our students, our staff, each other, and our community. We all appreciate you!


To learn more about the 2023-24 sponsors, visit the Sponsor Webpage.


Interested in being a sponsor for the 2024-25 school year? Please reach out to Cassie Roberts, Sponsor Committee Manager, at VERY SOON as there will be some early bird opportunities you won’t want to miss!

Flock to the Library Program

Get Signed Up for the Summer Reading Program!

Flock to the Library for the Douglas County Libraries (DCL) Summer Reading program!

This summer tradition will be starting soon and pre-registration is NOW OPEN! We'd love for everyone to sign up--in fact, the entire family can participate! The school with the most participants wins a $500 prize, which we could really use for new library books.

Get pre-registered today!


Medication in the Health Room?

If you signed for your student to take home any remaining medication, we will send it home with them (or a sibling) tomorrow. However, if you did not sign a medication release form, only a parent/guardian or a designated adult can pick up the medicine. Parents can pick up medication today before 3 p.m. or tomorrow, May 23, between 9 - 11:30 a.m.

BASE MEDICATION: If applicable, you also will need to pick up any medication stored in BASE, as we will not transfer medications for summer camp. 


Any medication left at school after the school year ends will be disposed of per the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) rules and regulations governing schools.

pirates cove

Pirates Cove Volunteer Appreciation Event -

Be Sure to Log your Hours by May 31!

Did you know that one of BFA's traditions is a private summer event at Pirates Cove for families who complete their recommended volunteer hours? That's right! Your entire immediate family can attend a private BFA night at Pirates Cove on the PTO! Not only that, if you earn 50, 75 or 100 volunteer hours, you will be awarded special BFA logo'd items (distributed at Pirates Cove check-in) to show our appreciation for going above and beyond! So, mark your calendars for this year's Pirate's Cove BFA Night which will be held from 6-8 p.m. on Saturday, June 8. Be sure to log those volunteer hours! You don't want to miss it!!


Please note: No additional tickets will be sold. This is ONLY an event for those for families who have completed and recorded their family’s recommended volunteer hours (30 hours per family or 15 hours per single-parent household) in Help Counter by midnight, Wednesday, May 31. No exceptions will be made.


Thank you to all the families who have volunteered this year. We sincerely appreciate all that you do for BFA! 


Room Parents Needed for Next School Year!

The PTO is looking for elementary (K-5) Room Parents for next school year! Being a Room Parent is a fun way to get your volunteer hours in, develop a great relationship with your child's teacher and get involved in the school. If you are interested, please send an email to the PTO Room Parent Coordinator, Amy Marks, at

Summer Camp

Skate City Membership Cards Available

Buy a $5 Skate City Summer Membership Card now through May 15 and the PTO will earn $2 back on each card sold! Summer Membership Cards allow you to skate at any Skate City location all summer long for $1 admission (skate rentals are $5). 

See the Skate City Summer flier for additional details. 

You can purchase your membership cards now; be sure to enter ‘Ben Franklin Academy’ as the full school name.

French Toast Memorial Weekend  Sale
EO Flier
Upcoming Events


See what's happening this month.


Eighth Grade Clap Out/Graduation - May 23

DOC/Last Day of School/Half-Day - May 24


Summer Break Begins - May 28

Community Events

Get Your Discounted Tickets Today!

The Foundation for Douglas County Schools offers discounted tickets and a portion of each ticket sold for DCSD Community Events will benefit Douglas County students, teachers and schools!

BFA's Guiding Principles
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.

Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.

13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.

Ben Franklin Academy

2270 Plaza Drive

Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Main Office Phone: 720-383-4519


Attendance Phone: 720-432-9239


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