Volume 11, No. 3, March 24, 2024

Sharing news from mid-February to mid-March 2024

One Health Happenings

New to the One Health Conversation? Learn - What is One Health?

One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent. The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing the collective need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate changes and contributing to sustainable development. The One Health paradigm forges co-equal, all-inclusive collaborations between animal, plant, environmental and human health arenas, i.e. chemical, engineering and social scientists, dentists, nurses, agricultural/horticulturalists and food producers, wildlife and environmental health specialists and many other related disciplines that fall under its purview. The reader can review a compilation of organizations that are actively working to advance the One Health paradigm shift and many additional  organizations and individuals that declare support for the concept.

NOTE: In the GMAIL environment please scroll to the bottom of your message box and click

'View Entire Message' to see this full newsletter!!!!!!


One Health Happenings News Notes is prepared and shared by the

One Health Commission (OHC)    

A U.S. based non-profit organization working globally to 'connect' One Health Stakeholders, to 'create' teams and networks that work together across disciplines to 'educate' about One Health and One Health issues.

View archived issues:

To receive One Health Happenings, add yourself to the OHC international One Health

listserv of over 19,000 global One Health supporters.

Have One Health news to share with the world?

Submit it (100 words or less) here.

Contact the One Health Happenings Team

See other Resources provided by the One Health Commission



Quadripartite Leaders Call for a Scale Up

in Implementing a One Health Approach

February 29, 2024 - March 6, 20242nd One Health Quadripartite Executive Annual Meeting (QEAM-2) Nairobi, Kenya. As the current chair of the Quadripartite collaboration on One Health, UNEP hosted QEAM-2 on the sidelines of the UN Environment Assembly-6 (UNEA-6). The #Quadripartite gathered to discuss how it can further enhance its policy impact and mobilize sustainable resources to support One Health implementation at all levels. The QEAM brings together the heads of WOAH, UNEP, WHO, and FAO to set the future strategic direction of collaborations between the four organizations. Pictured from QEAM-2: Dr Monique Eloit, Director General of WOAH, Inger Andersen, Executive Director of UNEP, Tedros Adhanaom Ghebryesus, Director General at WHO, and Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General, FAO.


WOAH assumes Chair of

Quadripartite Secretariat, Outlining 

Vision for One Health Collaboration

March 6, 2024. The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) is set to chair the Quadripartite rotating Secretariat for the upcoming year, following the leadership of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), reiterating a strong commitment to advancing animal health efforts through collaborative One Health initiatives.


Updates on the WHO Pandemic Treaty

After eight rounds of often contentious negotiations in Geneva, the WHO Pandemic Agreement is nearing the finish line. A March 13, 2024 DRAFT TEXT is undergoing one final round of negotiations from 18-28 March. In late May, the final draft heads to the World Health Assembly, the annual gathering of WHO member states, for approval. See:

March 15, 2024 Author: Jon Cohen In: Science

"......deep divisions remain around the 31-page text, and some wonder whether there is enough time to resolve them properly."

March 19, 2024 Author: David Fidler In: ThinkGlobalHealth

".....Unresolved issues include problems that have long confounded global health governance, including equitable access to pharmaceutical products, financing for public health capacity-building, and government accountability."


Egyptian (Arabic) One Health Training Manual

Released by FAO

This training manual is a national reference in Egypt to sensitize health professionals on the concept and application of an occupational health approach to addressing zoonoses and antimicrobial resistance by providing specific examples of common actions for implementation by ministries responsible for human health, animal health, and environmental health. Open in Chrome for English translation of the webpage.


Third UK One Health Report:

Joint report on antibiotic use, antibiotic sales and antibiotic resistance.

Released November 29, 2023. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) continues to be a global threat to human and animal health. Bacteria carrying resistance genes are present in, and spread between, people, animals, food, and the environment. A One Health approach to tackling AMR is needed, with all sectors working together to affect change. This third publication of the One Health Report brings together antibiotic resistance and consumption data from humans and animals, combined with data on antibiotic resistance in food and antimicrobial substances in the environment. The data presented here is from 2014 to 2019, the last calendar year before the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in delays to publication. See the First UK One Health Report released 2013. See the Second UK One Health Report released January 2019.


One Sustainable Health (OSH) for All Declaration - Overview

Prepared and shared by the 6 OSH International Working Groups. The

OSH Forum was launched in 2021 to bring together experts in human, animal and environmental health towards the adaptation of our operational practices. Following 4 international OSH sessions organized in June 2023 in Bangladesh, Lebanon, Senegal and Brazil, the 1st OSH for All Conference was held in July 2023 in Lyon, France bringing together professionals convinced of the need to take into account our health and environmental issues concomitantly. The OSH Forum is currently launching new International Working Groups in preparation for the 2nd OSH by All Conference which will be held in Dakar-Senegal from October 25 to 27, 2024.

See the Declaration:


One Health Poultry Hub team develops new computer tool to track livestock disease threats and support smarter One Health interventions

University of Oxford, Royal Veterinary College, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, The University of Queensland, City University of Hong Kong, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine investigators use the innovative EPINEST computer model to map and track avian influenza virus spread across time and space.


The wildlife–livelihoods–health nexus:

challenges and priorities in Asia and the Pacific

From the FAO, March 4, 2024. This information brief sheds light on the current landscape of human–wildlife–health interactions, examines the challenges, and the existing and potential opportunities for change. “The interplay between infectious diseases and wildlife, people and their livelihoods has always been an intrinsic part of human existence. Until recently, however, this nexus has been minimally considered in research and policy. The need for change is increasingly recognized following the emergence of zoonotic diseases such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), avian influenza, Nipah virus and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Despite the threats to health, economies and societies that these interactions have produced, wildlife remains essential to the livelihoods of countless rural communities, particularly those of Indigenous Peoples. There is an urgent need for action to mitigate or prevent future calamities and promote sustainable coexistence between people and wildlife.”


New Undergrad Bachelor of Science in

Public and One Health launching at

Auburn University

Auburn, Alabama, USA. By highlighting the One Health concept throughout the curriculum, undergraduate students will obtain a comprehensive public health education that emphasizes the interconnectedness and mutual interdepen-dency of humans, animals, and the environment. Diverse faculty from multiple scientific fields within the College of Veterinary Medicine and across the Auburn University campus will provide expert instruction to foster deeper insight into organismal and environmental health and how various systems coexist and change together. The program will prepare undergraduate students for success in a variety of introductory public health positions or graduate or professional programs.


Planetary Health Alliance Releases

2023 Annual Report

2023 saw growth and impact across all dimensions of the Planetary Health Alliance from membership to advances in policy. Read more about the seeds of change planted in 2023 that will be realized throughout 2024 and beyond.


Check out CABI’s One Health Knowledge Bank

The One Health Knowledge Bank champions a trans-disciplinary approach to One Health that considers academic and non-academic, practical, local and indigenous knowledge in the research process.

See that and more in the March CABI One Health Newsletter


Call for Papers

Ecology, Population Dynamics & Evolution

Inaugural Special Issue of new Journal - Academia Biology

Guest edited by Professor Andre J. van Wijnen, University of Vermont and Dr. Eric Lewallen, Hampton University. This Special Issue is focused on international research in ecology to reflect the importance of interactions and interdependence between biological species (read more here). Manuscripts can be in the form of full-length research articles, reviews, or short communications. Submission Deadline - May 1st, 2024.


Did You Know About???

Special Feature -Have some FUN!!! 

Calling all One Health PhD students or

PhDs working on One Health issues

Annual 'Dance Your Ph.D.' Contest

..........Plan for 2025!!...........

Next year will be the 17th year of the “Dance Your Ph.D.” contest hosted by AAAS and Science, and sponsored by the artificial intelligence and quantum technology company SandboxAQ. It could be used as an opportunity to teach the world about One Health and One Health issues.

The Challenge: Explain ‘your’ One Health research through dance and dance your way to fame and fortune!

Prizes: Category winners receive $750.

The overall winner receives an extra $2000

See the 2024 winner: KANGAROO TIME


Emerging Infectious Diseases at the Intersections of Human, Animal, and Environmental Health

American Medical Association Journal of Ethics Special Issue

Guest Editor, Ariadne A. Nichol 

Editorial: Nichol AA, AMA J Ethics. 2024;26(2):E99-102. doi: 10.1001/amajethics.2024.99.

Meagher KM, Can One Health Policy Help Us Expand an Ethics of Interconnection and Interdependence?  AMA J Ethics. 2024;26(2):E162-170. doi: 10.1001/amajethics.2024.162.

Five Things Clinicians Need to Know About Zoonotic Viral Spillover and Spillback. Gray GC, Pulscher PA, Alsharif HO, AMA J Ethics. 2024;26(2):E122-131. doi: 10.1001/amajethics.2024.122.


‘Currents in One Health’

The American Veterinary Medical Association’s publication series

Since March 2022 the AVMA journals’ (JAVMA and AJVR) Currents in One Health section has featured dozens of open access articles on hot topics important to animal, human, and environmental health—everything from artificial intelligence to regenerative medicine. They’re now available in an open-access virtual collection. A few example articles: 

Explore the series now!


The FAO Virtual Learning Center and its One Health knowledge Nexus and Communities of Practice (CoP)

During the 1st Annual Executive Meeting of the Quadripartite (QPT) in March 2023 the four organizations (WHO, FAO, WOAH, UNEP) decided to jointly establish the One Health Knowledge Nexus and to link it with the One Health High Level Expert Panel’s (OHHLEP’s) workplan and with One Health education and workforce development. The One Health Knowledge Nexus forms part of wider QPT efforts on One Health, in particular the One Health Joint Plan of Action. It complements the activities of OHHLEP and provides opportunities to link with other groups that focus on collating, synthesizing, exploring, generating, interpreting, and sharing knowledge and evidence on One Health.

Example: Learn about the Community of Practice on the Return on Investment (ROI) for One Health and One Health Investment Planning Powered by the Quadripartite



The Celebration of World One Health Day 2023 in Liberia

This document is a report of the official commemoration event on One Health Day in Liberia in 2023, organized in collaboration with the government and other partners.


One Health: Monographs of scientific conferences of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Serbian Medical Society,

Volume 10, Number 1, 2021, Editors: Jevtić M, Belić B, Savić S, Academy of Medical Sciences of Serbian Medical Society, Belgrade, Serbia


One Health Handbook (2021)

Tackling Vector-borne diseases and the

WHO’s TDR One Health web-based platform

The WHO’s TDR, the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, is a global programme of scientific collaboration that helps facilitate, support and influence efforts to combat diseases of poverty. It is co-sponsored by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO). In 2021 a  One Health Handbook was made available on the TDR’s web-based One Health  platform / scorecard, along with key supporting materials, providing the scholarly and evidence-based background on One Health to support countries implementing the One Health approach.


One Health West Virginia Project - Seeking recent BA/BS graduates

to carry out year-long research projects

West Virginia Universtiy, USA. One Health West Virginia is a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded initiative to recruit recent BA/BS graduates, to connect them with STEM research mentors, and prepare them for STEM careers in West Virginia and Central Appalachia. Project mentors carry out research that embraces three core One Health themes: Water Use & Quality; Environmental Contamination; and Biological Correlates of Disease. Every year, 10 graduates will be recruited to work with mentors on year-long projects. Formal applications are accepted January through March, but you may contact the program anytime for more information. Specific consideration is given to graduates with little or no previous research experience.


Environment, Animals and Human Health -

Section in the Book: Water, Food and Human Health in the Galapagos, Ecuador - "A Little World Within Itself"

Editors: Amanda L. Thompson, Valeria Ochoa-Herrera, Enrique Teran

Articles in this section:


The Pathogens Project Final Report: A Framework for Tomorrow's Pathogen Research 

February 2024

This report covers the findings of the Pathogens Project, a task force created by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and composed of globally recognized experts, to generate new thinking on research with pandemic risk. It does not rule out gain-of-function research and virus hunting, but urges better biosafety and biosecurity. See also this Science article about the report.


Gone too soon!

In Memory of Dr. Theresa Bernardo

Dr. Theresa Bernardo, DVM, MSc had over a decade of experience in the United Nations and Inter-American systems in health informatics (humans/food/animals/plants), and another decade in academia. She served as the IDEXX Chair in Emerging Technologies and Preventive Healthcare at the University of Guelph and co-lead of the Informatics Theme for the Global Burden of Animal Diseases (GBADs). As leader of Knowledge Management and Communications for the Americas Region of WHO (2009-2010) she saw the utility of social media in responding to Pandemic H1N1 (swine flu) and Haitian emergencies. Previously, Dr. Bernardo developed tri-lingual software for global reporting and mapping of animal diseases and zoonoses that was used in over 100 countries and adopted internationally. As Director of the Information Technology Center at Michigan State University (1997-2009) her team was the first university-wide to successfully implement a commercial learning management system (1998), web conferencing (2002), a web content management system (2007) and to champion collaborative curricular development and open educational resources. Dr. Bernardo wanted to see our interconnectedness used to forge a healthy planet.


Launch of a One Health Speaker Bank

Are you inclined to speak publicly about One Health? 

Is this something you would like to do, or are already doing?

The One Health Commission is inviting One Health leaders from around the world who are willing and able to speak publicly about One Health and One Health topics to become part of an open access, global One Health Speaker Bank. This initiative is intended to help those seeking One Health speakers for their events (conferences, academic lectures, interviews, student events, invited guest speakers, etc.) to network and more easily identify and reach out to potential speakers. Professionals from all disciplines, backgrounds, locations, levels of training and career stages are welcome to put themselves forward as available One Health Speakers. Potential speakers are asked to submit their names, contact information, a brief bio, a resume / CV and to list the One Health subject areas and topics on which they are qualified and willing to speak. Language preferences can be indicated. Submit yourself as a potential One Health speaker.

View Speakers in the (new and growing) One Health Speaker Bank.


Blogs / Commentaries / Editorials / Opinions / Popular Media

For centuries we have plundered our planet. Now we are paying the price

March 18, 2024

Author: Tedros A. Ghebreyesus In: The Telegraph

The health of humans, animals and our environ-ment – all woven together in a bond that is inextricable – is in peril. If our planet were a patient, it would be admitted to intensive care. Its vital signs are alarming. It is running a fever, with each of the last nine months the hottest on record, as we hurtle towards the 1.5 degree threshold. Its lung capacity is compromised, with the destruction of forests that absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. And many of the earth’s water sources – its lifeblood – are contaminated……. The causes of this crisis are multisectoral. So too are its impacts, and so too must be the response. Collectively, we got ourselves into this mess. Collectively, we must get ourselves out of it……..That’s why the World Health Organization, the United Nations Environment Programme, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Organisation for Animal Health are working together in a group called the Quadripartite to support countries to take a “One Health” approach, recognizing that policies on human health, animal health, agriculture and the environment must be mutually informed, and mutually reinforcing.

See Also!!! Don’t Miss This artistic depiction of the situation!!!!

The 2013 DogFilm (Thailand) Cartoon: One Health to the rescue for a sick planet 


Leave them bats alone! At least, that’s what scientists suggest to prevent future pandemics

February 18, 2024

Author: Study Finds Staff  In: StudyFinds 

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists are doing what they can to prevent future outbreaks. One recent study by Cornell University and the Wildlife Conservation Society highlights the importance of leaving bats undisturbed in their natural habitats. Bats have been identified as reservoirs for numerous viruses that can cross over to humans, including the SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for COVID-19.


The Role of Ecological & Animal Health - Blog Post for One Health Awareness Month 2023

January 3, 2023 Author: Matt Zbrog In: Vet Tech Colleges

Interview with Dr. Neil Vezeau; “Especially if you’re a vet tech, you’ve got access to a huge audience of people, and you’re regularly interacting with the community. There’s a really big opportunity to become an expert on One Health, and help educate the public about it.”


The interconnectedness of human, animal and environmental health

June 2, 2020

Author: Nathan Fioritti In: University of Melbourne - PURSUIT

All of the systems on our planet are interconnected. The One Health approach brings together human, animal and environmental health experts to tackle some of our biggest issues.


Climate Change Poses Risks to Our Health.

These Nurses Want to Fix That

Learn about the Alliance of Nurses for a Healthy Environment (ANHE)

See also - March 23, 2020 podcast hosted by ANHE - One Health for Nurses - an interview with Nancy Chaney.

In 2012, Mayor Chaney (RN, MS, AVES Dipl. (hon.)) drafted a One Health Resolution that was adopted for the (U.S.) National League of Cities, articulating commitment to practices and policies that address human, animal, and ecological health in an integrated fashion.


Hot Off the Press!! (Last 90 days - see also older Publications list below in Library Section)

Gender considerations in One Health: a framework for researchers,

Galiè A, McLeod A, Campbell ZA, Ngwili N, Terfa ZG, Front. Public Health, 27 February 2024, Section: Life-Course Epidemiology and Social Inequalities in Health, Vol. 12,

Lessons from Ecuador: A One Health Perspective, Kahn, LH, PEAH--Policies for Equitable Access to Health. February 12, 2024. (Accessed: March 17, 2024, )

Soil health: A common focus for one health and planetary health interventions, Montgomery DR, Rabinowitz P, Sipos Y, Wheat EE, One Health. 2024 Jan 3;18:100673. doi: 10.1016/j.onehlt.2023.100673.

A One Health perspective on the use of genotypic methods for antimicrobial resistance prediction, Maddock KJ, Burbick CR, Cole SD, Daniels JB., LeCuyer TE, Li X, Loy JD, Sanchez S, Stenger BLS, Diaz-Campos D, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 262(3), 303-312. (2024). Retrieved Mar 10, 2024, from

Toward social and ecological equity: A feminist lens on One Health, Léchenne M, Cediel-Becerra N, Cailleau A, Greter H,, CABI One Health, (2024), doi:10.1079/cabionehealth.2024.0002

A systematic mapping review of links between handling wild meat and zoonotic diseases, Tumelty L, Fa JE, Coad L,, One Health, Volume 17, Dec 2023, 100637, ISSN 2352-7714,

Proposed solutions to anthropogenic climate change: A systematic literature review and a new way forward, Feigin SV, Wiebers DO, Lueddeke G, Morand S, Lee K, Knight A, et. al., Heliyon, Volume 9, Issue 10, 2023, e20544, doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e20544.


Did You Miss It?

Antimicrobial Resistance and One Health: from culture to genomics

Special Research Topic Issue in

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology

Launched October 2023, Editors: Akebe LKA, Traore AN, Potgieter N

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is among the leading global public health threats of the 21st century. Thus, AMR threatens human, animal, and environmental health globally (Abia and Essack, 2023).


Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation Instrument -

Strengthening Capacities to Address the Issues Related to Zoonotic and Other Emerging diseases. (Taking a One Health Approach)

Khera N, Lueddeke GR, Mandal D, 2022, Indo-German Biodiversity Programme (GIZ). (pdf)

One World, One Health: A growing need for an integrated global health approach. Kaswa R, Von Pressentin K, Nair A, Murphy S, S Afr Fam Pract (2004). 2023 Feb 22;65(1):e1-e2. doi: 10.4102/safp.v65i1.5693

Updates - Smithsonian Exhibit -

Outbreak: Epidemics in a Connected World

Washington, D.C., National Museum of Natural History 

3.3 million people viewed the OUTBREAK exhibit between its opening in March 2018 and closing in Oct 2022. To date, over 300 applications have been submitted for the Do It Yourself (DiY) ‘pop-up’ version of the exhibit from organizations in 55 countries and 47 US states and territories and that option remains open indefinitely. Though the full physical exhibit has closed, you can see the Smithsonian’s own DiY version, which is now open on the second floor of the Museum for an indefinite duration. It includes bilingual English-Spanish panels and audio-visual kiosks. The Smithsonian remains committed to educating about pandemic risks and One Health with these activities: 

  • Its digital exhibit remains accessible and updated
  • It hosts multiple video webinar series.
  • The DiY ‘pop-up’ exhibit and media assets are still available for download and templates are provided for creating translations of different languages in your region. You can still bring this amazing exhibit to a library, shopping mall, hospital lobby or educational institution near you. Contact Kerri Dean at if interested or visit

Help spread the word about this amazing, ongoing, cradle to grave, One Health educational opportunity for the general public.

The Case for One Health,

Narratives of One Health in Action -

a ‘Safe - No-Judgement Zone’

Be sure to check out the OHC’s ‘Narratives of One Health in Action’ webpage that provides a ‘safe, no-judgement’ zone for many needed conversations surrounding our most difficult global and environmental health challenges. This is a webpage where many items can be shared, from peer reviewed scientific case studies to examples of One Health successes (or missed opportunities) to Op Eds and Opinion Pieces. Opinions expressed here are not necessarily approved by the One Health Commission but are shared ‘because’ this is a safe, no-judgement zone and we need to hear from many perspectives on many of today’s challenges.


One Health Issues in the News

How Alarmed Should we be as

More and More Mammals die of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1)

Bird flu strain raises alarm as H5N1 virus kills South American wildlife

March 13, 2024 Author: Jake Spring In: REUTERS

“The deadly H5N1 bird flu virus has spread more aggressively than ever before in wild birds and marine mammals since arriving in South America in 2022, raising the risk of it evolving into a bigger threat to humans, according to interviews with eight scientists. Of more immediate concern is evidence the disease, once largely confined to bird species, appears to be spreading between mammals. This strain has already killed a handful of dolphins in Chile and Peru, some 50,000 seals and sea lions along the coasts, and at least half a million birds regionwide.”


Cat-transmitted sporotrichosis: A looming threat?

March 12 2024  

Author: Caitlyn Stulpin In: Healio

“A potential threat on the CDC’s radar is a fungal infection being transmitted by feral cats — initially in Brazil, but now in other countries as well. …The authors urged veterinarians to be vigilant in taking a travel history when seeing cats with unexplained lesions and for animal health authorities worldwide to reexamine border control policies to consider pre-import screening of cats from endemic areas…According to Chiller, no human-to-human transmission has been documented yet.


U.S. Safety Protocols Stopped TB in Imported Lab Monkeys From Spreading to Humans

February 22, 2024

Author: Ernie Mundell In:

Rigorous safety protocols prevented an outbreak of tuberculosis last year in lab monkeys imported to the United States from spreading to humans, a new report shows.


One Health Social Sciences (OHSS) News

One Health Social Sciences (OHSS) Initiative

(A working group of the

One Health Commission - founded in 2017)

FIRST 2024 OHSS MEMBERSHIP MEETING set for 12 April, 3pm CET!!!

Debbie Stoewen, leader of the OHSS Webinars and Presentations (W&P) group, with Severine Thys and Wendy Rib, OHSS Co-Chairs, will provide an update on OHSS goals for this year. The W&P group plans to lead bimonthly, 1- hour membership meetings and three or four 1-hour continuing education (CE) sessions per year.

The bimonthly membership meetings will provide the opportunity for OHSS members/participants to :

  1. Learn something new, with a 10-15 minute mini-presentation by a guest speaker,
  2. Get an update on current OHSS activities, and
  3. Network with one another.

For the first meeting on April 12 an invitation and registration link will soon be shared.

Don’t forget to update the OHSS mailing list here:

OHSS MEMBER LIST: Call for Updates

In the vein of the new OHSS initiatives, we realized that our initial OHSS member list needed to be updated with expanded detail so we can address your interests. To continue being informed about our activities and keep this collective initiative lively and creative, we warmly invite you to complete this shared document (see link below) that will in time replace our old email list.

Thank you in advance for filling in this form at your earliest convenience: 

OHSS memberlist_detailed - Google Sheets

Be sure to visit the OHSS Homepage. Check out the OHSS Webinars Library for recordings of past webinars.


OHSS-Food Safety & Food Security (FSFS)

Small Working Group

Webinar- March 24, 2024 (See link to join below in Events)

Stigma Related to Infectious Diseases

Speaker: Professor Muhammad Umar Zafar Khan 

Recording will be found on the OHSS-FSFS Youtube Channel


OHSS-FSFS hopes you had a Happy International Women's Day

OHSS Recommended reading

Gender considerations in One Health: a framework for researchers,

Galiè A, McLeod A, Campbell ZA, Ngwili N, Terfa ZG, Front. Public Health, 27 February 2024, Section: Life-Course Epidemiology and Social Inequalities in Health, Vol. 12,

This article was conceived as a basic guide to help researchers who may not have a background in gender studies think about how they can start integrating gender considerations into their work. The authors hope it will initiate conversations among research teams, often in biomedical fields, and social scientists, including gender specialists, who can support them in exploring this topic more deeply.

OHSS recommended meetings

March 28 at 7:00 pm (PT) Join in another wonderful session of the President’s Dream Colloquium with the topic “Cities of Futures Past: Examining the Social-Ecological Legacies Affecting Urban Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health”, featuring Dr. Chris Schell. This event will explore how past societal processes, such as redlining, continue to influence urban biodiversity and ecosystem health. Dr. Schell will discuss the lasting impacts of historical practices on modern-day social and environmental dynamics. Attendees will gain insights into how addressing these legacies is crucial for building resilient and equitable cities for the future. More information.

OHSS Related Events/Job Opportunities

Opening for a Post-doc in Anthropology

The post involves working on human-animal interactions linked to environmental change and restoration zones in Kisangani. This is part of a larger RESTOREID project (Horizon 2020) led by the University of Antwerp.

Description: IRD - Chercheur Anthropologue H/F

MSC in Global One Health (MSCGOH): Diseases at the human-animal interface

Hosted by the Department of Biomedical Sciences of the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) of Antwerp, Belgium and the Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases of the University of Pretoria, South-Africa (UP). Registration is OPEN. The MSCGOH is a 2-year hybrid/blended programme designed to allow participants to combine work and study. It includes a compulsory field workshop, 4 compulsory online core modules, elective advanced modules and a dissertation. Timeline: February 1, 2025 to December 31, 2026. Registration deadline: May 22, 2024

Additional info, admission requirements and registration.


Directorate-General for Development (DGD) Scholarships

With the financial support of the Belgian Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGD), the Institute of Tropical Medicine is able to offer scholarships to applicants from developing countries.

You can apply for the DGD scholarship, whilst applying for the course.

Neglected One Health Issues

Not yet mainstream in the One Health Conversation Focus but urgently needed

Soil Health and One Health

See these publications:

Soil health: A common focus for one health and planetary health interventions,

Montgomery DR, Rabinowitz P, Sipos Y, Wheat EE, One Health. 2024 Jan 3;18:100673. doi: 10.1016/j.onehlt.2023.100673.

“....Currently, the training of human health, veterinary, and public health professionals typically does not include aspects of soil health. Much of the resultant discussion in One Health and Planetary Health circles regarding interventions to address the health impact of agricultural practices has focused on measures such as advocating for dietary change toward plant based diets and increasing food safety, biosecurity, disease surveillance and antimicrobial stewardship. A greater understanding of soil health and its relationship to agricultural practices could prove foundational to many of the problems that the One Health and Planetary Health perspectives aim to address, including antimicrobial resistance, zoonotic disease emergence, food security, and climate change. A consequent global focus on the health of soils offers a promise of specific opportunities for preventive interventions and a greater convergence between the One Health and Planetary Health approaches. “

Soil microbiomes and one health,

Banerjee S, van der Heijden MGA, Nat Rev Microbiol 21, 6–20 (2023).

“In this Review, we demonstrate that soils are a cornerstone of one health and serve as a source and reservoir of pathogens, beneficial microorganisms and the overall microbial diversity in a wide range of organisms and ecosystems.”

See also these relevant films and a book (in order of their release): 

[Let us know if you are aware of other such films in your region]

See also this Popular Media Commentary

Destination Regeneration: Hope and healing through healthy land and soil


Student News

International Student

One Health Alliance



ISOHA Contact Information! For memberships, projects, and partnerships, please contact ISOHA at this address.

(WhatsApp group only for Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral students who are interested in One Health to discuss One Health issues, share information, and collaborate.)


Upcoming Events

March 28, 2024 Hybrid Event

Cities of Futures Past: 

Examining the Social-Ecological Legacies Affecting Urban Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health

Hosted by Simon Fraser University, Canada, President’s Dream Colloquium. Dr. Chris Schell will explore how past societal processes, such as redlining, continue to influence urban biodiversity and ecosystem health. The lasting impacts of historical practices on modern-day social and environmental dynamics will be discussed with insights into how addressing these legacies is crucial for building resilient and equitable cities for the future.


April 3, 2024

US CDC’s Zoonoses and One Health Updates

(ZOHU) Call

2:00 PM EDT

  • Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances: Understanding Exposure and Adverse Health Outcomes in People and their Pets
  • Responding to Avian Influenza A H5N1 Detection on a Hospital Property in Maine- An Interdisciplinary Approach
  • Multistate outbreaks of salmonellosis linked to contact with backyard poultry — United States, 2015–2022

ZOHU Calls are 1-hour monthly webinars that provide timely education on zoonotic and infectious diseases, One Health, antimicrobial resistance, food safety, vector-borne diseases, recent outbreaks, and related health threats at the animal-human-environment interface. Free Continuing Education is available for live calls and recordings. See recordings for all ZOHU calls.


April 10, 2024 Webinar

DelVal One Health Seminar: Agroecological approaches to sustainable food transitions

6:00 PM EDT

Delaware Valley University's One Health Seminar Series brings experts from all over the world to discuss a variety of One Health issues. This week's presenter is Rachel Bezner Kerr of Cornell University. All DelVal's online seminars are free, but you must register at our link to attend. For more information on our One Health program, visit Register here,


April 12, 2024

Inaugural NCSU GOHA One Health

Research Symposium

1-5 PM Eastern

Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Hosted by the North Carolina State University (NCSU) Global One Health Academy (GOHA). This half-day event is designed to spark excitement and spur academic conversation and new collaborations around One Health. Keynote speaker Rob Dunn will present on the ‘Future of One Health.’


April 12-14, 2024 Conference

2024 Earth Charter Conference

Reimagining Education for Ecological Civilizations

Winter Park, Florida, USA. Building upon the successes of previous Earth Charter Conferences focused on education for sustainable development and global citizenship, this three-day event promises profound insights and dynamic exchanges led by a diverse range of experts. From environmental scholars to influential authors, the speakers are committed to contributing towards a sustainable future.


April 16, 2024 Webinar

One Health and Animal Research:

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

2:30 PM Eastern

Hosted by the National Association for Biomedical Research (NABR). Speaker Jerrold Tannenbaum. This webinar will describe the crucial role laboratory animal research played in the development of the concept of One Medicine, the historical precursor of One Health. The discussion will review differing approaches to One Health and will discuss how biomedical animal research can be an important component of some of these approaches. The webinar will highlight current approaches to One Health that provide challenges to laboratory animal research and will examine how the biomedical research community can recognize, and counter such challenges that threaten animal research. The discussion will suggest ways the community can support and engage in approaches to One Health that appropriately benefit people, animals, and the environment. Register here,


April 16, 2024 Webinar

Expert Talk: Faith, Wildlife, and Biodiversity: Harnessing Religion for Environmental Conservation and Ethical Action

9:00 am - 10:15 am EDT, 15:00 – 16:15 CEST

Hosted by the International Alliance Against Health Risks of Wildlife Trade. Dr. Iyad Abumoghli, Founder and Director of the Faith for Earth Initiative, will explore how religious beliefs can influence human behavior towards the conservation of our planet’s precious ecosystems and wildlife. Dr. Abumoghli is currently the Lead Principal Advisor on Engaging with Faith-Based Organizations at UNEP. From understanding the intrinsic value of animals in religious teachings to discussing the role of faith-based organizations in shaping global biodiversity frameworks, this webinar will offer insights into the powerful potential of religion to promote environmental stewardship and ethical action.


April 16, 2024 Public Online Lecture

CRILS Public Lecture: Industrial Animal Agriculture in the Polycrisis Era

17:30 - 20:00 BST

Hosted by the Royal Veterinary College, Camden, London. What role does industrial animal agriculture play in this era of multiple intersecting ecological, social, and economic crises? How can we reconsider the entangled nature of multi-species connections between people, farmed animals, and nature in this context? Drawing on research across marine and terrestrial food systems governance and labour theory, our speakers, Alex Blanchette (Associate Prof of Anthropology, Tufts University) and Christina Hicks (Prof. Political Ecology, Lancaster University) will explore these questions in depth. Register Here.


April 16, 2024 Hybrid Event

The Transformative Power of Art in Wildlife Conservation

5:30 Pm EDT

Hosted by the Cornell Lisa Yang Center for Wildlife Health, Ithaca, New York, USA.

Speaker Brett Blumenthal.


April 21-23, 2024 In-Person Symposium

International Symposium on One Health Research:

Improving Food Security and Resilience

Galvaston, Texas, USA. Hosted by the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) - Galveston Chief Research Office, UTMB One Health, and the Galveston National Lab and Institute for Human Infections and Immunity. This Symposium will be unique in that food productions experts will be centrally featured to identify common ground from which new interdisciplinary research partnerships might arise and lead to better food resilience. Lectures from the beef, dairy, egg & poultry, pork, aquaculture, fresh produce, and processed food industries will be featured. Other research topics will include emerging infectious diseases (viral, bacterial, and other), and the environmental, social, and public communication factors that impact Food Security. Includes exciting side excursions, Travel Awards for best Abstract and a Poster Competition.

See promotional video,

More information,


April 23, 2024 Hybrid Event

One Health - Research and Innovation at the Crossroads of Environment and Health

9:30 - 17:00 CEST

Hosted by the KU Leuven and co-organized by One Europe for Global Health and the KU Lueven One Health Institute. Under the Belgian EU Presidency, this event will bring together various actors in panel discussions in sessions that focus on major themes relating to One Sustainable Health that are high on the Belgian and European policy agenda.


April 24-26, 2024 Conference

AFROHUN’s 4th International One Health Conference

Nairobi, Kenya. The 1st AFROHUN International One Health Conference was held in September 2013 in Addis Ababa, the 2nd in November 2015, and the 3rd in July 2019. These were, respectively, attended by 287, 236, and 310 delegates from all over Africa, Asia, America, and Europe. Participants included practitioners from government and inter-governmental bodies, academia (students and faculty), Civil Society Organizations, researchers, bilateral agencies, and private sector players. Themes in 2024: 

  • Regional One Health university networks in advancing global health security: 
  • Developing workforce and 
  • Fighting antimicrobial resistance in the era of climate change.

Abstract submissions open,


April 25, 2024 Webinar

DelVal One Health Seminar - Managing Foodborne Pathogens without Antibiotics: Embracing a One Health Strategy

6:00 PM EDT

Delaware Valley University's One Health Seminar Series brings experts from all over the world to discuss a variety of One Health issues. This week's presenter is Khaled Abdelaziz of Clemson University. All DelVal's online seminars are free, but you must register at our link to attend. For more information on our One Health program, visit Register here,


April 26-27, 2024 International Veterinary Forum

Sustaining One Health in a changing environment: the Global Challenges to the lives of our Pets, Livestock and Biodiversity

Tunis, Tunisia. Hosted in celebration of World Veterinary Day by the African Veterinary Association and the Union Générale des Médecins Vétérinaires de Tunisie. This forum will gather high level experts from Continental and National veterinary organizations for the following events:

- The 12th African and Euro-Arab veterinary Associations Congresses

-The General Assembly of the World Union of Liberal Professions

-The International One Health Veterinary Forum for Africa & Middle East.

-Technical trainings, round tables and workshops on Diagnostic diseases.

It will also be a good opportunity to enhance and strengthen the partnership and collaboration between the African and the Euro-Arab Veterinary Associations and the International Veterinary Organizations as well as the partnership with the World Union of Liberal Professions.


April 27, 2024

Saint Louis Zoo's 10th Annual One Health Fair

The Saint Louis Zoo is excited to host its 10th Annual One Health Fair! Join us as we tackle One Health topics with our teams of next-generation One Health practitioners. These teams from multiple disciplines will spend the day sharing One Health messages with our zoo guests.(No online event link available. See


May 2, 2024 Hybrid Event

Wildlife Disease and Health in Conservation

20:30 Eastern

Hosted by the Cornell K. Lisa Yang Center for Wildlife Health. Robin Radcliffe, and David Jessup will discuss their new co-edited volume Wildlife Disease and Health in Conservation (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2023). The book combines theory and practice, offering cutting-edge scientific information to aid in planning for, responding to, and conducting research on these serious challenges to both human and wildlife health, and to conservation efforts around the world.


May 21-24, 2024 Conference

Tropical Veterinary Medicine in challenging times: how should academic and research programs adapt?

3rd Joint Conference of the Association of Institutions for Tropical Veterinary Medicine & Society for Tropical Veterinary Medicine (AITVM-STVM)

Montpellier, France. Locally hosted by the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), The advancement of the field of tropical veterinary medicine to sustainably support agricultural development is what unites both AITVM-STVM organizations. During the conference, you will be able to exchange and share your experiences and research results in all aspects of tropical veterinary medicine through keynote lectures, oral and poster presentations. See Conference Themes including one on One Health.


May 22-24, 2024 Conference

73rd Annual James Steele Conference

on Diseases in Nature (DIN) Transmissible

to Humans

College Station, Texas, USA. Sponsored by the Texas Department of State Health Services Zoonosis Control Branch and supported by the Texas Health Institute. ​ DIN is a not-for-profit conference and serves as a forum for the presentation of epidemiological investigations, clinical case studies, basic and applied research, and other topics in emerging and current zoonotic and environmentally-acquired infectious diseases. The conference's goal is to increase knowledge and awareness of these diseases within the veterinary, medical, public health, and academic research communities. Participants include human medical providers, veterinarians, public health professionals, scientists, animal control officers, and others involved in the diagnosis, investigation, prevention, control, and research of zoonoses and environmentally-acquired infectious diseases. Be sure to check out the history of this conference and the tribute to Dr. James Steele on the conference webpage (scroll to bottom).


May 27 - 29, 2024

77th World Health Assembly and the 2024 Geneva Health Forum

Geneva, Switzerland. The World Health Assembly (WHA), the paramount decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO), represents a unique moment when health ministers from across the globe convene to define global health strategies. It is during this momentous occasion that a multitude of health stakeholders gather in Geneva to voice their perspectives and insights. The prestigious Geneva Health Forum (GHF) Conference will take place alongside the WHA. As the WHA convenes a political audience, the GHF Conference provides a unique platform conveying the perspectives of scientists, medical practitioners and field actors on the main challenges and opportunities for global health. Notably, the final version of the WHO Pandemic Treaty will be launched at the WHA.


June 9-15, 2024

4th Annual One Health Summer Institute 2024

Alberta, Canada. Hosted by One Health at the University of Calgary, in partnership with the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment, and Health and the UNESCO Chair in Mountain Water Sustainability. For Students (undergraduate, graduate, postdocs etc.) and adult professional learners from all disciplines. One week long. Learn how human activity impacts the Bow River Basin, a critical source of water supporting the basin’s human, animal, plant and ecosystem health and services. Gain insight into the science, management strategies, and collaborative transdisciplinary skills necessary for sustaining the health and viability of the basin and the diverse ecosystems it contains. More information: Contact information:


June 18-24, 2024

Water Quality and ONE Health at the Singapore International Water Week 2024 (SIWW2024)

SIWW2024 is an international conference held every two years with a focus on drinking water management and technology. Includes a scientific/technical segment, the Water Convention, with six Themes for parallel sessions over two days. In 2024, Theme 5 is titled Water Quality and ONE Health.  Thematic Topics include:

  • Global Climate Change, Water Quality and Health
  • Recent Progress in the Application of Genomics in Water Quality Management
  • Wastewater-based Epidemiological Surveillance (WES) beyond SARS-CoV-2
  • Emerging Technologies and Methods for Water Quality Monitoring and Management
  • Water Quality in the Context of Health and Medical Care
  • Recreational Water Quality and One Health
  • Communication between Sectors and to Affected Communities

Abstracts are anticipated focusing on the role that water plays in the links between human, animal and ecosystem health. See the Theme 5 promotional video. Abstracts submissions are open.


September 18-19, 2024

SEAOHUN 2024 International

‘One Health in Action’ Conference

Chiang Mai, Thailand. Hosted jointly by the Southeast Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN) and the International Society for Animal Hygiene (ISAH).

Distinct curated tracks include: 

  • One Health Education, Capacity Building and Institutionalization
  • One Health Policy, Coordinating Mechanisms, Multisectoral Partnership
  • One Health Approach to Tackle AMR
  • Collaborative Approach to Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious diseases
  • Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through One Health approach


September 20-23, 2024

8th World One Health Congress (WOHC) 2024,

Cape Town South Africa

Four days, Agenda includes parallel tracks addressing one health science, antimicrobial agents and resistance, and science policy interface, amongst others. This congress enables discussing major One Health challenges and sharing of research data and policy developments. Will provide an opportunity to look at global One Health science and policy through an African lens. Building on the success of the 7th World One Health Congress in 2022 in Singapore, WOHC brings together One Health stakeholders, from science researchers, policymakers, representatives of international institutions, civil society to the private sector from around the world. Abstract submission deadline April 14, 2024.


October 13, 2024 Conference and Training

Pathways Europe 2024 - Human Dimensions of Wildlife:

Theme - Revisiting What is Wild for Coexisting

9:00 CEST

Cordoba, Spain. Registration is now open! Cohosted by the Institute for Advanced Social Studies - Spanish Research Council (IESA-CSIC), the University of Córdoba, and the Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources at Colorado State University. The concept of “wild” often refers to elements of nature that remain untamed and unaltered by human intervention. Some argue that in today’s interconnected world, true wild, untouched by human influence, is exceedingly rare or perhaps even nonexistent. In this human-dominated, Anthropocene era, new challenges and new debates arise as to what is wild nd what is natural.

Recent (and not so recent) PAST EVENTS (You might have missed)

These events have passed but we would like for the world to be aware of them!

Track the progress of One Health since 2001

Check out more past One Health Events on the Commission's

Global One Health Events (since 2001) webpages.

Select a year and click 'VIEW'

March 24, 2024

Stigma Related to Infectious Diseases

Hosted by the OHSS-Food Safety and Food Security (FSFS) Small Working Group. Speaker: Professor Muhammad Umar Zafar Khan 

Recording will be found on the OHSS-FSFS Youtube Channel


March 21, 2024 Interactive Workshop

Identifying behavioural change strategies to mitigate zoonotic risk at human-wildlife interfaces related to wildlife trade

Hongying Li and Nghiem Trang led an in-depth dialogue and joint brainstorming session to develop approaches to integrate social and behavioural science into zoonotic risk mitigation. Professionals in conservation and zoonotic disease areas have been talking about this for some time but it has not been very well operationalised in terms of incorporating the methodology and learning experience from relevant implementers, or actual piloting. Topics included were:

  1. An update of the funded project work in Southeast Asia on risk mitigation in wildlife farming and bat guano collection practices.
  2. Live Q&A and survey with the audience.
  3. Brainstorming among Alliance members to identify a) specific human-wildlife interfaces and b) potential behavior change strategies for health risk mitigation.
  4. Identify feasible and prioritised behavioural change strategies that can be piloted.


March 19, 2024 Online Seminar / Webinar

Strategies and Insights from Ten Years of Implementing One Health Initiative across Africa: Nurturing the Expansion of the One Health Workforce

Hosted by the University of Alaska-Fairbanks Center for One Health Research. Speaker Dr. Robert Kibuuka is a highly respected authority in the field of global health security, widely recognized for his expertise in One Health and pandemic preparedness. Recording archived here.


March 19, 2024 Webinar

Delaware Valley University (DelVal) One Health Seminar -

Neonicotinoids: Failing to come to grips with a predictable environmental disaster

Delaware Valley University's One Health Seminar Series brings experts from all over the world to discuss a variety of One Health issues. This week's presenter is Edward Hardy Kern of the American Bird Conservancy. All DelVal's online seminars are free, but you must register to attend. For more informationabout DelVal's One Health program, visit Recording available.


March 15th, 2024

Pivot Points in Gender Mainstreaming:

Navigating Shifts in Gender Awareness in Animal Health and Welfare

Hosted by Women who Future(s). Sonia Fevre and Tianna Brand discussed the transition of the World Organisation for Animal Health from a gender-blind approach to a gender-aware stage, emphasizing the importance of collecting data and understanding gender implications for global animal health. They also presented initial trends regarding gender and animal health in West Africa and Southeast Asia, followed by a discussion on the potential implications of these trends for future outcomes. More information here


March 14, 2024

North Carolina State University (NCSU) 

Global One Health Leader Series

Next Generation Molecular Diagnostics

Hosted by the NCSU Global One Health Academy. During this series One Health experts presented new research and findings related to global One Health and engaged in panel discussions that enhanced interdisciplinary perspectives and advanced the field. In this first event experts shared their cutting-edge work on molecular diagnostics for infectious diseases across human, animal, and plant systems.


March 14, 2024 Conference

Veterinary Medicine and Interprofessional Education: Defining One Health

Clinical Translational Science Award One Health Alliance (COHA) Interprofessional Education (IPE) Symposium

Jacksonville, Florida, USA. This was a (U.S.) national gathering of educators, clinicians, researchers, students, and other professionals to explore the overlap of One Health and IPE to imagine a future where IPE and One Health grow synergistically. The 2024 symposium was hosted in conjunction with the pre-forum activities at the National Academies of Practice annual meeting. The goal of this symposium was to explore and coordinate the work being done across a variety of medical education settings.


March 7-10, 2024 Conference

Consortium of Universities for Global Health

(CUGH) Conference 2024

Global Health without Borders: Acting for Impact

Los Angeles, California. Sub-themes included the following:

  • The Social Determinants of Health
  • Pandemic Prevention, Covid-19, Emerging Infectious Diseases, and Other Communicable Diseases
  • Non-Communicable Diseases, Health Systems, Public Health, Primary and Surgical Care
  • Planetary Health, One Health, Environmental Health, Climate Change, Biodiversity Crisis, Pollution 
  • Politics, Governance, Diplomacy, Law, Corruption, Human Rights, Strengthening Public Institutions   
  • Decolonizing - Reforming Global Health, Equity, Justice, Global Health Education and Research
  • Translation and Implementation Science, Bridging Research to Policy, Innovation and Research


March 7, 2024 Webinar (2nd in Series)

One Health: Understanding Threats to Wildlife and Human Health in Asia

Because we need nature, and now nature needs us.

Hosted by the Cornell K. Lisa Yang Center for Wildlife Health, this 2nd event in the series focused on Asia. From the river valleys and grasslands of Nepal to the high mountains of Central Asia, from tigers to leopards to vultures to Asiatic wild dogs (or dholes) — and from canine distemper to wildlife poisonings to the infectious diseases impacting wild sheep and goats as well as their domestic cousins — there is no shortage of threats to the health of these magnificent species and ecosystems, with some of these very same threats being of importance to agriculture and public health. Recording available,


March 6, 2024

US CDC’s Zoonoses and One Health Updates

(ZOHU) Call

  • Relational One Health: a more-than-biomedical approach to more-than-human health
  • Washington State One Health Needs Assessment
  • Alpha-Gal Syndrome—Getting to the Meat of It

ZOHU Calls are 1-hour monthly webinars that provide timely education on zoonotic and infectious diseases, One Health, antimicrobial resistance, food safety, vector-borne diseases, recent outbreaks, and related health threats at the animal-human-environment interface. Free Continuing Education is available for live calls and recordings. See recordings for all ZOHU calls.


February 29, 2024 Webinar

Building the Investment Case for Action against Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

Hosted by the Quadripartite-powered One Health Nexus Community of Practice on the Return on Investment (ROI) for One Health and One Health Investment Planning. AMR has the potential to become an international trade and economic issue linked to health security, food safety and sustainable development. Estimates of economic losses caused by increasing AMR range from 1.1 - 3.8 percent of annual gross domestic product (GDP) by 2050. Yet there is currently inadequate financial support for the sustainable implementation of national action plans on AMR. This webinar discussed a business-as-usual scenario to estimate the current and projected cost of AMR (using SPHeP analysis), provided a better understand key AMR interventions and their costs, benefits, and effectiveness, and shared updates on progress being made on the global AMR investment case to estimate the Return on Investment of the AMR response. (Recording availability unknown)


February 29 - March 1, 2024 Workshop

Building the One Health Workforce

in the European Region

Rome, Italy. Hosted by the Italian National Institute for Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità - ISS). This Workshop discussed with sector experts the skills necessary for the workforce involved in the development and execution of prevention and preparedness plans for health threats to strengthen operational capabilities, in accordance with One Health principles. Experts from academia, national institutions and international organizations were invited, including representatives of WHO, WHOA, FAO and UNEP. See the Program.


February 29, 2024 Hybrid Event

What are the benefits of viral prospecting in nonhuman animals?

Simon Fraser University (SFU) President’s Dream Colloquium on One Health

Vancouver, British Columbia, SFU. Dr. Mark Lipsitc spoke about how we can measure the public health value of efforts to discover viruses in nonhuman animal populations (virus prospecting) as a means of advancing counter-measures for pandemic and epidemic diseases. Using the example of filoviruses, we show that there is little evidence to suggest that countermeasure development has been accelerated due to virus prospecting work. Learn about the SFU President’s Dream Colloquium on One Health.


DelVal One Health Seminars

February 28, 2024

A Look at the History of Conservation and Racism

Delaware Valley University's One Health Seminar Series brings experts from all over the world to discuss a variety of One Health issues. This week's presenter was Stuart Wells, from the Portland, Oregon Audubon Society. Recording available.

February 15, 2024

Foundations of Well-Being - Finding and Maintaining Balance in our Modern Ecosystem

This week's presenter was Connor Moriarty of Reset Outdoors. All DelVal's online seminars are free, but you must register at our link to attend. For more information on our One Health program, visit



Don’t forget!! You can view and also post your One Health-related Opportunities yourself directly to the Commission’s

Online One Health Opportunities Bulletin Boards

When you arrive on this webpage be sure to scroll 'down' to

the bottom of the page

Courses and Summer Programs

May 19-24, 2024 (evenings)

Evolutionary Medicine Summer Institute (EMSI) 2024

Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Hosted by the Triangle Center for Evolutionary Medicine (TriCEM). Evolution is largely absent from medical, veterinary, and public health training, yet it is vital to tackling our most urgent health challenges, including emerging infectious diseases, microbial resistance, food safety, and cancer and other non-communicable diseases. EMSI provides computational training in evolutionary biology to students, postdocs, and faculty from medical schools, veterinary medicine programs, and graduate programs in public or global health, ecology, and evolutionary sciences. Clinicians and other practitioners looking to enhance their evolutionary perspectives and apply this knowledge in practice are also welcome. This is a fun and exciting weeklong workshop at North Carolina State University. Applications are now being accepted. Limited scholarships available. For more information, please view the EMSI website or contact


May 31, 2024

12 Month Sustainability in Health Master's Program Online in English

From Turin, Italy. Organized by the Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, University of Turin. Elevate your career with a Master's degree designed to shape professionals into Health Sustainability Managers and Experts in sustainability within health processes. Students will acquire a robust set of skills and competencies that are increasingly in demand to mitigate future health and environmental challenges. Requirements: Bachelor’s degree, Competency in English, Strong motivation for mastering skills to advance a healthier future for people and planet. Enrollment open thru 29 March 2024. Program starts 31 May, 2024. Contacts:  and


Open Access Online Course

Addressing the Challenges Posed by Chemical and Biological Weapons: Intensive Online Introductory Course for Students of Technical Disciplines

Hosted by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and the European Union Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium (EUNPDC). For graduate and postgraduate students of the technical or natural science disciplines. This is an intensive online introductory course on chemical and biological weapons—their proliferation, the efforts to eliminate them, the various mechanisms used to control their spread—and endeavours underway to reduce the risk of chemical or biological agents in terrorist attacks. The course will take place online, during four half-days on 28–31 May 2024, 14:00 to 18:00 Central European Summer Time (CEST).



Two Summer One Health Museum Internships

Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA



Instructor or Assistant Professor of Global Health (One-year Term)

Requires MSc or PhD  in public health, global health, epidemiology, medical behavioral or social science, or related field and a commitment to teaching undergraduates in a liberal arts setting with evidence of a commitment to effective and inclusive teaching. Teach core Global Health courses (6 per year) and upper-level topics courses to be determined in consultation with the program director. Seeking Candidates who can advise undergraduate students. Funding is available for professional development and research with undergraduate students.

Faculty Position - Food, Water, and Climate Change

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minnesota. PhD or equivalent degree with expertise related to climate change and water resources to address human health issues related to food safety and security. Expertise is preferred in public health surveillance, applied population health science, climate change adaptation, mathematical modeling and systems research, food safety economics, and/or social and environmental factors that may affect the epidemiology of exposure to foodborne diseases and antimicrobial resistance.

Research positions at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston

  • Nurse Clinician II, Institute for Translational Science Galveston, TX
  • UTMB Postdoctoral Associate Position 2 in Virus Discovery and Characterization Galveston, TX
  • Physician – Scientist / T32 Training in Emerging Infectious Diseases Galveston, TX

Contact Professor Greg Gray

Research Assistant (Nature and Health Equity)

Temporary / Part Time / Remote, Philadelphia Field Station of the USDA Forest.

Assist with various research projects on nature and human health, with a focus on equity. Must have:

Current status as a graduate-level student or post-doctoral research fellow, Fluency in R, Strong spatial data management and analysis skills, Experience using Google Earth Engine, Strong writing skills, Experience conducting literature reviews. Send 1) a cover letter, 2) a resume or CV, and 3) two writing samples, and any questions to Dr. Michelle Kondo,

Three U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Research Scientists Jobs

California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA/Cal, USA)

EPA is hiring three scientists to support the development of the Extreme Heat Ranking Development Section. This group will help create the first U.S. statewide extreme heat ranking system, used to warn Californians about the severity and health effects of extreme heat and offer resources for them to protect themselves and others.

Global Health Security Advisor

Washington DC, USAID Latin America and Caribbean Bureau

In this role, the selected candidate is responsible for supporting USAID’s efforts to advance GHS across the LAC region. Contact Jennifer Davis at by 3/30/2024


Fellowships / Residencies / Postdocs

2024 Youth for Biosecurity Fellowship

Organized by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs in Geneva in partnership with key international actors empowering youth in science diplomacy and global biosecurity, this Fellowship provides a unique learning and networking experience into multilateral discussions taking place in the framework of the Biological Weapons Convention in Geneva. Launched in 2019 as a Biosecurity Diplomacy Workshop, the Youth for Biosecurity Initiative organized its first fellowship in 2023. For the second edition, the fellowship will provide the opportunity for 20 young scientists from the Global South to join an online interactive training programme prior to a field visit during the meeting of the BWC Working Group on the Strengthening of the Convention in Geneva."

2024 Brad Fenwick Fellowship for the Advancement of Civic Science 

This Fellowship is designed to recognize and support early career scientists with an interest and aptitude for bridging the worlds of science and the broader society through policy and advocacy. The fellowship will spotlight an early career scientist with a successful record of connecting civic engagement and science. Fellows will work with American Society for Microbiology Advocacy staff to develop a deeper understanding of civic engagement and public policy. Applications close April 28.

Post-Doctoral Research Associate - Veterinary Public Health – One Health

Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine Department of Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences, Requires Ph.D. or a professional doctorate in Epidemiology, Public Health, Veterinary Medicine or related fields and experience with both quantitative and qualitative analysis.

Seeking Graduate students (water purification or clean energy)

Canada, University of Guelph. The Pensini lab is seeking graduate students with a background in chemistry, physical chemistry, physics or similar disciplines to conduct experimental research on either piezoelectric gels for clean energy production or migration of pollutants in groundwater. Engineering students with a good understanding of chemistry are also encouraged to apply. Contact Professor Erica Pensini at by 4/26/2024



Welcome Trust call for proposals- 

Climate Impacts Awards 

Aim: make the impacts of climate change on physical and mental health visible to drive urgent climate policy action at scale.  Target: Mid-career and established researchers from anywhere in the world (except mainland China). Will fund transdisciplinary teams to deliver short-term, high-impact projects that maximise policy outcomes by combining evidence generation, policy analysis, engaged research approaches and communication strategies. Funding Level and duration: Up to £2.5 million and up to 3 years. Submission Deadline 3 April 2024


See the One Health Commission's Online One Health Library

Publications Worth Revisiting

Incorporating one health into medical education, Rabinowitz, P.M., Natterson-Horowitz, B.J., Kahn, L.H. et al., BMC Med Educ 17, 45 (2017).


New Books

The Human Disease: How we Create Pandemics, from Our Bodies to Our Beliefs

By: Sabrina Sholts

Drawing on dozens of disciplines—from medicine, epidemiology, and microbiology to anthropology, sociology, ecology, and neuroscience—as well as a unique expertise in public education about pandemic risks, biological anthropologist Sabrina Sholts identifies the human traits and tendencies that double as pandemic liabilities, from the anatomy that defines us to the misperceptions that divide us.

Climate Change and Public Health, Second Edition 

by Barry S. Levy and Jonathan A. Patz

Global climate change represents one of the most important public health challenges facing the world today. Climate change causes a wide range of adverse health effects including heat-related disorders, infectious diseases, respiratory and allergic disorders, and malnutrition. Further mitigation and adaptation efforts are necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve both human and planetary health alike. Climate Change and Public Health promotes a climate justice framework with crucial insights for strengthening the public and political will to address climate change.


Belgian Biodiversity Platform - Biodiversity News Flash

CABI One Health News

Center for Emerging Zoonotic and Arthropod-borne Pathogens (CEZAP)- Virginia Tech University

Center for One Health Research University of Alaska Fairbanks

Cornell K. Lisa Yang Center for Wildlife Health

Global Alliance for Rabies Control

Global One Health Initiative (GOHI) News

The Ohio State University

International Alliance Against Health Risks of Wildlife Trade

National Link Coalition - Link Letters

North Carolina State University

Global One Health Academy (GOHA)

One Health Institute Newsletter

University of Guelph

One Health Trust Weekly Digest

One Sustainable Health Forum News

Planetary Health Alliance Newsletter

SEGA One Health

University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) One Health Newsletter



One World One Health Podcasts

Hosted by the One Health Trust (formerly CDDEP) 

Our world faces many urgent challenges, from pandemics and decreasing biodiversity to pollution and melting polar ice caps, among others. This podcast highlights solutions to these problems from the scientists and experts working to make a difference.

Click each image to listen to the podcast.


Check out more Blogs, Books, Podcasts, Presentations and Videos
in the One Health Commission’s


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Without you we could not do the Commission's global work to
 'connect, create, and educate' for One Health.

The One Health Commission (OHC) is a prominent, US-based, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, E.I.N. 27-0799294. It is a body of action-oriented, One Health-minded individuals and organizations working locally, nationally and internationally to advance the One Health concept and approach.

See the OHC 2021 Annual Report.

With a focus on education, the OHC ‘connects’ One Health stakeholders, facilitates One Health Action Teams, provides a monthly global One Health Happenings Newsletter and compiles links to One Health Educational Resources to further understanding of One Health.

Prepared by Blair Budd, Bailey Goff, Caitlin Holly, Ayinka-A Brown and Cheryl Stroud

with support from the international One Health Network.

The news reported in One Health Happenings does not necessarily reflect the official position of the One Health Commission.

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