Happy Thursday Church!
I am praying that this check-in finds you OFF the boulevard of broken dreams. Sunday was a special day in our congregation. Several of you have connected with me, sharing your broken dreams and what came next. What a joy to hear your stories. I am convinced that God put us together so we could tell our stories. As we share our stories, we open the door for others to share. All in all, sharing our stories is a holy exercise. Many times our sharing is a great deal like Jesus, sharing his parables. Our stories, can be the “proof” that someone needs to know that they are loved. Our stories put on display are a love that never dies. Our stories punctuate our purpose and become a lifeline to those around us. Our stories, can change the world.
We are in the midst of what has been called, “Greatest Story Ever Told.” In fact, I would say that the Passion story of Christ, is the climax of the story. It is that pinnacle when the conflict becomes real and we await a resolution. For us as followers and seekers of Jesus, it is Christ’s death and burial that needs a resolution. Imagine the disciples living through this passion week with Jesus. One would think that their understanding would have grown, but alas, they still did not completely understand Jesus. From His triumphal entry, to turning over the tables in the temple, to His last supper with the disciples, the arrest, the trials, and eventually the crucifixion, Jesus remained completely steadfast with the boys, until his emotional pleas in the garden of Gethsemane. Even as he was being executed, he was in conversation with His Father, asking for God to forgive all who were instrumental in sending him to His death. Jesus’ love and mercy were their lifeblood through this week we call Holy.
I want to encourage you again, to experience Good Friday with our sister churches, First Congo in Escondido and First Congo in Ramona. It promises to be a night unlike others, where the last words/phrases of Jesus are lifted up and reflected upon by clergy and lay folks alike. Our own Rebecca Dhillon will be singing, “Lead Me To the Cross,” and I can tell you, that song alone, can prepare one for resurrection. If you are car-pooling with our folks, please be ready to leave the church parking lot at 5:00 p.m. sharp. The service sill last approximately one hour.
Prayerfully consider your participation in this very special evening of remembrance and worship.
Until Sunday, thank you for being you. Thank you for your faithfulness in all things church! Thank you for your hearts as you minister to others. This coming week will require us all to stay close to each other, sharing each other’s burdens, and comforting each other during times of sadness. It will all be worth it as we wake up on Sunday morning, March 31st, to the reality of resurrection. I love being you pastor.
Holding you close and lifting you high!
Pastor Greg