Sonoma County 5th District Newsletter

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January 8, 2025

Happy New Year!

As we step into 2025, and as I step into my role as Chair of the Board of Supervisors, I want to take a moment to reflect on all we accomplished together in 2024. It was a year full of meaningful investments, bold initiatives, and moments that underscored the resilience and vibrancy of our community.

From launching the West County Services Center in Guerneville to enhancing protections for renters and investing in public gathering spaces, we’ve worked tirelessly to bring resources, services, and solutions closer to home.

This past year, we also made strides in supporting our environment, community health, and local economy. From updating the County’s tree protection ordinance to rolling out the inaugural Black Cod Week, we took meaningful steps to safeguard our natural resources and lift up our local fishermen. We celebrated milestones in infrastructure, like securing funds for skateparks, and community centers. And we championed the health of our community with new mobile dental services, vaccine outreach programs, and events like the Bodega Bay Health and Safety Fair.

None of this would have been possible without your input, collaboration, and passion for the place we all call home. 2024 was a busy year, but it was also a reminder of what we can achieve when we work together to meet the needs of West County.

Looking ahead, I’m excited to continue this momentum in 2025. There’s so much more to do, and I can’t wait to dive into the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

Thank you for your partnership and support. Here’s to another year of growth, connection, and community care!


Highlights from 2024

Bringing County Services to West County

We are proud to share that the West County Services Center is now live in the former Bank of America building in Guerneville! At the Services Center, you can find District 5, the Department of Health, the Department of Human Services, and WIC.

District 5 is utilizing the space to meet with constituents and to host public workshops like the upcoming Parents and Babies Support Group led by the Child Parent Institute, register here.

If you’d like to connect with District 5 staff, join us for coffee and pastries - generally from 8 - 9 AM on the third Monday of each month, except that in January and February it will be on the 3rd Tuesday due to holidays.

The Human Services Department is busy connecting folks to CalFresh, Workforce Training, and Medi-Cal benefits on Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30 - 5:00 pm and will be holding In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) trainings for caregivers beginning in early 2025.

Our Department of Behavioral Health meets with local clients to support their mental health needs, and WIC meets with new parents to provide food assistance, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and referrals. By appointment only.

We look forward to bringing more County resources to our local community in 2025 and hope you stop by to say hello!  


Investing in Public Gathering Spaces

Since the pandemic, we've been hearing from residents that they're looking for opportunities to recreate, gather and connect with their neighbors. With the unanimous approval of $2.95M in Ag + Open Space Community Spaces Matching Grant funding, outdoor public meeting spaces are on their way to becoming a reality in Guerneville, Occidental, and Graton. The Graton town square is already in use by locals and I was excited to join an enthusiastic crowd at this year’s Graton Days! Occidental and Guerneville are both in the design phase with more information to come as these projects continue to take shape. 


Investing in Local Infrastructure

Speaking of funding -- in 2024, I invested in local infrastructure across District 5. Some of the highlights include: support for our local recreational docks, matching funds for Forestville Skatespot's site planning and Monte Rio's skatepark remodel, security upgrades and a water fountain installation at the Occidental Community Center, renovation of the Veteran's Kitchen at the Center for the Arts in Sebastopol, and expansion of access to the County's chipper program.

We’ve also made significant strides in expanding digital connectivity. Occidental now has free public Wi-Fi funded through Tourism Impact Funds (TIF), joining Jenner, Cazadero, Forestville, Monte Rio, Guerneville, Bodega, and Bodega Bay in offering free public Wi-Fi access. By next year, all these towns will also have Starlink units with battery backups. This upgrade ensures that during disasters and outages, residents can go downtown to access reliable communication, stay connected with first responders, reach loved ones, and receive critical updates.

Lower Russian River Governance Study

The Lower Russian River Governance Study, initiated in early 2023, was a year-long effort to explore options for improving local services and governance structures in this vibrant region. With the final draft published in March 2024, the study outlines a range of potential solutions aimed at addressing service gaps and enhancing local control, informed by an in-depth financial analysis and extensive community input.

At the heart of this initiative is a commitment to collaboration. The process is about empowering the community to shape its own future, whether through enhanced existing structures or new governance solutions like a Community Services District (CSD) or incorporation as a city. This approach ensures flexibility and responsiveness to the region’s unique needs and aspirations.

Stay tuned as we dive deeper into the Governance Study’s recommendations and explore how community-driven solutions can create a more sustainable and effective system of governance for the Lower Russian River.


Investments in the Health of the Community

This year we also focused on supporting the health and wellness of our community. We supported Mendonoma Health Clinic by providing funds toward the launch of a mobile dental clinic this past Fall, brought several community-based organizations together to connect residents to resources at the Bodega Bay Health and Safety Fair, and secured funding for promotores to provide influenza, COVID, and RSV vaccine access to our most impacted communities. 


Exploration of an Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (EIFD)

This year, we’ve been exploring the potential benefits of an EIFD. An EIFD is a financing tool that enables local governments to fund a variety of infrastructure projects and community development initiatives. Unlike traditional redevelopment agencies, EIFDs do not rely on tax increment financing from property taxes. Instead, they utilize a portion of the growth in property tax revenue within a designated area, without impacting funding for schools or other essential services. EIFDs are often used to support major infrastructure investments and require community input and approval to ensure transparency and alignment with local priorities. No EIFD has been created yet, but a feasibility study is underway and we've already held a MAC meeting to listen to community priorities. Learn more and view the recording of the special joint MAC meeting here.


Supporting Fishermen with the Launch of Black Cod Week

Sonoma County’s fishing industry continues to face climate and environmental challenges that have severely diminished income and threaten the viability of the local fishery. Dungeness crab and local Chinook salmon populations, a staple in the fishing industry, continue to struggle due to these climate and environmental impacts. Unlike fish and crab that live in shallow waters, black cod lives in deeper waters that are not as significantly impacted by climate change.

With Black Cod Week, we aimed to increase awareness and build consumer demand for local black cod by partnering with Sonoma County Tourism and the Economic Development Collaborative to launch a 10-day, Restaurant Week-style event. More than 40 restaurants across Sonoma County offered a black cod dish on the menu and a half-dozen local markets offered fresh black cod for at-home chefs to try their own creations. We are already dreaming up recipes for next year's Black Cod Week! 

Beyond promotional efforts, we continue to invest in the infrastructure that supports our fishing industry. Mason’s Marina received critical repairs, including a new lift that has been a boon for fishermen with smaller boats, enabling them to unload and better utilize the Marina. Additionally, we are actively seeking funding for the Ice House and other dock infrastructure essential to commercial, charter, and sport fishermen. These upgrades are vital to preserving access to and enjoyment of our blue economy while ensuring sustainability and growth for the fishing community.

Protecting our Environment

I fought hard for an expanded version of the County's tree protection ordinance, originally adopted back in 1989. The update we approved increased protections from 11 to 31 tree species, lowered the size threshold of protected trees to 6 inches in diameter or greater to support forest health, and exempted removals for public safety, defensible space and basic property maintenance. The protected species include: big leaf maple, black oak, blue oak, boxelder, California black walnut, California buckeye, canyon live oak, coast live oak, two cottonwood species, interior live oak, madrone, Oregon ash, Oregon oak, red and white alder, valley oak, two willow species, two cypress species, grand fir, six pine species, redwood, western hemlock. To mitigate the impact of removing trees, the ordinance requires new trees to be planted or payment of an in-lieu fee. This updated policy was developed after extensive engagement with stakeholders and experts, with both myself and Supervisor Gore conducting site visits alongside local foresters across West County. For more information and to read the text of the adopted ordinances please visit the Comprehensive Tree Ordinance Update website.

Protecting Renters 

A critical policy initiative I championed this year was the Tenant Protection Ordinance that was approved by the Board of Supervisors in September. Under the ordinance, landlords must have a “just cause” to evict a tenant. Evictions, in most cases, are prohibited during a declared emergency, like a wildfire or flood. Landlords are prohibited from evicting tenants for nonpayment unless more than one month of rent is overdue; tenants can use this protection up to two times per year. When a landlord asks a tenant to vacate a property, they must provide the tenant with information about their rights in English and Spanish.


We Take Care of Us

As we wrap up 2024, we want to highlight the amazing work of the many community-based organizations that are dedicated to supporting LGBTQIA+ folks, health care access, our undocumented and immigrant community members, the social safety net, mental health services and the environment. At the recent We Take Care of Us town hall, we were joined by Assemblymember Damon Connolly, Assemblymember-elect Chris Rogers, Congressman Jared Huffman, and many community members to celebrate these organizations, learn about the resources they provide, and consider ways to get involved. If you haven't had a chance to view the town hall, please check it out on our YouTube channel here.

You can also find recordings of MAC meetings on our YouTube Channel to catch up on the other goings-on in District 5. It's been a busy year!

Friday January 10: Special Board Meeting including 2025 Calendar Items of Significant Interest

Graphic inviting the public to a board meeting with an image of people at a meeting in the background

The public is invited to offer input on Friday, January 10, when the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors will hold a special board meeting. The meeting will include a discussion of “2025 Calendar Items of Significant Interest,” and will be held at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts beginning at 9 a.m.

More information

Flood Map Updates and Elevation Mitigation Program

River MAC Logo, 3 trees and flowing water

At the December 12 Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council meeting, staff from Permit Sonoma presented information regarding FEMA's updated Special Flood Hazard Area maps and their impact on local zoning and flood preparedness. Access the meeting recording here and a map viewer to compare current zoning with proposed revised zoning. This item will go before the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday January 14. When published, the agenda will be found here.

The Sonoma County Flood Elevation Mitigation Program has elevated over 200 flood-prone homes, reducing future losses and saving lives. Grants cover up to 75% of costs, with homeowners contributing 25%. The program provides support from planning to construction, funded by FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance.

Sonoma County Flood Elevation MItigation Program

Community Policing in Sonoma County

IOLERO has partnered with Sonoma State University on a Community Policing project to better understand the perspectives of Sonoma County residents and the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office regarding community-oriented policing practices.

Please take part in the Community Oriented Policing survey! Click on the image below or scan the QR code to access the survey and participate.

West County Services Center

Have you visited the West County Services Center? Appointments and some walk-in services are available on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons for assistance with CalFresh, MediCal, and WIC. Learn more and find contact information here.

Help Build a Safer Sonoma County!

Sonoma County is updating its Hazard Mitigation Plan to better protect our communities from disasters like wildfires and floods. This plan identifies key projects to reduce risks to homes, infrastructure and critical facilities—and your input matters! Take the survey to help identify hazards and improve disaster planning.

Take the survey

Community Public Art Projects Grants

We are very excited to announce the launch of Community Public Art Project Grants for unincorporated District 5. We've heard from many community members that they'd love to see more art in local downtown areas. In response to this, our office allocated infrastructure funds and worked closely with Creative Sonoma to roll out a grant program aimed at enhancing public spaces.

Eligible applicants—including nonprofit organizations, schools, chambers of commerce, faith organizations, neighborhood or business groups, and governmental agencies—are invited to propose public art initiatives that foster social cohesion and beautify neighborhoods.

Approximately 10 grants, each up to $10,000, are available, with most awards around $5,000. The application period opens on January 8, 2025, with a deadline of February 10, 2025. Projects should be designed for completion between April and September 2025. For more details and to apply, visit Creative Sonoma's website.

 Questions? On January 23rd, Creative Sonoma will host an application workshop to assist prospective applicants. 

Learn more

Keep People Housed - Sonoma County

Keep People Housed - Sonoma County is a new program that provides free financial assistance and legal support to eligible households. Whether you need help with rent, utilities, eviction notices, or other emergency needs— Keep People Housed is here to help!

Get support from trusted local providers. Any information you share is confidential. Interested households can apply starting December 16th at or by contacting West County Community Services at or at 707-604-7401. 

Learn More & Apply Here

Affordable Housing | Woodmark Apartments

Leasing Office Now Open

Woodmark Apartments at 7716 & 7760 Bodega Avenue in Sebastopol is now accepting applications for low income and farm-worker rentals. Depending on income, rental rates can begin at $800 / month for one person or $1038 for four people.

Note that workers in our fishing community are eligible as the definition of "farm labor" for purposes of eligibility for this housing is employment with cultivating soil, raising or harvesting any agriculture or aquaculture commodity; or in catching, netting, handling, planting, drying, packing, grading, storing, or preserving any agriculture or aquaculture commodity; or delivering to storage, market, or a carrier for transportation to market or to processing any agricultural or aquacultural commodity in its unprocessed stage.

Demolition Begins at George’s Hideaway to Make Way for Permanent Supportive Housing

Work is underway to convert George’s Hideaway, a former tavern and restaurant along Highway 116 in Guerneville, into 21 units of permanent supportive housing with an on-site navigation center. Once completed, this project will provide vital housing and resources to individuals and families in need, helping to address homelessness in west county.

The property is being developed by Burbank Housing, with supportive services provided by West County Community Services. Occupancy is expected by late fall 2025. Learn more about this important project and its impact on the community. 

Learn more

Upcoming Meetings & Events

River MAC Logo, 3 trees and flowing water
Sonoma Coast MAC logo: sea, birds, sun & fog

Joint Meeting of the Lower Russian River and Sonoma Coast Municipal Advisory Council: Annual Brown Act Orientation

Thursday January 9, 5:30 PM

  • Guerneville School Community Room, 14630 Armstrong Woods Road, Guerneville
  • Del Mar Center, 40600 Leeward Road, The Sea Ranch
  • Zoom

The main topic for this meeting is an orientation and review of California’s Brown Act. These guidelines embody our commitment to transparency and open government. This training session aims to reinforce our adherence to this crucial legislation, focusing on recent changes and interpretations. Key topics include teleconferencing guidelines, social media use by MAC members, and strategies for maintaining transparency and effective communication within the legal framework of the Brown Act.

Child Parent Institute logo

Parents and Babies Support Group

Thursdays | January 9 - March 13, 10 - 11:30 AM

West County Services Center 16390 Main Street

In this FREE 10 week series for pregnant folks, new and new again moms, and new and new again dads, meet other parents who are going through it too. Get support from experienced therapists and learn about parenting and bonding with your infant, and get help with the emotional upheaval that is new parenthood. Babes in arms are welcome. There are still a few spots left and a late start is OK. Sign up today!

This group will be held in English and a Spanish support group will begin in March. Registration required. For questions, call 707-565-6108 x1100

Register for Parent & Babies Support Group

Special Meeting of the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors

Setting the 2025 Calendar of Significant Agenda Items

Friday January 10

Sebastopol Center for the Arts beginning at 9 a.m.

Find agenda here.

Coast MAC Logo

Sonoma County Coast Municipal Advisory Council

Thursday January 16, 5:30 PM (Rescheduled from November 21)

Fort Ross School, 30600 Seaview Rd, Cazadero

Main topicAging in Place on the Sonoma Coast. Presenters include: Nancy Feehan, Aging in Community; Carolyn Andre, Coastal Seniors; and Cathy Frey with Mendonoma Health and the Mendonoma Mobile Health Clinic Bus

Cafecito Comunitario

Tuesday January 21, 8 - 9 AM

West County Services Center, 16390 Main Street

District 5 invites you to drop; in to our "Cafecito Comunitario" usually on the third Monday each month, but on the third Tuesday in January and February. You don't have to stay; you can just stop by for a delicious coffee and pastry and go about your day. Everyone is welcome; we look forward to seeing you!

Lower Russian River MAC: Vacancy

Guerneville South / Pocket Canyon Alternate

We are now accepting applications for an alternate position on the Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council (MAC), representing the Guerneville South / Pocket Canyon area. (see map) This position is for a two-year term beginning January 2025.

The MAC plays a vital role in community engagement, providing input to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors on a range of important topics. These include health and human safety-net services, land use, transportation and transit priorities, and general plan amendments. The MAC also reviews significant topics that will be heard by the Board of Supervisors, helping ensure local voices are heard on decisions that impact our community.

By serving on the MAC, you can act as a bridge between the county and your community—ensuring that local concerns and insights help shape policies and services. Interested in applying? Visit for more information or to submit an application.

Map of Guerneville South / Pocket Canyon Area
Check Address

Fifth District Supervisor Lynda Hopkins | County of Sonoma | 707-565-2241

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