News From Mass Digital Health at the Massachusetts eHealth Institute

December 2023

Highlights from 2023

As 2023 draws to a close, we wanted to take a moment to thank all of our stakeholders for a great year and reflect on what we were able to accomplish together. Here are just a few notable highlights from the past year:

  • We revived our Mass Digital Health LinkedIn page, offering a new way to stay connected with others in the digital health ecosystem and share information about the digital transformation of healthcare.

  • We launched our Sandbox Networking Event series, which brings the dynamic Massachusetts digital health ecosystem together to connect in person and showcase the R&D centers in the Sandbox Network. The first event at Mass General Brigham focused on virtual and extended reality technology, and the second event at PracticePoint @ Worcester Polytechnic Institute focused on cybersecurity.

  • Through our Healthy Aging Sandbox Challenge, we supported 8 companies whose digital health solutions improve the lives of older adults. Four of the companies were awarded a total of $200,000 to test and validate their solutions with members of the Sandbox Network.

  • We launched our Women's Health Challenge, which is focused on finding digital health solutions that address women+ health and inequities. The challenge kicked off with an event at the Massachusetts State House sponsored by the chairs of the Joint Committee on Healthcare Financing: State Senator Cindy F. Friedman and State Representative John J. Lawn, Jr. The application review process is underway and finalists for the program will be announced in January 2024. 

  • We continued our monthly Healthcare Provider Cybersecurity call series, featuring deep dives on monthly topics of interest as well as updates on recent cyber threats and trends from representatives of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Commonwealth Fusion Center.

  • Our Mass HIway team successfully connected several provider organizations to the Mass HIway Clinical Gateway API for DPH reporting and updated the Cancer Registry reporting node. The team also revamped reporting for ADTs coming from Acute Care Hospitals, and facilitated the gathering of important information from Psychiatric Hospitals and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) to understand how ADTs are used in those environments.

We wish you all the best for a very happy holiday season and look forward to many more successes in 2024!

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