The ILLBA Roundup

Monday March 18, 2024

Upcoming Events

Save The Date

Coffee With The ILLBA


Tuesday April 16th, 10:00am11:30am CT

Save The Date

 Breakfast With The ILLBA

Tuesday May14th, 2024 (location TBD)

8:30am - 10:30am CT

Topic suggestions? Contact Paula or any board member.

Sponsorships are available, contact the ILLBA office for details.

Welcome Spring! Tuesday March 19th

Women’s HERstory Month 2024

"Illinois Advancing HER Business"

Click here for details and events

City of Chicago Updates

Webinars and Workshops

Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection’s

FREE business education webinars .Click here for the schedule


Compliments? Complaints, Incidents?

Report it!

Non Emergency - call 311

Emergency numbers

O'Hare 773-894-9111

Midway 773-838-9111

Incident Report - issues, complaints and compliments

Click here for incident report

If you witness an incident, do not confront the individual(s) for safety reasons. The CDA encourages you to use one of the above ways to inform authorities.




The Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) created TOOL KITS to provide information and resources to support TAXI and PUBLIC PASSENGER VEHICLE license holders. 

Click here for details

----------------------------------------------------------CITY OF CHICAGO OFFICE CLOSINGS

  • Monday May 27, Memorial Day


Is Your Vehicle Due For A City of Chicago Inspection?

Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) publishes the Public Passenger Vehicle Inspection Schedule on the City of Chicago’s Data Portal. Click here for details


Ready To Be Featured?

Thank you to everyone who has been participating in our Spotlight Series!

Have you been following along with our Spotlight Series interviews thus far? It’s the perfect way to showcase your business to fellow members in our ILLBA community and beyond.. 

Not only will your feature be presented here in the ILLBA Roundup newsletter and on our Facebook page, you’ll get a week-long highlight on the ILLBA homepage and have a personal and permanent profile page on our site that speaks to your business and all the great things you do there. 

We’ve even updated our Member Directory to include the feature link right there with your business listing and contact information. 

Are you ready to have your business featured? Contact Paula to set up an interview! 

2024-2025 ILLBA Board of Directors

- Nominations Now Open

There are five (5) open board seats (including one vendor/supplier seat) for the upcoming board of directors election.

Nomination qualifications per the ILLBA Bylaws:

  • ILLBA member (operator or vendor) in good standing for two (2) consecutive years prior to election  (for exception consideration, please contact Jim Jordan, Nominating Committee Chair)
  • Timely payment of dues prior to submission of the Slate of Candidates by the Nominating Committee
  • Terms are for two years

If you (or someone you know) has a desire to get involved and give back to the industry, please contact Jim Jordan for nomination details.

Deadline for nominations is Friday March 29th, 5PM.

City of Chicago Events and Traffic Restrictions

NEW! Wrigley Field Transportation Restrictions Map 2024 - click here

Soldier Field Transportation Restrictions Map 2023 - click here

Transportation Restrictions for Bally's Temporary Casino Effective Sept. 9 - click here

Uptown Entertainment District Transportation Restrictions Eff Dec 22 - click here

Continued Closure Of Canal St. At Union Station - click here

McCormick Place Events Calendar

Stay up to date on traffic and road closures by downloading and using the Chicago OEMC App:

News You Can Use

Lyft And Uber Say They Will Leave Minneapolis After City Council Forces Them to Pay Drivers More

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Lyft and Uber said they will cease operations in Minneapolis after the city’s council voted Thursday to override a mayoral veto and require that ride-hailing services increase driver wages to the equivalent of the local minimum wage of $15.57 an hour.

Lyft called the ordinance “deeply flawed,” saying in a statement that it supports a minimum earning standard for drivers but not the one passed by the council.

Read more

Welcome NLA President Brett Barenholtz!

The NLA announced Brett Barenholtz as President at the 2024 CD/NLA Show in Las Vegas.

Congratulations to ILLBA's President Tracy Raimer, elected as the NLA's first vice president!

Congratulations to Brett and Tracy!

Read more

NLA Day On The Hill Scholarship Program Is Back!

The NLA is excited to bring the popular Scholarship Program back to Day on the Hill!

The NLA Day on the Hill (Full info here) is an annual event where NLA members meet with their elected representatives in Washington, D.C. in an effort to educate them on the issues and concerns facing our industry.

This is your chance to meet with your representatives in Washington and have your voice heard regarding the NLA's hot-button issues

This year's Day on the Hill is May 14-15 at the District Wharf in Washington, D.C.

What does the scholarship include?

  • Up to three (3) paid nights at the District Wharf to be booked and paid by the NLA (Hyatt House)
  • One (1) paid dinner at the Board/PAC Fundraiser Dinner on Tuesday, May 14th at La Vie in the District Wharf
  • One (1) paid dinner at the Day on the Hill Dinner on Wednesday, May 15th at Hank's Oyster Bar at the District Wharf
  • Building Relationships with your representatives in Washington, D.C. on behalf of your business and the industry
  • Networking and education to grow your business

What is the criteria for applicants?

  1. Be an NLA Member! This program is for members only.
  2. Own a chauffeured transportation company that has at least one (1) vehicle
  3. Have the required local/state/federal licensing and proper insurance
  4. Have never attended an NLA Day on the Hill previously
  5. Have a passion for educating your elected representatives in Washington regarding the chauffeured Transportation Industry

Click here to apply - the application deadline is Thursday, March 28, 2024.

Next Autopilot Trial To Test Tesla's Blame-the-driver Defense

March 11 (Reuters) - Six weeks before the first fatal U.S. accident involving Tesla's Autopilot in 2016, the automaker's president Jon McNeill tried it out in a Model X and emailed feedback to automated-driving chief Sterling Anderson, cc’ing Elon Musk.

The system performed perfectly, McNeill wrote, with the smoothness of a human driver.

"I got so comfortable under Autopilot, that I ended up blowing by exits because I was immersed in emails or calls (I know, I know, not a recommended use)," he wrote in the email dated March 25 that year.

Read more

US Airlines Warn Of More Boeing Delivery Delays Due To Safety Crisis

Airlines in the United States are warning that delayed deliveries of Boeing aircraft could result in plans to increase capacity being missed or scrapped altogether. 

Read more

Chicago Is Making A Comeback. How The City Is Set Up For Meetings And Events Success

Source: Meetings Today

The winds are changing in the Windy City. After a difficult few years following the pandemic, demand and interest in Chicago as a meetings and events destination is on the rise.

Read more

Grant And Education Opportunities

How can artificial intelligence benefit your business? Join us on Thursday, March 28, at noon ET as industry experts share how entrepreneurs can leverage AI to expand their businesses during this era of rapid innovation.

Stay ahead of the curve and explore the endless possibilities that AI has to offer —RSVP:


City of Chicago Entrepreneur Certificate Program

The Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) Entrepreneur Certificate Program is a free program for anyone interested in starting or growing a business in Chicago to gain knowledge across various essential business topics.

All Program graduates, based in Chicagoland, are eligible to apply for the Entrepreneur Loan Program with BACP’s partner bank, CIBC.

Learn more


Small Business Administration (SBA)

SBA Illinois Event Calendar

SBA Indiana Event Calendar

SBA Wisconsin Event Calendar

SBA ASCENT Learning- AA free platform for women entrepreneurs looking to grow or improve their business.

Allies For Community Business

 -Business coaching; small business loans, grant opportunities

  • Apply for a $10K grant with Fast Break for Small Business - click for details


If you know of any opportunities in the midwest or nationally, please email the ILLBA office so we can share with members.

 “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.”

 —Jack Welch, American business executive, chemical engineer, and writer