News + Updates November/December 2023

Olive Harvest Synergy, Upcoming Workshops (Special Alum Discount!), and More!


Photo: Jeff Kunzelman

Dear Cosanti,

It’s been a busy November and December, and we have a lot planned for 2024!

Two recent workshops added new alumni to our ranks. Our last Farm-to-Table workshop of the year ended just after Halloween. In addition to helping Agriculture plant 1300 garlic plants with irrigation and harvest 550 lbs of produce for the Café and residents, several participants joined resident musicians in playing music wherever the community had gathered.

Anthony and Jaden playing music on top of the ceramics apse

Watch this video of Farm-to-table Workshoppers, Jaden Chavez and Anthony Ragus, playing music on top of the ceramics apse at sunset.

December 2, was our graduation day for the combined Construction and Archives workshops, with participants working on our new ADA accessible gallery and exhibition space along with many other projects across site. We welcome our newest alumni!

Workshoppers Shane King and Wendy Chilibeck working on the Sun Suite

Construction workshoppers Shane King and Wendy Chilibeck helped renovate the Sun Suite.

Picking fruit at the Farm at Bent River.

Picking fruit at the Farm at Bent River

Farm-to-Table Workshopper Lilili preparing bread in the Cafe

Scallion braided bread baked by Farm-to-Table workshopper, Lilili Li

Our upcoming construction workshops in January and February, 2004, will focus on Camp, and we are offering a special discount for alumni. Read on for more details!

Annual Olive Harvest

Walker and David picking olives

Our Olives Trees & Harvest

The Agriculture team has begun harvesting olives from our historic trees at Arcosanti. Harvested olives from the 100+ trees will sent to Queen Creek Olive Mill for pressing into oil or cured with brine or other methods. 

History: In the early 1960s, Cosanti rescued trees that were slated to be removed to widen Camelback Road in Phoenix, and the hundreds of drought-tolerant trees at Cosanti and Arcosanti are all descendants of those original salvaged trees. 

Picking olives

Alums, Join Us for Olive Picking!

We will be having a Synergy this Monday, 12/18, to pick as many olives as we can. Local alums, please join us if you are in the area on that day to lend a hand.

Date: 12/18/23

Time: 8:00 AM

Where: The Vaults

Upcoming Workshops

Construction Workshop

Construction Workshop

Alumni Receive 20% Discount

Work with our maintenance team to repair and restore the structures around Arcosanti, and help build new structures as part of our urban experiment.

• Learn resource-conscious architecture.

• Assist in tiling, framing, plumbing, electrical, and other skill-learning tasks.

• Participate in work, community events, as you live, work, and learn as a group in the same space.

$1400 for four-week workshop. (20% discount for alumni)

Upcoming Dates for 2024:

January 15 – February 9

February 19 – March 15

March 25 – April 19

More Info
Farm-to-Table Workshop

Farm-to-Table Workshop

Alumni receive 20% discount on one interval

An immersive experience where you can actively engage in a closed loop food system, experiment in organic and sustainable farming techniques, and collaborate with the café team to create imaginative seasonal dishes while engaging with a live-work community.

• Run a store and make group meals together.

• Know the real source and handling of your food.

Our farm-to-table program is divided into 3 intervals

$1400 for one interval;

$2450 for two intervals; $3500 for three intervals

(20% alumni discount for one interval)

Upcoming Dates for 2024:

February 19 - March 15

March 11 - April 5

April 8 - May 3

More Info
Archives Workshop

Archives Workshop

Alumni Receive 20% Discount

Work within our Archives, the largest repository of Arcology thought and design. Discover and document the posterity of past work including art, sketches, text documents, construction documents, architectural models, drawings, and photographs.

• Help disseminate archival information to the public via displays and exhibits.

• Catalogue and digitize past work.

• Live, work, and learn in the same space.

$1400 for four-week workshop (20% discount for alumni)

Upcoming Dates for 2024:

January 15 – February 9

February 19 – March 15

March 25 – April 19

More Info

Click here to see Channel 3 news coverage of our Farm-to-Table program!

Learn more about our Hands-On Workshops!

Buy a Bell for Someone You Love

In Person Shopping:

Holiday hours for Arcosanti and Cosanti galleries can be found here

Online Shopping:

Limited edition products & bundles exclusively offered to Cosanti Rewards Members through Jan 1st (online only). Please note that holiday delivery is not guaranteed for orders placed after December 15th

Bronze windbells

Plan your trip to the Arcology!

Arcosanti Tour
Book your Tour
Cosanti Tour
Book your Tour

The Greenhouse Guest Rooms

Looking to extend your visit to Arcosanti? Enjoy our quiet and restful accommodations on the mesa. Our Greenhouse Guest Rooms feature handmade furniture and accents, as well as unique views of our high desert property.

Greenhouse Guestrooms

About the



Vaults after a monsoon 2021

Since 1965, The Cosanti Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, has advocated for the built environment to be created in harmony with nature through the concept of arcology (architecture + ecology), through our Arizona demonstration projects, Cosanti and Arcosanti. Join us in our mission to inspire a reimagined urbanism that builds resilient and equitable communities sustainably integrated with the natural world.

Today's Gift Makes Tomorrow Possible

Photographers: Kelzi Bartholomaei, Sagarika Bhati, Lance Cope, Jeff Kunzelman, Jessica Jameson, Taylor Morgan, J. David Tabor, and William Warren,

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