Hands of Mercy - Aging Ministry
Every week, our volunteers visit our neighbors at The Vistas (formerly Symphony), where they administer Communion and spend time with the residents. Contact Kelly Smith if you can help.
Our Liturgical Ministries
Ever thought about serving as a Mass Coordinator, Lector or Eucharistic Minister? Contact Jim Maciejewski for details and training. Learn more here.
Hands of Mercy - Don's Helping Hands
Making sandwiches for Don’s Helping Hands takes less than an hour and brings heaps of rewards to our guests who come to our door each weekday AND to you in knowing you’ve done your part to serve those less fortunate. Sign up now on the parish website.
Hands of Mercy - Refugee/Migrant Ministry
The Refugee/Migrant Ministry is responding to increasing requests for assistance and is always looking for volunteers. There are a number of ways to get involved. Contact Judy Lovero to see how you can help.
Facilities Committee
If you have experience in Construction, Mechanical Engineering, HVAC, etc., please consider joining our Facilities Committee. Contact tina@stjosaphatparish.org.