Blessings on this Easter Day


It was 25 years ago on Easter Sunday 1999 that I made the greatest decision in my life, one that changed my life trajectory then and for eternity. A quarter of a century, full of many mountain top experiences and triumphant victories yet also many twists and turns, derailments, trials and tribulations. We all have endured pain and suffering and long walks through gorges and arid valleys. In those seasons, I constantly remind myself of one of my favorite scriptures.

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Just yesterday as I was watching the sunrise out back, a Majestic Hawk flew over and perched directly above me. I was in awe as it looked down on me for several minutes. I was reminded to believe and trust that I have the power from the spirit of God to overcome every challenge I face.

One day we will be free of suffering, but in our earthly journey, may we find strength and courage. He is more than sufficient. When we are the weakest, his grace is the strongest.

I dedicate this Easter Sunday message to all in my Hive who may be enduring perhaps the hardest season ever.

May resurrection power fill you with strength and hope as you face your tomorrow.

Dr. Val