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We invite you to test our ticketing platform during the height of the

Total Solar Eclipse.

Don’t let the sun go down on your chances to win big.

Turn around and click on the 50/50 page. 

Remember that every time you get a little bit lonely,

a loving pet will come around and lift you up.

Help fund WCHS because every time you get a little bit tired or nervous,

a pet will come around and be by your side.

Your 50/50 ticket helps brighten the eyes of every little terrified dog and every little restless kitty. Turn around and buy your 50/50 ticket today!

The jackpot is over $2800 and growing fast.

Buy 50/50 Tickets 

Not into raffles but still want to save pets?

You can give by check; please mail your donation to:

WCHS, PO Box 397, Brattleboro, VT 05301.

Thank you,

Maya Richmond

Executive Director

Windham County Humane Society


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