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“Your faith has made you well.” As a child, I was captivated by the miracles that Jesus performed and still enjoy reading my 1932 edition of Hurlbut’s Story of the Bible. I derive special comfort and affirmation in the stories of physical healing found in the Gospels. No matter the vessel used, hands or the spoken word, Jesus demonstrates His Divine authority as the Great Physician to those who believe in His transformative powers of healing. 

Imagine bearing witness to such a miracle, validating with certainty the truth of the gospel being proclaimed! The scriptures assure us that today God continues to be the ultimate source of healing – our hearts, souls, bodies, minds and spirits. Our faith remains central to healing, as well as our acceptance that God’s timing is perfect. 

Often, it’s the waiting that puts our faith to the test. Handling my mother’s affairs was my responsibility and honor for two decades, until her recent death at age 100. Mom endured much -- the Great Depression, the Second World War, a stroke, a broken hip, debilitating osteoarthritis. She survived her ten siblings and her husband. She endured a loss of independence, mobility and physical strength, but her clarity of mind and faith allowed her to continue to draw closer to God, to praise Him who gave her the strength to persevere. 

My brother and I were present at Mom’s passing as God’s promise was made true, “Behold I make all things new.” Her caregiver, Kiya, a devoted Christian, was preparing Mom’s body, gently bathing her. Quiet bedside conversation with my brother was interrupted by Kiya’s beckoning, “I’ve never seen this before, come look!” The bed sore that had been present for months had miraculously healed. Not only was Mom’s faith rewarded, but her Divine healing was a blessing to the faithful gathered in the room. Indeed, God is still the Lord who heals!


Father, help us to be faithful and see the blessings surrounding us. Strengthen our minds, hearts, and bodies that we might serve you better. Deepen our trust in your divine plan. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Frann Dunn married Dan Dunn in 1986, bringing her to Spartanburg and FPC. Their daughter, Brie, her husband Trae Judy, and granddaughter Ellison enrich their lives beyond measure. After careers in publishing and nonprofit, Fran is happily retired and enjoys serving the church and community in various capacities.     

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