• January 20th- MLK Jr. Day- NO SCHOOL

  • February 14th- Staff PD Day, NO SCHOOL

  • February 17th- Presidents Day, NO SCHOOL

  • March 13th & 14th- Parent/Teacher Conferences, HALF DAY FOR STUDENTS

  • March 17th-21st- SPRING BREAK, NO SCHOOL

CECW has been named a CSI Distinction School! The Charter School Institute (CSI), our authorizer, assigns a performance rating and accredits our school each fall based on our academic, financial, and organizational performance from the previous school year. The CSI school performance framework aligns with the state framework but adds a “Performance with Distinction” rating beyond the state’s top rating of “Performance.” We are one of just thirteen CSI schools earning “Performance with Distinction” for the 2023-2024 school year, putting CECW in the top 25 percent of all public schools in Colorado for academics. Keep up the great work, Golden Eagles!



  • Illnesses: Please DO NOT SEND students to school if they are ill. 
  • Students must stay home for at least 24 hours after a fever has resolved without fever reducing medications to lower the fever
  • Students must stay home for at least 24 hours after vomiting and/or diarrhea without medications to reduce those symptoms
  • If your student has missed [5 consecutive days] or [7 days in a two-week period] due to illness, please provide medical documentation for these absences to be excused.

Contact Info:

RN: Jen McGlue, RN can be reached at 970-377-0044 x10121 or

Health Tech: Kenna can be reached at 970-657-2860 or

CEC is Hiring!

Looking for the perfect job or know someone who would be a great addition to our team? 

Check out our Careers page HERE


Student Success Coordinator, Mrs. Van Zandt, is back! Does your student need support? Mrs. Van Zandt can support students/families with tutoring or making tutoring appointments. To schedule with Mrs. Van Zandt or to get help scheduling with another teacher, please contact her at

News From Our Business Manager

Colorado Early Colleges Swag!

Come check out our new swag! Support your school by

rocking the most recent apparel! Click HERE


Remember your High School years and purchase a yearbook! Click HERE

Recognition AD- Would you like to give your 8th grader or Senior a spotlight moment? Purchase an ad by clicking this LINK to do so

Yearbook wants your student athlete included on our sports page! All sports welcome, help us have a great Yearbook! Send JPG photos of your student athlete practicing, competing, or posing in team gear to


Spirit Store
Transportation Page
Yearbook Pictures
25/26 Academic Calendar
Yearbook Purchase
Donate Page
IT Support

CECW is accepting new 6th-12th graders for the 2025/2026! Click here to begin the application process! Let friends and family know about next year's enrollment by sending them to our Admissions Page.

Remember, you can earn a $100 E-Gift Card for every student you refer to CECW! We look forward to seeing new faces next year!

Are you following us on Facebook and Instagram? Be sure to keep up with CECW on social media for fun news and important updates!
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