The PGA of BC Board of Directors invites qualified members interested in serving on the Board of Directors to submit their names to run in this month's upcoming election for open positions.
In the coming vote, there will be four (4) vacant positions on the Board. Each member elected will serve a two-year term. Due to the Board's current composition, at least one of the directors elected must be a representative of the Interior region.
All candidates must be Class "A" Professionals who are members in good standing with the PGA of Canada to be eligible to run in the election.
Candidates will be asked to submit a brief biography and write-up detailing why they feel they are most qualified for a position on the PGA of BC Board of Directors. Submissions may not exceed 200 words and may not include any supplementary documents or files -- these are firm requirements that will be strictly enforced.
To submit your name for consideration, please send an email with your written submission no later than Monday, January 13 at 4:00pm PT to Executive Director Mark Strong at Confirmation will be sent to candidates upon receipt of application.
Once a list of candidates has been compiled, the membership will have an opportunity to vote in the online election. The voting period will run from January 19-25, 2025.
To read the full Call for Board Candidates, including requirements, expectations, and benefits of the role, please click here.