Monthly Update - May 2024

PASSOVER REDUX - In addition to our best-ever Community Seder on April 23, CJC collaborated with CoastPride and CoastPride Multi-Faith Partners to host a Pride Seder on April 26. Reb Moshe and Lissin helped lead the seder with Rabbi Mychal Copeland from San Francisco's Congregation Sha'ar Zahav.

It was a diverse gathering of folks who gathered to celebrate the LGBTQ community’s “coming out” of bondage. For many, it was their first exposure to Passover and to CJC. A big "thank you" to our Multi-Faith partners...

...and to the local Unitarian Universalists for bringing the matzah toffee, Reb Moshe's favorite dessert!


Plan to join us on Friday May 17 at 7:00pm at Holy Family Church as we celebrate the contributions Lissin has made to our community over the past eight years she has served as a soloist and service leader, and the many years prior she has been a member.

Special guests will include Rabbi Jane Litman and Rabbi Ted Riter, previous CJC rabbis who worked closely with Lissin as her mentors. Throughout her tenure, Lissin provided a sense of continuity and presence through a rapid succession of rabbis. A special presentation will be made by the CJC Board in appreciation for her many years of joyful service. Bring snacks & desserts for oneg, and join Lissin and friends for karaoke night at Cameron's afterwards!

Below are updates from each of our four Chavurot, based on our Four Worlds organizational structure: (1) Family, (2) Community, (3) Adult Learning, and (4) Spirituality. It all begins with Family, which is central in the kabbalistic model of concentric spheres. Spirituality, the outermost sphere, encompasses all the other realms, representing the idea that spirituality suffuses everything we do.

THE FAMILY CHAVURAH supports children & families, providing experiences and opportunities for Jewish learning and identity formation, fostering optimal conditions for social, intellectual and spiritual development. For more information, reach out to Dr. Elysia Engelage.

Celebrate Israel's Birthday at the PJCC on Thurs, May 9 - 5pm to 7:30pm

It is important to acknowledge the challenging and heartbreaking six months of conflict between Israel and Hamas, and the impact on Israelis and Palestinians. And yet, Israel encompasses a rich tapestry of culture, history, innovation, and diversity. Embracing all facets of Israeli life allows for a more holistic understanding and connection with the country and its people.

In this context, PJCC is hosting a Yom Yisrael, or Israel Day, a few days in advance of Yom HaAtzmaut. Proceeds from the event will support evacuated Kibbutz communities from Southern Israel, as well as “Bring Them Home: The Hostage and Missing Families Forum.”

Enjoy a secure environment for honoring and celebrating Israeli culture. Highlights Include:

  • Kosher kebabs and falafel
  • Israeli dancing, community sing-along, and a children’s show
  • Community art project and festive craft tables
  • Sandless beach hang-out zone
  • Hebrew book giveaway for adults and children
  • Hostage Square area and interactive “Wall of Hope”

Email to volunteer at this event. Register here.

PJ Library, PJCC, CJC and Tkiya Come Together at Dunes Beach in HMB to celebrate Lag BaOmer on Sunday, June 2 from 11am to 1pm

Enjoy a fun-filled day with activities with songs, and a delicious bagel lunch and snacks.

Tkiya will be joining us for a musical adventure full of bubbles and more! Geared towards children aged 0-8 years, siblings welcome.  

Tkiya's friendly and welcoming Jewish educator-musician, Elana Ron, who lives on the Coastside, uses original and curated songs, stories, movement, and more. Find more info and register for this community-wide event here.

THE COMMUNITY CHAVURAH supports both community-building within CJC and with the broader community through social justice activism and civic engagement. For more information, reach out to Linda or Chip.

Meet J Street - Monday, May 13, 7-8pm in Half Moon Bay (and via Zoom)

Do you find yourself lost in between Israel supporters without sympathy for Palestinians, and Palestinian supporters without sympathy for Jewish Israelis?

Come learn more about J Street, and if interested, get connected both with the organization and each other. This is a purely educational event, and there will be no pressure to get involved or make any donations. If people want to learn more about how to become involved, we will discuss that after this session is complete (either immediately after, if people want to stick around, or another time)

J Street organizes pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy Americans to promote US policies that embody our deeply held Jewish and democratic values and that help secure the State of Israel as a democratic homeland for the Jewish people. We believe that only a negotiated resolution agreed to by Israelis and Palestinians can meet the legitimate needs and national aspirations of both peoples.

Join us for a presentation by Hannah Green, J Street Northwest Regional Director, followed by an opportunity for questions and answers. Hannah joined J Street after nearly a decade of working in human rights and peace organizations in Israel in leadership positions. She grew up in Jerusalem and holds a masters degree in Conflict Resolution from the Hebrew University, where she focused on Israeli media representations of the conflict.

Email Laura ( to RSVP. Location or Zoom link will be provided.

Watch the Joint Memorial Day Ceremony on Sunday - 10:30am

Organized by Combatants for Peace and The Parents Circle Families Forum, this ceremony is the largest Israeli-Palestinian jointly organized peace event in history. It provides a unique opportunity for Israelis and Palestinians to grieve together and stand strong in demanding an end to the ongoing violence.

This year, the ceremony centers around the stories of children. What will be the future of the next generation? How can we bring hope amidst so much tragedy?

If you wish to host a watch gathering, or attend one in the Bay Area, email Shimrit. Or you can just watch it from home. To register, click here.

Yom Ha’atzmaut Celebration: Finding Promise in the Present - Presented by the Progressive Israel Network - Tuesday, May 14, 11am (via Zoom)

With hostages still in captivity, no end in sight to the war or humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and tensions boiling at protests in both Israel and the US, Israelis and Jews around the world will mark the establishment of the Jewish state 76 years ago.

At this moment, when so many are holding multiple hard truths simultaneously, we are proud to join our Progressive Israel Network partners, as well as Israeli activists Ami Dror and Shir Nosatzki, Rabbi Andrea London, Israeli-born singer Danny Maseng, and Congressman Jerry Nadler. Register here.

Save the Date for CJC'S Annual Membership Meeting on Weds, June 12

Hear the highlights from the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Enjoy a year-in-review video! Find out the results of the Board election, and recognize key CJC members, including the volunteer of the year! This is a virtual event that begins at 7pm. Zoom link will be provided.

THE ADULT LEARNING CHAVURAH supports life-long learning through ongoing Mussar groups, a Holy Books Study Group, and other learning opportunities. For more information, reach out to Vaughn Harrison or Laura Alster-Martin.

What's Happening on College Campuses: Hear Directly from Students

This morning at 9am, four students will be speaking on an online panel, representing perspectives from Columbia, UCLA, Tufts and the University of Michigan. The voices of the overwhelming majority of students – Jewish and non-Jewish alike – are being drowned out by hardliners seeking political gain.

Hear directly from students who are associated with J Street U, an organization working to protect the rights of Jewish students and non-violent protesters alike, returning focus to the core issues on the ground in Israel and Gaza. You can register for the webinar here.

Voices From the Israel Reform Movement: Marking Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut Together - Thursday, May 9 at 10:00am

Join the global Reform Movement in an online gathering leading to Israeli memorial and independence days. Join us for voices, music and stories from Israel, as we approach these meaningful days, and come away with inspiration, and resources to mark these days within your communities. Register here.

CJC Book Club To Meet Next on Weds, June 5th at 7pm

The CJC Book Club meets approximately once every two months at members’ homes. They read all kinds of books that are in some way related to Judaism, and generally ensure the books are available through a library. They schmooze, they nosh, and they even discuss the book! Best of all, it's an opportunity for CJC members to get together to enjoy each others’ company. 

At their next gathering, they will discuss The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride. There’s a long wait list at the library, but a dozen copies will be available to borrow from Book Club in a Box. Email Vaughn to reserve yours.

THE SPIRITUALITY CHAVURAH supports the personal and communal interests of our members when it involves spirituality. Whether it's Shabbat and holiday rituals, workshops, or personal practices, we're here for you on all levels. You can reach out to co-facilitators Reb Moshe or Lissin Lev Chaya.

Mazel Tov to Reb Moshe on Becoming an Honorary Doctor of Divinity Next Week

On Monday, May 13th, Reb Moshe will celebrate the 25th anniversary of his Rabbinic ordination from the Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion. He will be participating in a ceremony at the HUC-JIR campus in Los Angeles where he will be awarded an honorary doctorate degree. Members of his family and many of his former classmates will be in attendance. We congratulate him on this milestone and this honor. A formal recognition celebration on the Coastside is scheduled for September 7th. Save the date!

Celebrate Lag BaOmer around a bonfire in Half Moon Bay on Sat, May 25

Lag BaOmer is a Jewish holiday with complex and mysterious origins. What we know for a fact, however, is that hundreds of thousands of Jews make a pilgrimage to the tomb of the great mystic Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai on this day and celebrate the holiday with picnics and bonfires.

Come and join us on Saturday, May 25 at 8:00pm. (Sunset is at 8:21pm.) Reb Moshe will explain the holiday's mystical dimensions, and we'll enjoy snacks and s'mores. It's an especially fun holiday for teens. To RSVP, click here.

CJC's Annual Shavuot Climb is on Wednesday, June 12 at 10am

At CJC, we have a very unique way of celebrating Shavuot. We will hike up Montara Mountain on Saturday at 10am and re-enact the giving of the Torah on top of the mountain. After a celebration that will include dairy (and non-dairy) snacks and treats, we will then take turns bringing the Torah down the mountain - symbolizing all the ways we can each bring the Torah's wisdom into our lives, our homes, and our relationships.

If you are ready to join us on this adventure, you can RSVP here for the details.

CJC is hiring! We are looking for candidates. Know anyone?

Program Manager (Click on link for the complete job description.) This role builds on the Event Coordinator role that we had for the first time this fiscal year and includes broader responsibilities, such as managing communications and select other administrative duties. 

Thank you to Michal for piloting our Event Coordinator role this year! She stepped in with curiosity, eagerness and a clear love of our community. We are grateful for her efforts in coordinating celebrations such as the big Chanukah party and the High Holidays, and we know that her work behind the scenes helped make so many great memories. Michal and her family will remain active as members of CJC and we know we'll see them at many upcoming programs. 

Jewish Youth Educator (Click on link for the complete job description.) This role builds on the recent Family Circle Director role to include a revised vision of Family Circle as well as incremental responsibilities for family programming such as at holidays and select events. 

Thank you to Marla for her excellent leadership of Family Circle over the last few years. We are grateful for her enthusiasm for Jewish education and expertise in Hebrew, Jewish holidays, and culture (and love of crafts!). We wish her all the best in her continued rabbinical studies! Marla is always welcome at CJC events and we hope to see her pop in even as she rolls off the Family Circle educator role after this school year. 

Please share the job postings with your networks to help us recruit the best candidates. Reach out to Sophie with questions at


The Board & Clergy are thankful for donations to CJC

John Boyer – In honor of Harry Boyer, with love from the Nomburg Boyer family


Juliette Freestone – Donation for Passover, and donation in honor of #BringThemHome


Cheryl Hankin – Donation to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund to thank Reb Moshe for his spiritual guidance

Elizabeth Ross – In memory of her mother and nephew


Monthly Donations

Joel White & Janine Robinson

Sara & Storm Russell – In honor of the CJC Board

Jhos Singer

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Donate on CJC Website here
Register for eScrip here.
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