Our Weekly Message

News, Invitations, and Ministerial Reflections

March 29, 2024

Committed, Loving, Generous

Dear members and friends,

UUSS has been thriving. Online and in person, we have found robust and increasing attendance as newcomers and new members continue to join our community of commitment, love, and generosity. Our many groups, programs, projects, and Religious Education activities connect us to one another and enable us to serve the wider community. 

When you lend a hand, lift your voice, greet another person, and provide a compassionate presence, you enlarge the abundance of our community. In addition, your financial support makes possible all the programs provided by our dedicated volunteers, staff members, and ministers. Your support keeps our doors open to welcome the next seeker of the gifts of our spiritual community. 

Our annual Pledge Drive starts on April 7. This year, our Board and Stewardship Committee have set a bold and important goal to increase pledge revenues by 15%.

The purpose is to increase staff wages and salaries to achieve the Unitarian Universalist Association’s minimum recommendations for our size and our area’s average wages. We are grateful to the Personnel Task Force for their careful attention to this issue and for the continued support of the Board and our volunteer leadership to fair and competitive staff compensation for our dedicated staff members. 

Making a pledge to UUSS is about putting faith in one another and in our future as a vibrant community. Your pledge demonstrates your faith in each other and in the value of this congregation. It reflects your own commitment, love, and generosity. 

Every year, we ministers pledge to give at least 5% of our gross income to UUSS.

We are personally committed to its mission and values. We are grateful for your energy, courage, trust, and love as we build community. We invite you to make the most generous pledge that you can, taking up the invitation to increase your pledge as you are able. Please know that it will make a difference. Thank you!

Yours in service,

Rev. Roger & Rev. Lucy

P.S.--The pledge drive takes place April 7-21. This is how we fund the operating budget for the 2024-25 budget year. Your generous giving sustains our mission.

Have you noticed the link that says "(Message clipped) View entire message" near the bottom of these e-mails? We have so much news in here sometimes that it does not all show up when you open the email. Scroll down and click on the link to see more!

Sunday Mornings with UUSS

Face masks are available but not required.

Join us for Worship Services in person or on Zoom Zoom links here

(Closed Captioning available on Zoom)

 Service time 10:30 a.m.

Fellowship afterwards in the Welcome Hall and for 22 minutes on Zoom

Did you miss a service? You can find links to past services here

Our Soul Matters Theme for March is


Here's the link to the Soul Matters materials

Sunday Morning Programs

Join us before the service at 9:30 AM at UUSS

1st Sunday - Labyrinth meditation in the meadow (April 7)

2nd Sunday - Note new time: Justice & Equity conversation is after the service (April 14 @11:45)!

3rd Sunday - Qui Gong/Tai Chi (April 21)

4th Sunday - Exploring Unitarian Universalism (topics rotate).

Sunday, April 14, we will be gathering for a a Newcomer Orientation and Tour.

Join us then or on the second Sunday of any month, right after the service, in the Welcome Hall.

Easter Sunday, March 31, 10:30AM:

Rolling Away The Stone

Ministerial Intern Rosemary Dodd preaching,

with Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, Worship Associate Andy Cramer, UUSS Choir, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva, and Ann Haas, French horn.

Experiences of transforming mystery and wonder are primary sources of Unitarian Universalist inspiration and grounding. This Easter Sunday, join Rosemary Dodd as she explores the curiosity and imagination which we can cultivate in ourselves and our communities. Our choir will offer a special song by a UU composer. (Read below about the Easter egg hunt and light lunch offered after the service near Room 12.)

Special Offering: All of our Easter offering will support an effort by the Nevada City Nisenan tribe to purchase and reclaim 232 acres of a historic Nisenan Village in Nevada City.  

After-service Conversation

in a UUSS Zoom Breakout Room

Members and friends who attend a service by Zoom may enjoy the chance to get acquainted after the service concludes, and may reflect on a question related to the service theme-- for 22 minutes. Please speak briefly and listen so that all may be included.

      Committed, Loving, Generous

2024-2025 Pledge Drive ~ April 7 to April 21


Committed, Loving, Generous—that is what we strive to be as a congregation. We depend on commitments of financial support to fund our budget, compensate our staff, maintain our buildings and grounds, and support the UUA and the outreach of the larger UU movement. We ask each household to make a written pledge of the financial support for the coming year. Please submit a new pledge each year,

even if you have an automatic withdrawal for your current pledge.

This year we have a special request. Our goal is to raise wages and salaries for UUSS staff and ministers to meet the minimum compensation levels recommended by the UUA. Our staff and ministers deserve fair and equitable compensation for their dedication and talent. We need to increase our annual budget by at least 15% to meet this goal. To this end, we will be asking each of you to increase your pledge this year.

Thank you for your commitment, love, and generosity - Your Stewardship Team

Joys and Sorrows in Our Congregation

If you would like to have a joy, sorrow, concern, or milestone spoken by a minister at Sunday’s prayer time, let us know at this link. Make sure to tell us you do not want us to mention it aloud, or if you would like a phone call from one of the ministers. Come early this Sunday and light a candle up front and fill out a prayer card for the ministers.

We extend our condolences to Gina Guarneri and Doug McDougall on the passing of Gina's sister Patrice after a long ordeal with cancer. For the last 6 months of her life she was surrounded by her children, grandchildren, siblings and friends. Patrice died peacefully with her children at her side.

We extend our condolences to our staff member Krystal Gollaher (Administrative and Facilities Manager) on the death of her mother, Malissa (Missy) Gollaher, on March 29, after a rapid decline from cancer. Missy was 57. She leaves behind Krystal, a son and two other daughters, plus grandchildren. You may send notes or cards of condolences to Krystal at the UUSS address.

Join us in Religious Education!

Click here to read this week's RE/Family Ministry Email

Childcare--The Nursery (Rm. 11) welcomes infants 6 months through age 5. Staff supervise child-led play in a fun and friendly nursery filled with toys and games. Snacks are offered. Access through the main entrance. Please contact Crystal with questions.

Soul Kids -- Kindergarten-5th grade. Join DJ this Sunday, Mar. 31 for stories, craft projects and Easter and springtime fun.

Junior High and Senior High youth!

You are invited to help set up the Easter Egg Hunt this Sunday, March 31. See Crystal Fountain before service if you would like to help out.

Other engaging activities for children, youth and families are available and information can be found in the email linked above!

There's always a lot happening in RE!

RE Coordinator Crystal Fountain has weekly office hours and is available by email too.


Easter is this Sunday!

Join us at UUSS this Sunday, March 31,

for an Easter celebration after service!

The Easter Bunny will join us for an Easter Egg Hunt and some patio board games for all-ages.

After the hunt, all are invited for refreshments at our Teddy Bear's Picnic. Bring your stuffed animal friend--or borrow one--and join the fun!

Whether after service or in your own home, you

can enjoy coffee created just for UUSS: Chalice Blend! 

Beans are grown by women-owned cooperatives in Latin America and roasted and blended by a café in Oakland. Fresh beans sold for $15 a bag in the Sunday Bookstore or in the Office weekdays.

What's Happening?

For a listing of all events this week and coming up

check out our Weekly Calendar/Bluesheet.

People of Color Caucus at UUSS

2nd & 4th Thursdays this spring:

April 11, May 9 - 6:00 to 7:30 pm on Zoom

March 28, April 25, May 23 - 11:00 am to 12:30 pm in person @UUSS (Fahs Room)

Do you self-identify as a person of color, or of mixed racial heritage? Join us for conversation and connection. Questions? Contact multi@uuss.org

Join the UUA’s UPLIFT Ministries on April 2nd

This online gathering in honor of Trans Day of Visibility is open to all ages, gender identities or agender identities, and faith backgrounds. 

Register at this link!

Our Work for Justice

Special Offering for Easter

On Sunday, March 31:

UUSS Community Support

for Homeland Return

The Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribe has a time-limited opportunity to purchase 232 acres located on a historic Nisenan Village site called Yulića near Nevada City. As with many Indigenous traditions, the Tribe’s health and its culture are symbiotic with the Land -- neither People nor Land can thrive without relationship to the other. As such, the purchase and re-matriation of Yulića provides a tremendous potential for stability and healing for the Tribe, the environment, and the fabric of the Sierra Nevada foothills community.

The Tribe’s non-profit California Heritage Indigenous Research Project (CHIRP) has a goal of $2.4 million including the purchase price, government-mandated improvements, and an operating endowment. Phase 1 fundraising goal is $1.5 million by April 4! CHIRP reached out to UUSS directly as allies after finding our land acknowledgement online. Since March has five Sundays, we are dedicating a March 31 special offering to this project. You can find out more, watch videos, and learn about the project at chirpca.org/homelandreturn.

Registration for Regional Assembly is open! April 19-20 online and in Denver.

Elevate your Unitarian Universalist experience by immersing yourself in the Pacific Western Regional Assembly. This is a community of individuals like you, from dozens of UU congregations--online or in person!

Door Openers--How They Work!

We have new automatic openers and closers at our main entrance doors and the doors between the Welcome Hall and Covered Patio. (In addition to the existing ones for the large restrooms.) In this picture, see the vertical black panel to the side of the door? Tap it with a hand, knee, foot, etc. and wait while the door opens for you!

Staff and Minister Availability

Rev. Roger (Roger's day off is Monday; study day is Friday) is available for pastoral support by appointment by phone, Zoom or in person, and the Pastoral Volunteers are available for support by phone.

Rosemary: Schedule an appointment with ministerial intern Rosemary Dodd: rosemary@uuss.org, or at this link. Her days off are Friday-Saturday, and her study day is Monday. Rev. Lucy Bunch is on sabbatical through May 31.

Our office staff members (office@uuss.org or 916-483-9283) are available to respond to your calls and emails weekdays 8:30-4:30, except public holidays. Our part-time staff have hours that vary (some of them serve UUSS only on Sundays), so please call the office if you have a question or need to be in touch with them. Monday, April 1 is Cesar Chavez Day and the Office will be closed. Our Pianist and Music Director are available by email and invite you to choir practice Wednesday nights at 7:00.


April 1 for Cesar Chavez Day

UUSS Mission 

We come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world.  

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