This week at St. Martin’s

Sunday, May 5

8:45am Nursery open for ages 0-4

9:00am Family Worship- Live Stream

9:45am Chapel gathering for children

10:00am Faith Formation for all ages

11:00am Traditional Worship

Tuesday, May 7

9:00am WELCA Tack and Pack

Wednesday, May 8

1:00pm Zoom Book Study5:

5:30pm Committee Chairs Meeting

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

8:30pm Bell Choir Rehearsal         

Saturday May 11

9:00am Staff/Committee Chairs Work Session

Sunday, May 12-Mother's Day

8:45am Nursery open for ages 0-4

9:00am Family Worship

9:45am Chapel gathering for children

10:00am Faith Formation for all ages

11:00am Traditional Worship-Live Stream

St. Martin's Serves Lunch Bag Ministry -Mon-Fri 9:00-11:00AM

St.Martin's May Birthday List

Saying YES!

In baptism, we are adopted into the family of God and become Christians. We are “sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever.” In confirmation, we make an adult affirmation of the promises made in baptism. After several months of study, eight of our young people are prepared to make this affirmation and confirm their acceptance of the principles of Lutheran Christianity. Please pray for these young people who will be confirmed in their faith on the Day of Pentecost, May 19:


August Anderson

Hope Badeusz

Ella Bunger

Jax Bunger

Charlie Crouch

John Crouch

Thane Myers

Seth Salmon


Stir up in your servants the gift of your Holy Spirit: the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord, the spirit of joy in your

presence, both now and forever. Amen.


Mark Your Calendar

Pentecost Sunday- May 19

10:00 am Single Summer Worship Begins

Pentecost Pot Luck Lunch

Sunday, May 19, 2024, after the 10:00am service

Bring your favorite main or side “pot luck” dish to share and come hungry for food and fellowship as we meet and celebrate our confirmands and 2024 program year volunteers in the Fellowship Hall. Dessert and drinks will be provided. As an additional treat, the Austin Jazz Band is scheduled to perform from approximately Noon to 1:30 p.m.


A Heart-Felt Thank You!

Thank you to all the volunteers who have helped lead our programs this year. We are blessed to have dedicated teachers, worship leaders, choir and instrumental musicians, caretakers of our building and grounds, providers of care and prayer both inside and outside our doors, and Council members. We send our appreciation to the many volunteers who model discipleship by your service to our members, as well as your compassionate outreach to our neighbors.


We are Disciples… we live Jesus’ daily rhythms of study of scripture, prayer, rest, and community, as our own.

Please consider this scripture verse as you practice these rhythms in your life as a disciple of Jesus:

2 And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation. Genesis 2:2-3


Joyful Generosity

Appreciation for God’s abundant creation inspires generous acts of gratitude.

Summer giving typically decreases as people travel. Please consider setting up an automatic gift so you don’t need to think about continuing to make your regular donation.

To learn about ways to give, go to

or donate now by texting “luther” and your gift amount to 73256.

Standard text message and data rates may apply. 

Pastor Ellen’s Vacation

Pastor Ellen will be taking her vacation May 20-June 20 to spend time with her husband, Kris, in California, and take some professional bread making classes. Pr. Ellen is taking all of her vacation at one time to give her voice a rest at her doctor’s advice. While Pr. Ellen is away, Pr. Tim Anderson will be preaching and presiding on Sundays and will be on call for any pastoral care needs. The church office will have his contact information.

Stephen Ministry Invites You...

As a Stephen Minister, you will have the opportunity to provide compassionate care and a listening ear to individuals facing challenges within our congregation and community. Through specialized training, you will learn how to effectively support and extend the care offered by our pastors.

Stephen Minister Testimony:

"Being a Stephen Minister has made me more intentional about listening. This has been helpful in Stephen Ministry relationships, personal relationships, and professional relationships. Walking beside someone as they experience a challenge in their lives, has brought me closer to God as I've learned more and more to give it up to God. Stephen Ministry is a reminder that we are never alone." Sally Gavin

Youth Earth Day Reading

Every day is Earth Day

The young people of St. Martins are deeply invested in the well-being of our planet. Their concerns have sparked a movement within our community to explore ways in which our faith can guide us towards solutions rooted in ecological consciousness and intergenerational dialogue. We invite you to join us in listening to the youth as they eloquently express their concerns, accompanied by beautiful music that adds a poignant touch to their message. Let us come together to support and empower these young voices as they strive to make a positive impact on our world.

Youth Reading Video Youth Reading PDF

Middle & High School Youth News

Contact Austin Shortes ( for more information

End of School Party - May 29th 4-6 pm at Altitude Trampoline Park. Parents are required to sign waivers at the park, but not required to stay the whole time.

Did you receive a parking ticket in the garage?

St. Martin’s members and guests are authorized to park in the parking garage across 16th Street from the church after 6pm Monday-Friday, after 1pm Saturday, and all day Sunday. If members or guests receive a parking ticket from the parking garage during these authorized hours, please scan and email a copy of the ticket to Katherine Lutter at and she will make sure the ticket is voided/dismissed.


St. Martin's Serves

St. Martin’s May Benevolence

Since its inception in 2016, the Move-In Ministry/Upbring has been generously supported by the people of St. Martin’s. Your generosity, whether through contributions of time, furniture, or financial resources, has been instrumental in empowering young adults transitioning out of the foster care system to establish homes of their own. While the primary focus remains on assisting young adults aging out of foster care, the spirit of giving at St. Martin’s has occasionally led our volunteers to support other move-in opportunities, embodying our commitment to service and community. Contact Susan Jensen or Bob Daemmrich ( for information about volunteering with this ministry. All designated monetary donations are given to the ministry to help with purchasing household items.

God does not need your good work, but your neighbor does.

Support Upbring and Enjoy an Exciting Ball Game!

The Round Rock Express Community Spotlight on Saturday, May 11, will benefit the children and families served by Upbring. The game starts at 7:15pm with gates opening at 6:15pm.

Here’s How You Can Make a Difference!

When you purchase your ticket, you will see an option for "coupon code." Enter “UPB.” Beginning with the 20st ticket sale, Upbring will receive as donations, $3 for each general admission lawn ticket, and $5 for every reserved ticket purchased using the "UPB" code. 


Lunch Bag Ministry Volunteer sign up Link

There has been a change in the volunteer schedule for the Lunch Bag ministry. Starting now, lunches will be distributed from Monday to Friday, with volunteer shifts scheduled specifically on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.. To sign up for volunteer shifts, please clickhere

Remember in prayer

Jerry Witte; Tracey Malone; Jill Holekamp; family and friends of Ken Avant; Patricia Dallas; family and friends of Tom Hoelzel; family and friends of Anna Bergstrom; Kelli Baumann; Jo Valdez; Nauman Sidique; Catherine Cook, Jeannie Preston; Peggy Miller; Cynthia Hays and family;

family and friends of Rev. Carl Schoss; peace in the Ukraine and the Holy Land; Mary Lauren; Donnette Lafaitte; Joy Pinson; Milton Felger

Continued Prayers For

Diane Bergstrom; Kent Mickelson; Deb Johnson; Bill Martin; Anita Tiller;

Sam Gourley; Dean Haynie; Ronnie Johnson; Peter Jordahl; Walt Knauff; Arvid Larson; Pat Larson; Doris McGaughy

Request Prayers

Our St. Martin's Values:

We Worship God and deepen relationships with one another through Lutheran faith traditions, including engaging liturgy, inspiring music, and lifelong faith formation.

We Extend God’s inclusive gift of welcome to all people, especially those historically excluded from traditional church communities. 

We Advocate for justice, righteousness, and mercy with our time, property, and power. 

We Rally everyone to use our God-given gifts and talents to love, share, and serve all of God’s creation boldly. 

WEAR reminds us to wear the full armor of God.

Make an Offering

St. Martin’s and its ministries are supported by our offerings of ourselves, our time, and our possessions.

To learn about ways to give, go to

or donate now by texting “luther” and your gift amount to 73256.

Standard text message and data rates may apply.

Announcements for publication in St. Martin's weekly materials should be submitted no later than Wednesday each week.

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