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Hello conservation community,

December brings the return of Napa RCD's participation in the Napa CanDo Give!Guide, an annual campaign to encourage donations for community organizations. Each year, staff sit down and think through our year's accomplishments and choose four highlights to share with all of you. This year, we're excited to share stories of forest health partnerships, the advances we've made in our Teen Conservation Internship, the Spanish-language workshop series with the Farmworker Foundation, and an update about our Napa River monitoring programs. We are excite to celebrate these successes with all of you. If you're feeling inspired, consider donating to Napa RCD through this year's Give!Guide. Thanks for staying in touch this year, we look forward to connecting with y'all again in 2024!

Until next time,

Napa RCD

This Month's News

Program Spotlight

  • Reflecting on Rural Roads: Monitoring Effectiveness of Vineyard General Permit BMPs

News & Announcements

  • Welcome to the NRCS Napa Field Office, Ben Schutsky
  • Groundwater Sustainabilty Plan Workshops Scheduled
  • High School Students- We've got Internships and Scholarships Just for You!
  • How do you SCOOP the POOP?

In Case You Missed It

  • Help us meet our year-end fundraising goal!
  • Salmon Spotting Reports Wanted!

Upcoming Programs

  • See below for details

Reflecting on Rural Roads:

Monitoring Effectiveness of Road Stormproofing BMPs

In 2017, the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board adopted the Vineyard General Permit to improve water quality in local watersheds. The General Permit regulates pollutant discharges from vineyard properties located in the Napa River and Sonoma Creek watersheds. It requires implementation of best management practices (BMPs) to control sediment discharge and storm runoff increases from farms and unpaved roads, and actions to control discharge of pesticides and nutrients.

The General Permit's Monitoring Plan requires monitoring of vineyard properties to evaluate the effectiveness of these BMPs to reduce sediment discharge within the vineyard footprint and from unpaved roads. The Water Board also requires the monitoring of sediment levels in streambed sections that provide habitat for steelhead and/or salmon. 

This story focuses on the results of monitoring the effectiveness of unpaved road BMPs to prevent road-related sediments from getting to streams.

Napa County and Sonoma RCD staff monitored the four road BMPs that were most commonly recommended to help vineyard properties reduce sediment delivery from unpaved roads- critical dips, trash racks, waterbars, and rolling dips.

Staff visited a total of 484 BMP implementation sites spanning the four types of underlying bedrock known to exist in the Napa River and Sonoma Creek watersheds.

Overall, RCD staff found that the effectiveness of all four types of BMPs was extremely high; over 90% of the BMPs of each type were observed to be effective at reducing sediment delivery after experiencing heavy storms.

To see examples of the BMPs and read more, head over to our website!

Read More

News & Announcements

Welcome to the NRCS Napa Field Office, Ben Schutsky!

Ben is brand new to our conservation team- he just started at the beginning of December.

Ben is the NRCS Field Engineer for Napa County. He supports NRCS staff with projects that require engineering practices across a wide variety of land uses. Ben has a BS in Engineering Physics from Fordham University and a MS in Mechanical Engineering from Columbia University.

Point to his full bio on website and use this space to say the most interesting thing in his background

If you see Ben around, welcome him to the area!



Groundwater Sustainability Plan - Workplans Available for Comment and Workshops

The Napa Valley Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan called for the development of 3 workplans to achieve sustainable groundwater conditions in the Subbasin:

  • Napa County Water Conservation Workplan: A Guide for Vineyards, Wineries and Other Water Users
  • Groundwater Pumping Reduction Workplan: Napa Valley Subbasin
  • Interconnected Surface Water/Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems Workplan: Napa Valley Subbasin

Drafts of the 3 GSP Workplans, and a Combined Program Overview document were released for public comment.

Comments will be accepted until January 30, 2024. Click here to learn more.

The Napa County Groundwater Sustainability Agency will be holding a workshop on January 9 to review the 3 draft workplans and the expected outcomes to improve sustainability within the Napa Valley Subbasin.

The public is invited to attend and ask questions.

January 9, 2024

Location: Napa County Public Library (in-person)

Time: 5:30 to 7:30 pm

Details and Registration

High School Students- We've Got Internships and Scholarships Just for You!

The Teen Conservation Internship is a pathway for high school youth to develop career skills, gain workplace experience, and lead meaningful environmental projects in their community. Interns will learn to plan and implement volunteer events, conduct restoration ecology projects, and coordinate community outreach campaigns. Contact with questions.

The Napa RCD Scholarship for Emerging Environmental Leaders is intended for Napa County students completing their high school education who want to study and participate in an environmental career or profession. At least two students will be awarded $1,000 each to support their pursuit of their environmental goals. Contact with questions.

Apply for the Internship
Apply for the Scholarship

How Do You SCOOP the POOP?

Please complete a short survey to help us understand how pet waste is being disposed of in Napa County. Your responses help Napa County agencies prevent pet waste pollution impacts to waterways, soil, people, and wildlife.

All survey responses are automatically entered for a chance to win a $10 gift card to Petfood Express! Survey winners will be drawn in January and June 2024. 

Please contact if you have any questions. 

Take the Survey

In Case You Missed It

Help us meet our Year-end Fundraising Goal!

Thanks to 35 lovely people, we have met the $3,350 match offered by our Board of Directors! Y'all made it happen in 12 days!

Now we are focused on meeting our year-end fundraising goal of $14,000 and 105 donors (which would set new records!)

Won't you show that there is record-breaking support for local stewardship of our soil, water, air and wildlife this year by making a donation to Napa RCD?

Donate to Napa RCD and check out the full list of nonprofits at

Salmon Spotting Reports Wanted!

It's Salmon Season in the Napa River! If you see any salmon in the watershed, whether it be in the river or in one of the creeks or streams, please let us know! We'd like a photo or video paired with either a GPS point or good location description.

Please email sightings to Martin Perales, Napa RCD Environmental Scientist, at #salmonseason

Upcoming Programs

Volunteer - Napa River Restoration

December 16 | 9-11:30am

Learn More

MLK Day of Service at Westwood Hills Park

January 15 | 9am-12pm

Learn More

For more watershed-related events, visit

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Napa County Resource Conservation District | 707-252-4189 |