We invite you to join us on this spiritual, inspirational and transformational journey of a lifetime to France. A land steeped in mysticism, lore and the tradition of Mary Magdalene, her places of initiation and healing, the astounding legends of the Holy Family, the Black Madonna, Saint Sarah, The Holy Grail and the Divine Mother’s pure energies.
A life changing experience in one of the world’s most sacred destinations. As we awaken to that ‘still inner voice’ we activate the energy of the Sacred Golden Flame that dwells within our hearts. On this journey we will take part in sacred ceremonies, initiations, sound healing, ritual, discussion and meditation which will serve to deepen our divine connection as we weave a tapestry of The Divine Feminine/ Unified Consciousness /Unity Consciousness. Embracing and celebrating our true selves.
On this Sacred Journey we are being asked to become aware of and to accept the many wonders of the miraculous and the mystical. On this adventure we will ‘receive’ the timeless wonder of being a pilgrim, more unique than the ordinary traveler. As pilgrims, we share an opportunity to experience the special journey of participating in group consciousness/Oneness. Pilgrims are humble, curious, open to unique people and events in this great land of enchantment. Allowing for the ‘journey off the beaten path’.
Absorb the energies of this ancient European culture and its Celtic roots, where later Christian, Gnostic, Jewish, and Muslim traditions recognized the ‘Sacred Feminine Ethos’ with equal enthusiasm. Although we journey within the 21st Century, we will discover the threads of Universal Consciousness that predate Christianity still alive today that continue to enrich our lives. We will experience many wonderful power sites held sacred by those who have sought the Holy Grail, the presence of Mary Magdalene, Saint Sarah and Black Madonnas including: Rennes-le Château, Grotte de Baume, Maries de La Mer, Arles, Carcassonne, Montségur, Minerve, Lourdes, Rocamadour, the mystical Languedoc.
Choose an extension to Chartres and Paris and visit Chartres Cathedral, which sits on an ancient druid site. In Paris proper, the churches of Mary Magdalene and San Sulpice, for a 15-day spiritual journey to some of the world’s most sought-after destinations where one may have ‘never before’ openings.