The Catholic High School of Baltimore

Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia Since 1939

May News and Updates from the Office of Alumnae Relations

Letter from the President

Dear Alumna,

It was an exciting month as we celebrated the 82nd graduating class of Catholic High ⏤ the Class of 2024! This Tuesday, many family members and friends gathered at The Cathedral of Mary Our Queen to witness the Seniors receive their hard-earned diplomas. I am beyond proud of this year's graduating class for receiving over $12,000,000 in college scholarships, grants, and awards and being accepted into more than 150 colleges and universities. I am certain that these seventy-seven young women will let their light shine and transform the world as they begin their new journeys beyond Catholic High.

I hope to see you at our two remaining events of the year ⏤ the summer Alumnae Social at the Crazy Tuna Bar & Grille on June 13 and our annual Cub Classic Golf Outing on June 24. More details can be found in this newsletter.

As the school year comes to a close next week, I want to thank all of you for supporting this wonderful institution throughout the school year. Have a safe and restful summer!

Lux Tua Luceat,

Barbara D. Nazelrod, Ph.D. '68


Support Catholic High

Vote Catholic High for Baltimore Sun's Best 2024

We are honored to be nominated for Best Private School in The Baltimore Sun's Best 2024 Readers' Choice Awards! Voting is now open and we are counting on your support. Click the link below and visit the "Arts & Activities" section to select The Catholic High School of Baltimore! Voting closes on Friday, June 7.

Vote for TCHS!

Cub Classic Golf Outing

Join Catholic High and friends for a day of fun at our annual Cub Classic Golf Outing on Monday, June 24, 2024 at Sparrows Point Country Club! Player's fee includes breakfast, a golf cart, on-course refreshments, and lunch. Awards will be announced during lunch.

Golf Ball Drop

Purchase a numbered golf ball for a chance to win $100, $250, or $500! At the start of the event, golf balls purchased will be dropped onto the putting green from a cherry picker. The owners of the three golf balls in, or closest, to the hole win!

Register Today!

Catholic High's Signature Wines

Catholic High is thrilled to have SEVEN signature wines from DeJon Vineyard! All wines can be purchased online.

🌿 Forever Green - Vidal Blanc

🍑 St. Clare's Nectar - Just Peachy

💚 Viva, Catholic High! - Merlot

🥂 President's Tribute - Pinot Grigio

✨ Sparkling Banner - Sweet White

🐻 Blushing Cub - Rosé

🐾 Cub Pride - Sweet Red

We look forward to selling our wines at various Catholic High events throughout the school year! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Beth Frevel at!

Purchase Wine!

Shop Our Online Store!

Have you browsed through our online store recently? All items in the store can be customized to your liking. And the best part ⎯ it ships directly to your home!

Click Here to Start Shopping!

Join the Alumnae Association Executive Board

The Alumnae Association is responsible for planning Alumnae Socials, promoting the school, volunteering at events, and much more! The Executive Board holds meetings 3-4 times a year.

If you would like to serve on the Alumnae Association Executive Board, please contact Beth Frevel or visit the Alumnae page for more information.

From the Archives

Fast Forward 50 Years

This month's edition of From the Archives features a few photos from the Class of 1974's Freshman year in 1970-1971.

A few days ago, members of the Class of 1974 celebrated a major milestone by gathering at the 2024 Baccalaureate Liturgy and Commencement Exercises for their 50th Reunion! Each alumna in attendance received a beautiful green and gold 50th reunion pin. The class proudly posed for a photo outside the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen on Tuesday, May 28.

Alumnae News and Events

Alumnae Summer Social

Catholic High's annual Alumnae Summer Social is back at The Crazy Tuna Bar & Grille!

Join us for an evening of fun on Thursday, June 13 from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Enjoy raffles, a cash bar, and light appetizers. We can't wait to see everyone!

RSVP Today

The Alumnae Giving Project

Hello, Alumnae!

Thank you to all of you who have supported The Alumnae Giving Project through the years and helped us to increase donations to those in need. Our next big outreach is scheduled for August. We plan to donate at least 75 backpacks filled with school supplies to a Food Pantry, the Crisis Center, and a Title I elementary school. We are looking for bargains for supplies over the next two months to make this project a reality!

Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!

Have a wonderful summer,

Bonnie Lee

Contact Information

Bonita (Bonnie) Lee '60

1781 Brookview Road

Dundalk, MD 21222


The Prayer Corner

The Prayer Corner is open on our website and ready to welcome your prayer intentions. All intentions should be emailed to our Director of Mission, Sr. Ann Dutrow, OSF:

Visit The Prayer Corner by clicking here.

Save the Date - Class of 1994 30th Reunion

The Class of 1994 is planning its 30th Reunion! Please join the TCHS Class of '94 Facebook Group for updates or email Alison Lorek Bucklin at to make sure you are included in the celebration!

Save the Date - Class of 1989 35th Reunion

The 1989 Reunion Committee is excited to share its 35th Reunion date!

Date & Time: September 21, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.

Location: Founders Tavern and Grille, 8125 Ritchie Hwy, Pasadena MD 21122

Located in the Festival at Pasadena

Pay as you go!

For more information please reach out to Donna Goldsmith Gosnell at 410-419-2499 or

Save the Date - Class of 1984 40th Reunion

The 1984 Reunion Committee is excited to share its 40th Reunion date!

Date & Time: November 16, 2024 from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Location: MacGregor's, 331 Saint John St., Havre de Grace

More information is forthcoming!

Save the Date - Class of 1974 50th Reunion

The 1974 Reunion Committee is excited to bring you updated information regarding the 50th Reunion. We hope you consider attending to spend time with your "Cub Sisters!"

Date & Time: October 12, 2024 from 6:00 - 10:00 p.m.

Location: Fenwick Shores - 1501 Coastal Highway

Menu: Salad, 3 Entrees, Dessert, Iced Tea, Cash Bar

Cost: $74.00

Please RSVP by July 1, 2024! More information can be found at the link below.

More Details & Contact Info

Save the Date - Class of 1964 60th Reunion

Save the date for the 60th Reunion for the Class of 1964!

Date and Location

Friday, August 16, 2024 at The Catholic High School of Baltimore

Contact Information

Stephanie Ellis '64


Planning a Reunion?

If you are having a class reunion or planning a class reunion, please contact Beth Frevel with the names of your Reunion Committee and Chair at Please include the date, time, and place in your email. If you wish to have your reunion at Catholic High, please call Mrs. Frevel (410.732.6200 ext. 1215) in order to coordinate the date with the school calendar. Thank you!

Seeking Class Ambassadors!

Catholic High is seeking Class Ambassadors to keep your fellow classmates up-to-date with reunions, events, and more! If you are interested in becoming a Class Ambassador, please contact Beth Frevel at

Catholic High is Hiring!

Catholic High is hiring! Join our team of mission-driven educators for the 2024-2025 school year!

✝️ Campus Minister

📣 Cheerleading Assistant Coach

📖 English Teacher

✖️ Geometry Teacher

Visit our website to learn more and to apply!

Currently at Catholic High

May Crowning & Procession

May 7 marked the first time we witnessed the Class of 2024 in their caps and gowns for the traditional May Crowning Prayer Service! Our school community welcomed Sr. Angela DeFontes, OSF '59 who led us in prayer and gave a beautiful Gospel reflection.

Miss Catholic High, Aurelia Smolen, had the honor of crowning the Blessed Mother alongside her court of Junior of the Year, Sofialena Torchia, Sophomore of the Year, Kate Bruning, and Freshman of the Year, Lauren Alkins. We continued with the procession on May 8 by crowning the Blessed Mother on the front lawn.

Sophomore Represents Catholic High on National Stage

During Memorial Day weekend, Sophomore, Grace Howie, proudly represented The Catholic High School of Baltimore at the National Forensic Championship in Chicago! The National Championship is a forum for the "best of the best" to compete. Despite coming up short for the Octo Finals on Sunday, Grace performed extremely well in the four elimination rounds for Dramatic Performance on Saturday!


The Duns Scotus Forensics Team looks forward to another stellar year in 2024-2025!

Grace Howie '26 (center) is pictured with her mother and Forensics Team Coach, Mr. Patrick Seay P'20, P'23.

82nd Graduating Class

Tuesday, May 28 was a beautiful and exciting day for the Class of 2024 as they officially joined over 12,000 alumnae of The Catholic High School of Baltimore making this the 82nd graduating class in our history!

This year's 77 graduates earned over $12,000,000 in college scholarships, grants, and awards! In addition, the Class of 2024 received more than 150 college and university acceptances across the United States are are committed to some of the most prestigious universities in the country.

Catholic High is so proud of this talented group of young women! We are so excited for them to let their light shine in college and in their future careers!

Upcoming Enrollment Events

Summer Workshops

Catholic High is excited to offer 9 workshops this summer! Our Summer Workshops are designed for rising 6th-9th grade students to "sample" Catholic High's academic and athletic programs and offerings! To learn more about our workshops and to register, click here.

Mrs. Beth Frevel
Coordinator of Special Events & Alumnae Relations
The Catholic High School of Baltimore
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