See Our Calendar

April 15, 2024

Join Us For Worship

Sunday at 10 am

Children's Church during the Sermon


Making disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately,

love extravagantly, and witness boldly.

Dear Friends, Sometimes life is difficult, and it seems that our prayers are not getting through. Remember that God is not a short order cook. God is often working things together for His glory and our good in His perfect time. Don’t give up. Our faith is not dependent upon us getting our way but upon God getting His way in our lives. If we have to get things our way, we need to go to Burger King. Who are we to demand that God should do things our way and in our time? We are called to trust him, to have faith in him and to walk with him, even if the road is through the valley of the shadow of death. It may sound like a cliché, but God’s ways are not our ways. Isaiah 55:8-9  As we read in the book of Hebrews, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1    Faith isn’t always easy, but it will always be rewarded.

Here is a good pattern for prayer, especially when you don’t know what to pray.  

1 Pray a prayer of Adoration - simply pray a prayer that gives glory to God for being our Heavenly Father.

2. Pray a prayer that Confesses that you need God. You need him personally and in the current situation.

3. Pray a prayer of Thanksgiving - Give thank for God’s presence and gifts to you in the past and for the fact that God will be with you whatever may come your way.

4. Pray a prayer of Supplication - Ask. Simply ask God. No fancy words or phrases needed. Just speak what’s on your heart. If you don’t know what words to say just be silent in the peaceful presence of prayer. Always ask and always include the words, “Thy will be done.”  This is how Jesus prayed and Easter proves that God is always in control even if we can’t see any blue sky. On the other side of the clouds is peace and that peace can be on this side if too if we will only relax into a moment or two with God in prayer. See ya Sunday and remember to always “Love First.”

Blessings, Pastor Malcolm

There is a need for a woman who has experience or a strong desire to work with female inmates in our local jail. If you are interested in serving in a ministry such as this, please contact Pastor Malcolm.

Dr. William Warr

Billie Sue Payne

Vickie Warr

Billie Sue Payne

"You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy;

at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore." Psalm16:11


David wrote the Psalms with a spirit of gratitude, and repentance. He struggled with the trials of life, which were many, his enemies often too many to count, but in the midst of his crying out to God, he still knew that his God would be there. In the above Psalm, he is thankful to the Lord for the pathway to heaven. David knew in his heart that where his Lord was, so would be unending joy. In spite of David's deep fears and pain, he knew that in the end, his thankfulness for God's faithfulness would change his attitude from fear and frustration, to joy and peace. Father God, we are so much like David. Sometimes we feel so surrounded by our trials it seems there is no way out. But, when we place our trust, and our thanksgiving in Your hands, Lord, You bring us to a place of peace which transcends all understanding. Help us to stand fast, close to You, Father God. Amen.

You may send your prayer requests and praises to Terri Lacher at or (936) 598-3484 or (936) 488-8701.

Most Recent & Acute Needs

Lacey Rachal, Tim Patterson, Evelyn Sherman, Beau Adams, Martha Scocozzo, Dave Popham,

Jonathan Charlton, Mercedes Locke, Karl Dean, Carl Baggett, Shirley Morgan Spurlock,

Chris & Rhonda Dover, Rex Tucker, Byron Parnell, Pam Mahan, Charlie Chandler, Linda McArver,

Garrison McIver, Tommy Dean, Presley Turner, Brent Barr, Vince Lusco, June Jensen, Dina Scarber,

Autumn Guzman, Sterling Crelia, Parker Payne, Judy Matthews, Rose Schoefer, Susan Hughes,

Bridget Pawlak, Jeremy Hammers, Angie Burton, Cameron Armes, Ann Krueger, Megan Holt,

Pam Alward, Camille Bobbitt, Jonathan McDonald, Michelle Yates, Angie Gillis, Brooklyn Oliver,

Austin Patterson, Joe Tom Schillings, Felisha Ragsdale, Callie Ragsdale, Nicole Faulkner, Ginny Blount,

Benita Collard, Glenn Lavender, Michelle Deaton, Augie Hatfield, Susan Edgekin, Winnie Preston,

Martha Muckleroy, Kenny Rhame, Tricia Bockwich, Ken & Jerrie Bosier, George Andrews,

Sue Chapman, Peggy Haley, Connor Gurley, Cameron Gurley, James Ruud, Bill Holt

Long Term Need for Healing

Zac Day, Evelyn Green, Connie Mettauer, Rev. Robert Ortigo, Mandy Estes, Jennifer Paddie, Silver Motley,

Kathy Watlington, David & Maelinda Swanzy, Kenneth Hardy, Sheriff Kevin Windham, Adam Merritt,

Ann Harmon, Steve Tinkle Jr., Kennedi Rhose Towns, Yondi Watson, Lisa Thomas, Vicki Lee


At Home & Nursing Home

Margaret Henry, Joy Miller, Charlene Monroe, JW Braden, Rita Danner, Jane Morrison, John Griffin,

Margaret Ihlo, Mike Krembs, Hilda Hahn, Cindy A. Griffin, Pat Hall, Steve Tinkle Sr.


Serving Our Country & Communities

Armed Services, Law Enforcement & First Responders

Please help us maintain our prayer list by notifying the church office of any additions or deletions. 

Weekly Attendance

April 14, 2024

Church - 86 /Online - 35

Total - 121

Online Viewers

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First Methodist Church

211 Porter Street

Center, TX 75935


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Needed YTD


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