Stamp Out Hunger

Saturday, May 11

Stamp Out Hunger is an annual drive led by the National Association of Letter Carriers, with help from USPS and other organizations. It allows Postal Service employees to collect food donations for their communities.

Arlington Charities distributes the locally collected donations to those in our community who need it most.

To help, fill a bag with healthful, nonperishable food items and place it by your mailbox for mail carriers to pick up on Saturday, May 11. For more information about Stamp Out Hunger, visit:

Youth Hunger is on the Rise during Summer

Students who rely on free or reduced-price school lunches during the school year are especially at risk when those meals end with the school year.

Research shows that food insecurity can lead to both physical and mental health problems.

Poor nutrition during the summer can have lasting effects on a child’s overall health.

Summer learning loss, also known as “summer slide,” occurs when students are out of school; for children who don’t have enough to eat, summer slide is even more intense.

Thank you, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority!

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority donated 1,566 pounds of canned food in April to help our neighbors in need. Generous partners like Delta Sigma Theta make all the difference to our clients. Thank you!

Thank you, Men Serving God!

Men Serving God hosted a food drive last month and donated 1,597 pounds of food to Arlington Charites. Men Serving God is a partner we can count on to help our neighbors. Thank you!

According to Feeding, one in 8 Texans — including millions of children, senior citizens, and veterans — are unsure where their next meal will come from.

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Target Circle Results

We are excited to share that guests at Target stores cast 191,855 votes to Arlington Charities — awarding Target funds in the amount of $6,002.66 to our organization. Thank you to everyone who voted; you voted for our mission and the impact we make in our community.

Girl Scout Cookies

Coming together with other community organizations can make a BIG difference! Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains donated 1,221 pounds of cookies to Arlington Charities. We’ll begin distributing this sweet treat to our clients ASAP. Thank you, Girl Scouts for your generous (and sweet) contribution.

Tiff's Treats "Cookies for Community," May 6-19

Tiff’s Treats "Cookies for Community" campaign will donate 20% of online orders to Arlington Charities, May 6 to May 19. Enter the code: FOOD4GOOD when placing your order through the Tiff's Treats mobile app or

Visit Bay 34th Street Diner on Fri., May 10

Bay 34th Street Diner (Suite 100, 3330 Matlock Rd.) is hosting a "Restaurant Giveback Day" 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. -- all day, Friday, May 10. On this day, they will donate part of the sale proceeds to Arlington Charities. Mention Arlington Charities to make a donation!

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