April/May 2024

THE PAC IS BACK! Please Support AALC's Efforts!

Dear Members,

As we embark on another year of advocating for the needs and rights of Supportive Living communities across Illinois, we invite you to join us in strengthening our collective voice by contributing to the AALC's non-partisan PAC.

Each year our PAC empowers us to support state candidates who champion our cause and endorse initiatives that enhance the lives of Supportive Living communities and residents. Your contributions directly impact our ability to advocate effectively, enabling us to advance policies promoting the well-being and dignity of all we serve.

Together, we can make a difference. Your support matters more than ever as we continue to navigate the challenges and opportunities facing our communities. Thank you for standing with us and investing in the future of Supportive Living in Illinois.

Read more about our PAC and how to contribute by clicking here.

Policy Update

HFS Answers ARPA Reporting Questions

Last week, HFS issued FAQs related to the ARPA Funding Reporting. 

Important: They are requiring everyone to spend funds by June 30, 2024, and submit your report by no later than September 30, 2024. To review the FAQs, click here.


HFS Appropriations Hearing 

The Department of Healthcare and Family Services Director Lizzy Whitehorn and her leadership team testified before the House Appropriations Health and Human Services Committee on April 18, 2024. The Director highlighted the Department's mission, programming, and priorities. 


The Director reported that nearly 1 in 3 Illinoisans are served by HFS through health care and child support programs. HFS provides healthcare to more than 3.9 million Illinoisans, which is more than any other insurer. In FY23, the Department provided medical coverage to more than 25% of the State’s population, with 80% of enrollees covered by managed care organizations and 20% covered by fee-for-service.


HFS’ quality strategy establishes a framework for the ongoing improvement of MCO performance, the identification of potential opportunities for increased care coordination, and the prioritization of equity across all MCO quality management activities. Ways in which HFS is holding MCOs accountable include: (1) monitoring and incentivizing quality outcomes through Pay for Performance (P4P) and Pay for Reporting (P4R); (2) 2% quality withhold; (3) partnering on innovations that address health-related social needs; and (4) ensuring practices that reduce disparities and promote racial equity.


For more information on HFS’ FY25 goals and investments, please click here.


DOL Overtime Pay

The U.S. Department of Labor released a final rule on April 23, 2024, raising the salary threshold to qualify for certain overtime exemptions under federal law. It significantly raises the minimum salary threshold for certain workers—executives, professionals, and administrative personnel—which means employers will need to raise those employees’ salaries or reclassify them as eligible for overtime. The rule will raise the salary threshold for the overtime exemption to $43,888 effective July 1, 2024, a 23% increase over the current level. In January the salary will increase to $58,656, a 64.9% increase. Learn more here.

Early Implementation of the HCBS Quality Measure Set for Money Follows the Person (MFP) States

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) provided guidance during their recent All-State Call hosted by the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS), announcing that the 41 states and territories receiving Money Follows the Person (MFP) funding will be required to begin reporting on a subset of the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Quality Measures Set, which was released in July 2022 (SMDL 22-003). Importantly, these states must report on all their section 1915(c), (i), (j), and (k) programs and section 1115 demonstrations that include HCBS services for major population groups, not just those programs that would enroll MFP participants. Reporting will be required in September 2026 for measures collected in 2025. Additional details on requirements and written guidance will be released by CMS later. View transcript of call here.

Click here for additional information.

SLP April Rates

The increase in Supportive Living rates this quarter is due to about 3% increase in NH acuity. April rates are based on assessments from 10-1-2023 through 12-31-2023 so you are likely seeing a seasonal acuity increase that will stabilize or drop in the next 2 quarters.

Rate Comparison - NH & SL

Rate Map

Rate History

View Current SL Rates


Help protect Supportive Living in Illinois!

Donate to AALC's PAC! Learn more here!

Legislative Update

Legislative Update

The AALC has presented its legislative agenda before the Legislative Medicaid Working Group, which is the bi-cameral and bi-partisan group of lawmakers, along with representatives from the Department of Healthcare and Family Services and the Pritzker Administration.


AALC is requesting to codify and protect the $6.15 add-on payment for previously allowed SNAP benefits as well as increasing the personal needs allowance (PNA) from $90 per month $150, ultimately.


We are continuing to work with our legislative champions regarding our legislative priorities though the ultimate outcome of each will be dependent on the states budgetary climate at the end of May.


Our lobbying team is working diligently to put the SLP in the best possible position for success as we enter the final month of the Spring Legislative Session.


View AALC Legislative Priorities for 2024 here.


Key Deadlines: 

May 3 Bills out of Committee in Second Chamber 

May 17 Bills out of Second Chamber 3rd Reading 

May 24 Scheduled Adjournment 

May 25-31 Budget “Hold” Dates (if needed)

2024 AALC Annual Meeting - Save the Date!

Tuesday, Oct 29 - Wednesday, Oct. 30

Springfield, IL

AALC will hold its 2024 Annual Meeting in Springfield on October 29-30. We hope to see you there! Details to Follow!

Continuing Education - Help Us Plan for 2024!

As we begin planning our future CE courses, we want to make sure that our program is tailored to meet your needs. Your feedback is crucial in helping us plan for the future and ensure that our program is relevant and beneficial to you. So, please take a moment to share your thoughts with us. We're eager to hear from you and we'll do our best to incorporate your suggestions into our program. Thank you for your time and input! Click here to comment.

Supportive Living Communities Continue to Inspire More!

SL communities across Illinois are busy inspiring more fun, friendship, happiness and involvement for their residents and staff every day of the week.

Heritage Woods of Batavia

Each Friday is a fun theme day. It turns every Friday into Fri-Yay!

Evergreen Supportive Living

Scovil Zoo on Earth Day equates to the perfect day!

Manor at Mason Woods

The final day of Spirit Week was wear your hat day!

MEMBERS! If you know of a vendor who might be interested in joining AALC, share their information with us at and we will reach out to them. Are you a vendor member and interested in bringing content to our Supportive Living communities? Let us know and we will feature you in an upcoming newsletter.

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