Weekly eNews for May 3rd, 2024
From the Desk of Father Josh
From the Desk of Father Josh…

Prior to the English Reformation, England and Wales were rich with Benedictine monastic life. Benedictine nuns and monks would gather to pray eight times a day as a part of their daily rhythm. In 1536 CE, King Henry VIII called for the closure of these monasteries, reclaiming their land and property as belonging to England, not the Roman Church. While monastic life changed, much of their spiritual rhythms remained. In 1549, King Edward VI had Archbishop Thomas Cranmer curate the first prayer book of The Church of England. Cranmer developed the prayer book’s content based on the Benedictine model, consolidating the eight services of prayer to four: Morning Prayer, Noonday Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Compline. Cranmer’s vision for reform in the Church was to allow the common worker and family to have access to the same prayer life as a priest, monk, or nun. As Episcopalians we have inherited this wealth of monastic spirituality in our own Book of Common Prayer. Whether you attend an evening prayer service at St. Aidan’s, pray on your own, or gather to pray as a family, I hope you will enjoy and be edified by the rich devotional life that we have inherited in our own prayer book.
Eastertide Blessings,
Fr. Josh

Join us for Worship Services

Live-streaming via Facebook and our website under the "Worship" tab

May 3rd, 2024 Bulletins
In-person only
Live-streaming and Children's Chapel available

Meddling’s & Pedalings

Dear Friends,

That makes two of us!

Most sincerely, your Choir Director and friend,
Charles Higgs
During Breakfast this Sunday, we will have Linda Weeks, the author of The Good Tree, here to discuss her book briefly. This book is about St. Aidan's. It promises to be a great conversation!
The St. Aidan's family is cordially invited to attend Savannah Simmons' graduation party on Saturday, May 18th, 2024, at 1:30 PM. The reception will be held in Burtenshaw Hall.
Registration is open for this year's Vacation Bible School!

The link to register your children is:

VBS will be held from 9 AM-12 Noon Monday, June 3rd to Friday, June 7th. We would LOVE to have your kids attend!

Pick up a St. Aidan's magnet for your car-we have one for each of you in the Narthex! Show your love for our church and church family!

St. Aidan’s Episcopal Roundtable
Sundays, 9:45 AM - 10:30 PM, starting May 5
The St. Aidan’s Episcopal Roundtable is returning.
Please contact Tom Reynolds (tgriv_staidans@outlook.com)
if you would like to suggest topics for discussion

Sunday, May 12th, is the last Sunday to contribute food donations to Backpacks of Love for the season! The families need our donations. We will resume collection again when school starts. Thank you for your support!

Volunteers needed for watering our summer annual flower beds! If you love flowers and would like to help keep our new plantings in front of the sanctuary and in the Prayer Garden (adjacent to the north side of the sanctuary) watered and healthy, we need your green thumb! Please text or call Karen Vernon at 770-841-2414 for more information.

Evening Prayer--Thursday, May 9th, 2024, 7:00 PM, Ascension Day

Confession -Available every Wednesday from 2-4pm

Holy Land Pilgrimage | Coming Spring 2025
We pray blessings on the following people who have birthdays this week:

Madison Sutton, Sandy Thomas, Brock Foley,
Charlsie Pritchett, and Kaitlyn Berry

If we missed your birthday or anniversary, this is a good reminder to add that information to Realm.

St. Aidan’s Prayer Warriors pray for all listed below as part of their commitment to service and prayer. Names listed under prayer concerns appear for six weeks. Long Term Concerns, Healthcare Workers and First Responders continually appear.

THANK YOU FOR SENDING UPDATES TO nbabcock0419@gmail.com.
Bob Slocum, friend of Pat Bull


Walt Simmons, husband of Joan
Family and friends of Bob Slocum
Evelynn Goodendorf
Ryan Trosper, friend of Glenda
Dr. Tom Reynolds, father of Tom Reynolds
Marissa and daughter
Rosemary O’Donnell, friend of Laurie Cronley
Tandra’s daughter with serious health issues, friend of Anita
Jean Kelleher
Ric, friend of Gail Hurley
Wiersma Family, friends of Elizabeth Alvarez
Mark MacAllaster, friend of Elizabeth Alvarez
Patrick Coleman, friend of Mike Smith
Noah Pope, son of Leyna and Ryan Pope
Michael Miracle, friend of Corrine Hoffstetter
Amy Cozad, friend of Kerry Carter
MaryAnn Masson, friend of Melanie Joyce
Jeff Heal, friend of Charles
Roy Bar Sela and the Sela Family in Israel

Shelia Crocket, friend of Janice & Celeste
Jason Parker, Kathy Bump’s son-in-law
Linda Slocum, friend of Pat Bull
Ron Woodard, brother of Jo Woodard
Louise Veron, Karen Vernon’s Mother-in-law
Camille Johnson
Andy Miller, Cathy Biondi’s brother
Joan Cowart
John Lehigh
Marvin Cherry (aka Tripp), brother of Christy Thompson
Amber Nance, niece of Phyllis Arshun
MaryDana Goldstein, friend of Gail Hurley
Scott Yapp and wife Patti, friend of Hazel
Richard Secord, friend of Tom Reynolds
Gretchen Blackwell, Roy, and Rory: friends of Heidi Reynolds
Gail Zelley, Sister-in-law of Laura Van Riper
Peggy McPherson
Debbie Kulick, friend of Marty McPherson
Richie, friend of Keith Richards
Deb Barcus, neighbors of Kristin Eastabrooks
Jeff Smith, friend of Keith Richards
Candace Porche, wife of Celeste Gravois nephew
Hikari, friend of Bonnie Olentine
Conor Griffin, grandson of Joe and Marilyn Rich
Katie Thielens
Jane Adams
The Ledford Family-Mark Ledford, Terry Ledford and Cozy
St. Aidan’s Church Family

Mikayla Van Riper, Ultrasound Tech N’Side, daughter-in-law of Laura Van Riper; Hannah Collins, RN & Case Worker at Children’s Healthcare, daughter of Anita Hilbun; Evelyn Tran, EMT Grady Hospital; Dr. Kasey Shapp-Reilly, OBGYN, Susan and Jay Reilly’s daughter-in-law; Anne Dickson, RN-N’Side ER, daughter of Evelyn Goodendorf; Will Hembree, EMT at Grady EMS, son of Wade and Melanie; Dr. Heidi Moore; Dr. Greg Melnikoff; Emma Campbell, RN at Northside-Gwinnett, Trauma Unit, and Grace Campbell, RN NICU at Children’s Hosp., Granddaughters of Bonnie Moore; Caroline Eastabrooks Cochran, RN; Dr. Richard Shack; Sam Biondi Jakubiszak, OT, daughter of Cathy & Daryl Biondi.