Dear Friends,

Spring is here at the Farm which means flowers are blooming, crops are being planted, and things are starting to get busy again!

Soon, our chickens arrive, we have our annual garage sale, archery classes start, and kids join us for our Farm Explorer classes - and that's all before mid-May!

As our activities and offerings pick up, so does our need for volunteers, so be sure to keep an eye out for volunteer communications sent through email. We couldn't offer these great experiences without the help of our dedicated volunteers.

Lastly, I hope you'll take some time this season to come and enjoy the beauty that is spring at The Farm. The orchard and the plum thicket are blooming, the asparagus is ripe for sampling, the new prairie expansion is a wonderful sea of green at the northern edge of the park boundary...I could go on, but I encourage you to come and experience it for yourself. It's a perfect spot to take a break and recharge.

With gratitude,

Nelle Kempfer

Schumacher Farm Park Administrator


~ Membership Change Reminder ~

As a reminder, in 2023, the Friends of Schumacher Farm made the decision to end its membership drive and stop sending membership renewal notices.

Now, anyone who makes a financial donation will automatically receive membership rights which means you are invited to attend and vote at the annual meeting. 

In This Issue

Welcome Letter

Membership Change Reminder

New Board Member

Vera Court Field Trips

Garage Sale

Spring Work Day

Center for Antique Machinery Update

Historic Committee Artifact Spotlight

Mark Your Calendars

Quick Links




Board of Directors

Madison Community Foundation

New Board member and Treasurer

The Friends of Schumacher Farm would like to introduce our newest board member, Treasurer Debbie Miller! Debbie isn't a newbie to the Farm, she has been a volunteer since 2022. She is our lead garden volunteer (coordinating all planning and volunteers in our Heritage Garden), a docent in the historic farmhouse, and a member of the Historic Committee!

Here is a little bit about her background: Debbie is a Waunakee resident who began volunteering with us because she was drawn to the 1920s living history and outdoor activities that remind her of her grandma’s farm. She recently retired after a 30+ year career with the State of Wisconsin, primarily as a Budget and Policy Analyst. For the past 4 years, she has also served as the Treasurer for the Mad City Vettes, a social club of Corvette owners.

As you can see, Debbie has many talents, and we are so lucky for her to add "Friends of Schumacher Farm Park Board Member" to that list!

Vera Court Field Trips

Kids from the Vera Court Neighborhood Center have been enjoying time at the Farm the last couple months! Not only are they learning about important topics such as migration and the seasons, they are also getting to enjoy simple pleasures like treats around a campfire and nature walks through the prairie.

A special thanks goes out to board member Rebecca Ressl for facilitating these events. These programs are free to kids because of grant funds and donations from people like you! If you would like to help to enrich the lives of kids in our community, considering donating today!

Spring Cleaning in the Historic Farmhouse

New board member (and Historic Committee member), Debbie Miller coordinated spring cleaning for the Farmhouse last week. Many thanks to Debbie, Barb Johanningmeier, Sue Manske, and Mark Pelton for their hard work. Surfaces were dusted, windows were cleaned, and floors were swept, vacuumed and mopped. The old house is looking her best!

Center for Antique Machinery Update

We continue to move more historic items into the Center for Antique Machinery (CAM)! We have recently added a potato planter, grain binder, potato digger, corn binder, hay baler, buckboard and several kinds of seed drills. One item we'd like to highlight is this tobacco planter, which was donated by Nora CaPaul and is currently on display under the lean-to.

Pictured below is Eveline Schumacher driving a tobacco planter, circa 1921, with Henry Schumacher sitting on the back dropping tobacco plants into the ground (from the Marcella Schumacher Pendall Archive Collection).

Garage Sale

Are there treasures in your home that you no longer have room for? Hold onto them because we need them for the Schumacher Farm Annual Garage Sale! The sale will be May 8-10 and donations will be accepted here at the Center for Rural History May 2-6. If the Prairie Room is not open, please leave in the hallway outside of the room and the items will be moved by staff or volunteers. All proceeds go to support Schumacher Farm. We hope you will join us in the effort to ensure that rural history lives on through this beautiful gift from Marcella. Thank you from the garage sale committee!

Spring Work Day

Please consider joining staff and volunteers this Saturday, May 4th from 9 am - 1 pm to help spruce up the Farm and prep the Heritage Garden! No experience necessary, all skill and ability levels welcome. Please bring work gloves if you have them and clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. Lunch will be provided.

Tasks may include:

  • Painting & scraping
  • Garden prep
  • Trash pick up
  • Brush removal

Please sign up here so we know how many to expect (and more importantly, how much pizza we need!).

Thank you for all you do!

Historic Committee Update & Artifact Corner

The restored farmhouse porch is scheduled for completion this summer and will be close to the

original appearance.

There will be some antiques in the garage sale this year. Recently discovered in the farmhouse are three folk art framed pictures of antique cars made with nails, thimbles, wire and other metal objects. They include a 1909 Rolls Royce (pictured), a 1908 Ford and a 1920 Pontiac. They

are not antiques, but pictures of antique cars.

Barb Johanningmeier, Chair of Historical Committee


Spring Work Day - May 4th

Garage Sale - May 8th-10th

Line Dancing - Mondays in May & June

Chicken Wrangling Workshop - June 17th

Community Theater at the Farm - June 21st-22rd

Our Mission:
To provide a living history museum and nature conservancy that offers a representation of Dane County's Rural Heritage through preservation, restoration, and education.

The Friends of Schumacher Farm Park is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

5682 Hwy 19 Waunakee, WI 53597 | 608-849-4559 |

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