A note from Rev. Amy

Dear church,

Forty days after Jesus was born, Mary and Joseph presented him at the temple. And forty days after Christmas (that is, the day we celebrate that Jesus was born) is February 2. This year, February 2 falls on a Sunday, and so this Sunday we will celebrate The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple– a feast that has also come to be known as Candlemas. For about fifteen hundred years, the church has celebrated this day by blessing the candles used both in our worship and in our homes, and we will do so at Trinity this Sunday. You’re invited to bring candles and place them on the healing station before the 10:45 service this Sunday so that they may be blessed.

What do candles have to do with the presentation of Jesus at the temple? When the elderly priest Simeon sees the baby Jesus, he declares to God “mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all people, to be a light to lighten the Gentiles, and to be the glory of thy people Israel.” As Jesus is presented at the temple, the light of God streams forth from that place into all the world, a light to lighten us. As we look at our world today, we see clearly how dark, weighty, and impoverished our condition is; but at Candlemas we remember that the light of Christ has power to disperse even the darkest darkness, in our damaged world, our damaged homes, our damaged hearts.

Last Sunday we pictured bees shivering together in their hive as a way to survive, a lively, looping community of mutual support that keeps everyone warm through the winter. And so I’m especially charmed by this old Catholic prayer for Candlemas, which remembers the bees:

God, the Creator of all things, Who by the labor of the bees has produced this wax, and Who on this day fulfilled His promise to blessed Simeon, is besought to bless and sanctify these candles, that they may be beneficial to His people, for the health of their bodies and souls; that the faithful may be inflamed with His sweetest charity and may deserve to be presented in the temple of His eternal glory as He was in the temple; and that the light of His grace may dispel the darkness of sin in our souls. Amen.

May the light of Christ grace our darkness this week – may we be inflamed with God’s own mercy.




January 31st, 2025, 7:00 PM: Dr. Kevin M. Seal, Organ

I am excited to give my Asheville debut solo organ recital! I will share some of my favorite works by composers Samuel Scheidt, Johann Sebastian Bach, and Maurice Duruflé, as well as play an improvisation based on a tune given to me by the audience. Free Admission

From destruction comes hope

The cross at the front of the church was made by Byron Ellen Shaw of debris from the River Arts District after Hurricane Helene and represents our hope that through Jesus, all things are being made new. 

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew will meet this Sunday, February 2 from 9:30-10:30 in the Conference Room. 

Red Bag Sunday

This Sunday is Red Bag Sunday Part 2 (return your filled bags) to support the Appalachian Regional Ministry (ARM). Items being collected: Trash bags, Handy Wipes, Hand Warmers,Flashlight and batteries, Space Blanket, Clothesline/paracord, Clothespins,Bug Spray, Lighter, Small First-aid kits, Socks, 6 pr-pack,  Multitool (like hikers use), and Ziploc storage bags.


Each Sunday, we celebrate the Eucharist at 8:00 and 10:45. Breakfast is served from 9:00 to 9:30, Christian Formation for all ages takes place from 9:30 to 10:30, and our Nursery is open from 9:15 to 12:00. We host a coffee hour after the 10:45 service in the Church Street Courtyard.

The Church of the Advocate opens at 1:00 and celebrates the Eucharist at 1:30, and we celebrate a candlelight Celtic Eucharist service in the church at 5:30. 

Continuing This Sunday:

The Episcopal Experience

Looking to know more about the Episcopal Church? From January 5 to March 2, the Rector will lead Exploring The Episcopal Experience. The Episcopal Church is one denomination of Christ’s holy Catholic Church, and our identity is unique. In this class, we will learn how the Episcopal Church came to be and how it continues to offer a unique expression of life in Christ. We will look through the lens of the Book of Common Prayer to understand the Episcopal church’s expressions of faith, namely theology, sacraments, scripture, prayer, and holy living. We will also take some time to explore the particular identity of Trinity Church. This class is especially appropriate for those who are new to the Episcopal Church or new to Trinity. Yet, many long-time Episcopalians take this class as a refresher. It’s also a great way to get to know others at Trinity. Those who take this class will be prepared to be confirmed or received by our Bishop when he visits Trinity should they choose.

Parents in Conversation

P.I.C. will meet from 9:30-10:30 in the Clark Room.

Midweek Eucharist

Every Wednesday, we offer a midweek worship service at 12:15 (ending around 12:45).

More Information

Scotland Pilgrimage with Fr. Scott

The Rector is leading a Pilgrimage for Trinity: Celtic Christianity in Scotland, September 3-12. This begins what we hope to be a new opportunity for Adult pilgrimage at Trinity. Click the link to the left for details or call the Rector at the church office or at The trip will remain open for Trinity Church members and friends only for the next two weeks before it is offered to a wider audience.

Altar Flower Dedications

We welcome you to make a memorial or honor a loved one by donating Altar Flowers for Dedication. Available Dates for Altar Flower Dedication: The following dates are available: February 9 & 23 - March 2 - April 27 - May 25 - August 17 - November 2,9,16, 23. Please contact Jan Hildebrand at the church office,

Additional Parking

Additional parking spaces are available at the Ravenscroft Office Suites at 29 Ravenscroft Drive, across the street from Trinity. A sign signifies parking for Trinity Church. Please leave parking closest to the church for those with difficulty walking.

Entrance for Worship

During the 10:45 service, there will be only one entrance into the Trinity Church campus, the main gate entrance on Church Street. At 10:45, the office doors and doors leading to the Tuton Hall stairway will automatically lock. Reducing access points while most of us are occupied in the church is a highly recommended way to enhance overall security. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Creation Care Corner: 

Fulfilling a directive from The Episcopal Church’s General Convention, the church’s corporate organization has fully divested from fossil fuel investments!

Proposed by the Executive Council Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility (CCSR) and approved by the 81st General Convention in June, Resolution A029 calls for the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society (DFMS) “to divest fully and finally from all companies in fossil fuel industries by December 31, 2024,” and to reinvest those assets. This is the culmination of a decade-long shift toward environmentally conscious investments and a significant milestone in the church’s more than 50-year history of socially responsible investing. Read more here.

Calling all crafters

If you knit, crochet, needlepoint, or do fiber arts or handicrafts of any kind, join The Needlers! All skill and experience levels are welcome. Come to teach or to learn or simply to fellowship. The inaugural meeting will be Sunday, Feb.2 at 4 pm in the Clark Room. Contact Lorrie Weeks or Rev. Amy for more information.


Steak & Music

Mark your calendars for an unforgettable evening of fantastic music, delicious food, and great company! Our Music Revue and Steak Night will be on Tuesday, February 11, at 6:00 PM in Tuton Hall. The menu is steak, potato, salad, and dessert. A wonderful selection of non-alcoholic drinks and wine. Youth and adults will help serve the meal. Reservations are require for this event.

Come One, Come All

We are looking for acts for the Music Revue. Performances can be from Broadway shows, or other music of a “lighter” nature.  If you would like to perform on the program on February 11th, please contact Dr. Kevin Seal at with your name, the song you would like to sing, approximate length, and any technical needs (accompanist, etc.)

Mardi Gras

The Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner will be in Tuton Hall on Tuesday, March 4, at 6:00p. The cost is $6.00 per person. Please join us in preparation for the start of Lent as we enjoy pancakes, sausage, and bacon, all prepared by our Trinity Men. No registration is needed. There will be crafts, games, and a pancake race for children. Nursery care provided.

Trinity Men, Debbie needs your help for Trinity’s Annual Shrove Tuesday, March 4, at 6:00. Debbie needs you to help us cook the pancakes, bacon, sausage, and more to help us clean up. It’s always a fun gathering with men of all ages. Please email Debbie Cox if you would like to cook at

Choose your own adventure, this Lent

March 12 - April 9

Wednesdays 12:15 Join us for a special preaching series at our Wednesday eucharists during the season of Lent, followed by lunch and Q&A with the week’s guest preacher in Tuton Hall. No pre-registration required


Wednesdays 5:30 Join us for a lenten dinner club, 5:30-6:30 in Tuton Hall, where small groups will discuss parables of Jesus over a simple dinner. Register here.

Questions? Contact Amy.


Are you a writer?

Are you a writer, or interested in cultivating a spiritual practice of writing? You’re invited to a pop-up writing workshop co-sponsored by Trinity and the Collegeville Institute on Saturday, April 5 in Tuton Hall. Register for one of the limited spots for one-on-one feedback on a piece of writing, and find all the details you need to make plans to join us for cowriting and a plenary lecture from local author Rick Chess, here.

Women’s Bible Study

The Women’s Bible Study meets on Tuesdays from 9:30 to 10:45 in the conference room. It is open to all women.

Rector's Bible Study

The Rector’s Bible Study meets on Thursdays at 7:00p by Zoom. This season’s title is What Christians Believe and Why? In this study, the church's creeds become a lens through which we examine the scriptures. The Apostle’s Creed is a very early Christian attempt to explore the meaning of God, Jesus, the Spirit, the Church, Forgiveness, Resurrection, and more. This study is online only (Zoom). You can find the Zoom link on the church’s website homepage in the listing of events at the bottom of the page.To be on the email notification of the class, sign up by clicking this link.

Women's Retreat 2025

Join us for the 2025 women’s retreat, “Embracing Limits: Discovering Wholeness,” at Valle Crucis March 28-30. We’ll take a fresh look at the Beatitudes with author and podcaster Micha Boyett, and enjoy music led by Boone musician Amanda Held Opelt. Registration closes February 28.

When Micha Boyett’s son was born with Down Syndrome and later diagnosed with autism, she was drawn into the ancient teachings of the Beatitudes. In a culture that values performance, perfection, and strength, Micha found in this small passage of ancient text a new language to honor the worth of her son and to push against the intrinsic ableism in our culture’s response to disability: blessed—whole—are the weak ones, the grieving ones, the ones who long for peace, the misunderstood. In other words, blessed are the rest of us, who will never live up to the world’s exacting standards. Micha Boyett is an award-winning podcaster, writer, and speaker. In addition to Blessed Are The Rest of Us, she is the author of Found: A Story of Questions, Grace, and Everyday Prayer, and a contributor to the New York Times bestseller A Rhythm of Prayer, edited by Sarah Bessey. She co-hosts The Lucky Few podcast and is the creator and host of The Slow Way podcast and letter. Micha lives with her husband and three children in Northern New Jersey and works part-time as a youth pastor at Good Shepherd Church in New York City.

Amanda Held Opelt is an author, speaker, and songwriter. Amanda spent 15 years serving in the non-profit and humanitarian aid sectors and has written for Christianity Today and 100 Days in Appalachia. She lives in the mountains of Boone, North Carolina, with her husband and two young daughters. Check out her music on Spotify and her books on bookshop.

Register Now

Supper Clubs

Supper Clubs will be meeting February 16. If you’re not currently in a group and would like to participate, please email Nanette Popa at to sign up. We’d love to have you join!

Appalachian Regional Ministry

The Appalachian Regional Ministry (ARM) will be making its monthly trip to Graham County on Wednesday, February 12. More information may be found on the last page.

Mark your calendars

RESTORING & PROTECTING ASHEVILLE: Science and Storytelling Show Us How is a spring speaker series brought to us by Trinity, the French Broad River Garden Club, and the McCullough Institute of UNCA.

  • Kathleen Biggins, Founder and President of C-Change Conversations “Building a Better Tomorrow: Understanding extremes of the changing climate to better protect our community” Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 11AM, Tuton Hall
  • Margaret Renkl, Bestselling Author and Contributing Opinion Writer, The New York Times “Finding Hope in the Age of Climate Change” Tuesday, April 29, 2025 at 10AM, UNCA Highsmith Hall, Blue Ridge Room
  • Jeff Chu, Journalist and Editor-at-Large for Travel + Leisure, author of Good Soil “Conversations about Nature, Heritage, and Belonging: a reading and Q&A”Tuesday, May 20, 2025 at 7PM, Tuton Hall


Nursery care is offered for infants through 3-year-olds who are not fully potty trained. The nursery opens at 9:15 and continues until the end of the 10:45 service.

GODLY PLAY 9:30-10:30

Godly Play takes place during the Sunday formation hour from 9:30-10:30. There are three classes: Godly Play 1-for 3-year-olds that are fully potty trained through PreK; Godly Play 2- Kindergarten through 2nd grade; Rite in the Middle-3rd-5th grades.

These classes are located in the downstairs children’s area (enter the church through the doors on the covered porch by the playground and immediately head down the stairs).

Children's Hour 10:30-11:30

There is a separate worship service (The Children’s Hour) for children ages 3 (potty trained) through 2nd grade from 1030 to 11:30. We head straight to the Undercroft after our Sunday School classes and then to the Redwood Chapel for our worship service. (For children not at Sunday School, simply meet us in the Undercroft at 10:30)  We join parents upstairs after The Peace.


Cherub Choir

Cherub Choir meets on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 5:30. It is open to children from K-3rd grade, and previous musical experience is optional. The choir will sing for 10:45 worship every 4-8 weeks throughout the school year. For more information, please contact Kevin Seal at the church office.  

Children and Youth Diocesan Event

Children and Youth Snow Tubing with Diocese of WNC Families with children and youth (ages 4+) are invited to join families from across the Diocese for an afternoon of snow tubing at Black Bear Snow Tubing in Hendersonville, NC Sunday, February 9th, 3 –6 . 2 hours of snow tubing, pizza dinner, and compline. Cost: $45 per tuber (dinner included), $10 per spectator (dinner included) Click here to register online by Sunday, February 2. If you register your children or youth, please contact Debbie Cox ( or Beth Chestnut (

Youth Confirmation 2025

The Youth Confirmation class meets on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30, Jan 12-Feb 16, in the conference room in the oak hallway.

Middle School Class (grades 6-7) 9:30-10:30a

Middle School meets in Trinity’s youth area from 9:30 to 10:30. The classroom is accessible from the stairs to the right of the Tuton Hall kitchen or from the outside door into the same stairway. The classroom is on the left, past the game room. If you have any questions, please contact Nanette Popa at the church office.

High School Class (grades 8-12) 9:30-10:30a

The HS class meets in Trinity’s youth area, from 9:30 to 10:30. The classroom is accessible from the stairs to the right of the Tuton Hall kitchen or from the outside door into the same stairway.  The classroom is the first room on the right of the youth kitchen. If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Cox at the church office.

Summer Youth Trips

Wilderness Trail for grades 6-8 ;

July 7-12, Cost: $375


Be the Neighbor for grades 9-12

July 27 - August 2, Cost: $500

Click here to REGISTER BY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Only 8 spots available.

2nd Chapter Book Group

The 2nd Chapter Book Group is a traditional ladies’ group that meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 10:00 in the Clark Room. Dates for 2025: Feb 13, Apr 10, June 12, Aug 14, Oct 9, and Dec 11. Feb 13 The Second Life of Mirielle West by Amanda Skenandore (rescheduled due to storm, Nancy McCorkle, leader); Apr 10 Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson (Cheryl Paben, leader); Jun 12 All the Beauty in the World by Patrick Bringley (Lynn Marie Kramp, leader), Aug 14 Theo of Golden by Allen Levi (Nancy Dexter, leader), and Oct 9 The Indigo Girl by Natasha Boyd (Barbara Setzer, leader). For more information, please contact Barbara Fotinos at


The Trinity Caregivers’ Group meets by Zoom every second Friday. We welcome all who care for a loved one(s), local or at a distance, diagnosed with some form of dementia. We share challenges and experiences. Dr. Corkie Morrill is a retired gereopsychologist, and Peggy Buchanan is a retired Deacon and nurse. They facilitate the group. Corkie Morrill 828-684-3972,

Becoming Beloved Book Club (Wednesday evenings) 

Facilitators Sharon Lechner and Page McCorkle invite you to the Becoming Beloved Community book group. Members discuss the intersection of social and environmental justice with the dominant culture of white supremacy. To join, email Meetings are held monthly on Wednesdays at six on Zoom and in the Clark Room.


The Trinity Handbell Choir rehearses on Mondays from 4:30-5:30 PM. The ensemble rings periodically at 10:45 AM Worship on Sunday mornings and for special events throughout the year. Some knowledge of music reading is a requirement to join, but beyond that, all are welcome! Contact Dr. Kevin Seal at or the church offices for more details. 

Stories That Matter

Trinity Stories That Matter is our blog that highlights member interest pieces, such as weddings, births, achievements, celebrations, graduations, the death of an extended family member, and past and some upcoming special events. Read the latest edition by clicking the link on the website homepage or Stories That Matter | Trinity Episcopal. Please email Nanette Popa ( to share your story.


Check out Trinity’s website to learn more about opportunities to serve the church and world.

Relaunch of Podcast

Have social media/podcasting skills? We’re looking for one person to help out with our instagram account and to help us relaunch our podcast (providing audio versions of our weekly homilies). Contact Amy if interested.

Trinity Cooking Team for Transformation Village

Trinity has a team that cooks for Transformation Village, a ministry of ABCCM that provides up to 100 beds for homeless women, mothers, children, and veterans. We need up to ten volunteers. Contact Debbie Cox to let her know you’d like to help:


ABCCM is a significant ministry in our community; our Rector is on the board, and there are many opportunities to volunteer. Explore those opportunities here.

Office Volunteer

Many of our regular volunteers are out of town. If you are able to volunteer at the Trinity office, please contact Ken Wilson at

Lake Logan

Trinity volunteers travel to Lake Logan every Thursday for service and fellowship to paint cabins, repair furniture, sew curtains, and landscape. Contact Carlyn Pheil  ( or Fred Fairhead ( to learn about volunteering for hurricane clean up work.


The Appalachian Regional Ministry (ARM) is a partnership with churches and other leaders in Graham County, one of the poorest in our region. We travel to Robbinsville monthly to cook, distribute food, and work with community leaders in other ways. We welcome your presence! Contact the church office to reach Tom Goodrich.

Can You Beat an Egg?

Help cook and serve breakfast from 8:00 to 9:30 on Sundays. Paul Hatfield and Debbie Cox do most of the work, but help scrambling eggs or flipping pancakes is greatly appreciated! Sign up on the bulletin board in Tuton Hall or contact Debbie Cox at

Church of the Advocate

Every Sunday after the 10:45 service, the Church of the Advocate can use your help to serve a meal to the unhoused community. No cooking skill is needed—contact the Rev. Mike Reardon at


You can donate to Trinity however is convenient for you. Our address is 60 Church Street, Asheville, NC, 28801. Text “trinityavl” to 73256. You can also use the “Give” button on our website. Thank you.

Trinity Clergy, Staff, and Vestry


Prayer List

The Following Immediate and Ongoing Prayer concerns remain for a period of six weeks 

unless they are intentionally renewed by calling the church office. 

Immediate Concerns: Mary Downward, Carol Jacobson, Nick Sparks, Brad Sparks,

Mary Summersette, Carol MacRae, Leo Duncan, Dave Hensley, Patricia White,

Laurie Hamilton, Bill Fowler, and Jane Clark

Ongoing Concerns: Molly Gray (granddaughter of Sam & Paul Faeth)

Homebound Parishioners & Those in Healthcare Facilities: 

Lynne Diehl, Evelyn Hemphill, Gus Boone, Karen Taylor, Clare & Hugh Stephens

For Those in Service to Our Country: Lt. Cmdr. Alexander M. Ford (son of John Mark and Charlene Ford), WO. Brendan Gilbert (grandson of Curt Gilbert); Davis N. Graham, Lieutenant J.G. (grandson of Jane Clark), Captain Brooks Jarnigan, Army Intelligence (nephew of Dale & Cindy Carroll); Col. Jon C. McDaniel, U.S.M.C. (son of Mr. & Mrs. R. Allison McDaniel), Adrienne Welker, US Navy Band (daughter of Leslie Welker), Gerald Welker, Jr, US Air Force Band (son of Leslie Welker), SN John Work, US Navy (son of Becky & Jack Work)

Birthdays: Rhodes Woodin, Charlene Ford, Lucas Budzinski, Amanda Ray Danko, Amanda Franklin, Connor Hallinan, Jack Hamilton, David Johnston, Michael Weaver, Harrison White,Joanna Agnew, Carter Bagley, Andrew Best, Fred Speier, Eric Toombs,

Sophie McKeown, Gus Boone, Mandie Carlson, Anne Dowling, Nathan Randall

Anniversaries: Pete & Valerie Austin, John & Amy Fleming, Bill & Sally Habermeyer,

Bob & Carol Berry. Bob & Jane Meyett