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June 2024

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Next Leadership Skills Retreat- Nov 7, 2024 at 12:30-4:30 pm


SESSION 4- Retirement Nuts & Bolts

SESSION 3- Health of Your Wealth: Retiring against a backdrop of change (podcast)

SESSION 2- Crafting Your Next Chapter- Reframe, Revitalize, and Reinvent

SESSION 1- Successful Transition to Retirement While Balancing Continued Engagement at MGH

How to "Partially" Retire

We're excited to announce an upcoming webinar in the OSFA Faculty Transition Series. Please join us on June 20 at noon to discuss The Nuts and Bolts of "Partial" Retirement. This new webinar continues our theme of supporting faculty who want to continue participating in MGH/HMS activities while stepping back from their full-time research or clinical careers.

Here are the webinar presentations:

  • Mindy Dellert, HMS Academic Appointments Manager, will present on “HMS Title Options.” She will cover the mechanics, requirements, and privileges that come with HMS faculty titles that reflect partial retirement (such as Assistant/Associate Professor Part-Time) or full retirement while maintaining some level of HMS engagement (such as Corresponding Member of the Faculty or Professor Emeritus).
  • Virginia Rosales, MGH Human Resources/ Benefits Manager, will speak about “MGH Benefits for Partially Retired Faculty,” with a focus on the requirements for maintaining benefits while working part-time.
  • Jeff Ecker, Chief of the MGH Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, will present “A Chair’s Perspective on Partial Retirement.” He will focus on the thought process for identifying roles and job titles as faculty aim to step away from their full-time careers.
  • Steve Greenberg (that’s me), OSFA Director, will describe “How to Stay Connected.” This refers to the new signup list that allows retiring faculty to offer their availability for future engagement in areas such as mentoring, policy recommendations, and clinical trial participation. 

The speakers will leave ample time for questions and discussion. See you June 20!

With best wishes,


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