JAG-K recently watched its 11th group of seniors graduate. Approximately 800 JAG-K seniors walked across high school stages this year.
Graduations are a highlight for our program, but we don't slow down come summer. All our seniors immediately enter our one-year follow up program. We help make sure these students make an effective transition into work or educational opportunities, and we provide them with support and accountability.
Students who didn't graduate benefit from our summer programming. Career Specialists assist students in recovering credits and completing school requirements, acquiring work opportunities, finding internships, camps and other learning experiences. They also foster a supportive network during the months away from the classroom, hoping to ensure strong mental health and reinforce what was taught during the school year.
We look forward to sharing stories of some of the experiences of our students this summer! Thank you for your support of JAG-K!
Chuck Knapp
JAG-K President and CEO