February 11, 2025 ~ Newsletter
One Community One Family
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Dear Christ the King Catholic School Community,
Kindergarten interviews with me and our families (present and new) are complete and it was such an awesome and transformative experience admissions-wise. A special thank you to Marissa Hernandez, Aimee Karst, and Jenn Meran for the testing and organizational aspects behind the scenes.
This month is black history month and next week at morning prayer and assembly we will recite and reflect upon several black history month prayers and inspiring quotes to begin our days. A powerful quote from Harriet Tubman rests here as a reminder that accomplishments envelope many virtues and plans, “If a person has the will, patience, creativity to pursue something that would lead them to success, all that person really needs is a plan. Dreams in themselves do not lead to success.”
Today is Father Paulson’s birthday! 🙂 We pray that his trip to India is filled with great memories. We are grateful for Father Paulson’s leadership and brilliant mind, hospitable and kind nature, generosity of spirit, his love of God/Mary/our community, care of those most in need, love for the elderly, humility and objective heart, and non-judgmental ways. Likewise, we send abundant blessings toward Father Paulson’s vocational call as our pastor. May his years ahead be filled with peace, health, and joy.
This week we enjoyed the celebratory aspects of the 100th day of school for our younger grades, the success from the Diocesan Science Fair; and celebrating Valentine’s Day – soon. We look forward to Friday’s mass with Father Lee, kindergarten, and fourth grade leading us all.
Prayers and blessings for a peaceful, relaxing, and joyful Presidents Day Weekend,
Mr. Joseph M. Silveira Ed.D.
Christ the King Catholic School
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Dear Heavenly Father, it is that time of year when our mornings are cold yet we feel the warmth in the afternoon. That warmth is a promise of Spring and all the new beginnings it brings. We look to You to protect us and guide us in Your light. As we approach the promises of a new day let us remember to honor our past and make a difference with our futures. Please hear the intentions in our hearts for our CTK community.
We pray that Father Paulson has a happy birthday and safe and joyous trip.
If you have special intentions please email Mrs. Meran here so we can include them in our next newsletter.
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The 2025-2026 school year will be here before we know it. Please click here to see tuition rates. We look forward to continuing to learn and grow together! | |
Magnanimity in the eyes of a child - kindness and generosity towards someone, especially after defeating them or being treated badly by them
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Wednesday, February 12 - CTK Spirit Wear, Ice Cream Sales Grades 1 - 8, 2:15pm Dismissal
Thursday, February 13 - HL - Meatball Sliders, Wear Pink, Red or White for Valentine's Day
Friday, February 14 - Happy Valentine's Day! 8:00am Liturgy Grades K - 8, Dress Uniform, 7th Grade Dance at CTK
Monday, February 17 - President's Day, No School
Wednesday, February 19 - CTK Spirit Wear, Ice Cream Sales Grades 1 - 8, 2:15pm Dismissal, Dine & Donate Zachary's Pizza
Thursday, February 20 -HL - BCR's, Vision Testing Grades K, 2, 5 & 8
Friday, February 21 - 8:00am Liturgy Grades K - 8, Dress Uniform
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Great job CTK!
You opened your hearts and it shows! Your generosity brought in $1,752.60 to help those affected by the LA fires.
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Valentine's Day is coming up! We all want to celebrate the love we have for CTK. With Valentine's day being on Friday and we have Mass we will have free dress on Thursday. Please wear Pink, Red or White with free dress on Thursday. Class parties will still take on Friday. It's a two day celebration! | |
The school calendar has now been updated with important dates for the 2025-2026 school year!
Please note that parents (and students for grades 4-8) are required to attend conferences with their students' homeroom teachers in person, on campus on either 10/9/25 or 10/10/25.
Teachers dedicate these two days to meet with parents and they work very hard to provide useful insights about students' progress, so we kindly ask that all families schedule weekend travel plans to begin after their conferences. Thank you so much for your support!
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All six CTK projects received awards in their respective categories! Congratulations to all of the participants!
6th Grade:
-Marco Galleno: 2nd place (Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
-Will Minami: 2nd place (Physical Science)
7th Grade:
-Carson Cote & Nathan Patania: 2nd place (Behavioral and Social Science) and 2nd place finalist
-Kai Abellera & Seba Gonzalez: 2nd place (Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
8th Grade:
-Iris Wesley: 2nd place (Environmental Science)
-Tea Nuti: 2nd place (Biological Science)
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Attention parents of 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th graders:
We are excited to announce that once again students in 5th grade and Middle School will prepare and present speeches for our 13th Annual Speech Competition! Students will receive instructions during class, and will have time during class as well as at home to prepare and practice. Speeches will be presented live in front of individual classes, and judges will select three finalists from each grade, who will then present at the Speech Showcase in early April. This year’s topic is:
The Bible says, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). It is so important for us to show gratitude for all of God’s creation and for the gifts He has given us.
Write and present a speech that reflects on the theme of gratitude. One or more of the questions below can be used for inspiration (but are not required, as long as the speech relates to gratitude).
- What of God’s creation are you most grateful for and why?
- What makes you happy, and how does God help you see that?
- Where do you see light and joy in your life? (Not just what brings you joy, but where you see it in other things or people.)
- How do you show gratitude towards people, objects, or experiences in life?
- What gifts has God given you that you are grateful for, and how do you hope to use these gifts in the future?
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s homeroom or ELA teacher, or Speech Competition coordinators Katie Thornbury at kthornbury@ctkschool.org or Heidi Nuti at hnuti@ctkschool.org.
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Want to help out with Choice Lunch? It's a fun way to get your volunteer hours. Shifts are available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Click here to sign up!
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Reminder, Milk & Ice Cream tickets will be available for purchase online through Raise Right ONLY. Parents will be able to purchase tickets online in quantities of 20 or single tickets.
How will this work?
Milk & Ice Cream tickets can be purchased through the RaiseRight website. If you have not signed up for a RaiseRight account, our school Enrollment Code is: L54D412C9999. Tickets can be purchased in groups of 20 or single tickets. Once purchased online, they will be delivered in the same process as other Scrip orders and can be picked up at the Front Office or delivered in the Tuesday Envelope after signing the Scrip Waiver here.
What is the deadline to order?
Orders are fulfilled on Monday mornings by 8:00am. Similar to the Scrip program, once orders are fulfilled they will be delivered through the Tuesday Family Envelope.
What if I miss the order deadline?
We want to encourage all parents to place Milk & Ice Cream orders on time. Every possible opportunity to send reminders will be taken as we all become oriented with this new process. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Demi Marquez directly dmarquez@ctkschool.org.
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February 27, 2025 at 5:00 pm
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Tuition Assistance Program 2025-2026 | |
Christ the King Tuition Assistance Program
Diocesan and School financial aid programs may be available for families who qualify. While the primary responsibility for financing a student's Catholic education rests with the student's family, Christ the King Catholic School will make every effort to see that no child is denied access to a Catholic education based solely on lack of funds to pay tuition.
There are three types of Tuition Assistance available to Christ the King families: BASIC, FACE, and the CTK Children’s Fund.
BASIC (Bay Area Scholastic Inner City) is an outside source available to all new students in Grades K-8 whose families qualify for the free/reduced hot lunch program and/or meet the income criteria set by Basic Fund. The Basic Fund application income criteria guidelines are strictly adhered to. Applications are available online only at How to apply for BASIC and must be filed by March 31, 2025.
Diocese of Oakland FACE (Family Aid for Catholic Education) Grant is a Diocesan sponsored tuition assistance program available to all qualifying families requesting financial aid. A FACTS application is required (see below) and is due no later than March 31, 2025. The FACE Financial Aid Timeline for 2025-2026 school year can be found here. FACE qualifications are here.
The CTK Children’s Fund is tuition assistance sponsored by Christ the King Catholic School and is primarily available to students currently attending Christ the King. A FACTS application is required (see below) is due no later than March 31, 2025.
FACTS application instructions: FACTS applications are available online only here:
FACTS Application. Applicants must check the box for FACE under “Other Organizations”. Applications must include a copy of the family's most recent federal income tax return in order to verify the family's financial status and are due no later than March 31, 2025. Application instructions can be viewed here: Application Instructions. For more information please read the FACTS flyer here.
To equitably distribute the available CTK Children’s Funds, it is important that the Principal and Pastor have adequate information. Therefore, the school requires documentation of family financial resources in order to make determinations on applications for these funds. In addition to a family's financial resources, the Principal and Pastor will consider any other relevant family circumstances in making determinations on applications.
The amount of assistance awarded will vary from family to family and will depend upon the family's financial status, the family's particular circumstances and the amount of money the school has available for tuition assistance in a given year. Christ the King School will not discriminate in the administration of its Tuition Assistance Program on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or age in violation of existing state or federal laws or regulations.
All information regarding applications for Tuition Assistance will be held in strictest confidence by the Principal and Pastor. Parents are also expected to keep confidential the amount of any Tuition Assistance award that is given. Families will be notified of the determination made by the Principal on their request for a tuition grant, including the amount of any award for the upcoming school year by May 30, 2025.
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Volleyball Season is HERE!
CTK Volleyball Registration: Open to CTK school girls in 6th, 7th and 8th grade. The season will run from March through May. This is a great opportunity to play a sport with your classmates. If interested, complete the three registration forms listed below along with a $40 check made out to CTK. If your daughter is new to volleyball this year or needs a new jersey please add $25 to your check and write your jersey size on the top of the registration form.
Parental Permission and Medical form
Code of Conduct
Concussion Information
Please return the registration forms and payment labeled volleyball to the office no later than Friday, February 21st.
If you have any questions, please contact Amerita Santos -ameritaiyoki@gmail.com
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CTK Crab Feed & St.Patrick's Day Dinner | |
CTK Crab Feed & St. Patrick's Day
Saturday, March 8th
In CTK’s Gym
Join us for a delicious feast of Fresh Crab, Kinder's Ball Tip, Homemade Irish Bread & Soup & more - it's gonna be a shell of a good time!
Click here for tickets
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Young Children - please join CLOW the following upcoming Sundays Spring 2025:
February 23
March 2
April 6
April 27
May 18
At the 9:00 a.m. mass, children will have the opportunity to join a special Children's Liturgy. They will listen to the readings of the day in an interactive, child-friendly way so they can better understand God's Word and strengthen their faith.
CLOW details
Time: Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Mass
Ages: 4 years old - 4th Grade
No registration necessary. Children will be called forward at the start of mass, and will return to the church to present the Gifts and sit near the Altar during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. They will return to their families during Peace be with You. CLOW is optional, children may participate if they'd like, or remain with their families throughout mass in the church. Questions? Please contact Heidi Nuti.
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De La Salle Camps are back and better than ever for the summer of 2025! De La Salle Camps offers a wide range of athletic camps from Football Camp to Wrestling Camp to All Sports Camp. We also will offer a variety of enrichment camps from our CSI Science Camp, to Woodshop Camp, to Band Camp. Our camps are offered to grades K-12 (depending on the camp) and are open to boys and girls. REGISTER BEFORE MARCH 1 FOR A 10 PERCENT DISCOUNT ON ALL CAMPS! Visit our website at https://www.dlshs.org/athletics/camps-clinics/summer-camps for more information and to sign up!
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Help Write the Ray!
Calling all writers and photographers! Please help us tell the story of Christ the King Catholic School by submitting your ideas for articles and photos for the June 2025 issue of the CTK Ray!
The Ray is an annual publication designed for Christ the King families, friends, alumni, prospective students, parishioners, and neighbors. The CTK Ray features a collection of news articles, stories, and reflections by students, teachers, and parents, as well as a message from the Principal, an update on CTK alumni, and information about upcoming events.
Please share your photos of students at school events (in class, on campus, field trips, Festival, WAJAT, etc.) here: https://www.dropbox.com/request/Gx9rGrRSOItxvLfGDLmT
A Dropbox account or log-in is NOT needed. You simply click the link and upload your photos. Please name the files or let us know the name of the student featured.
Please share your story ideas or sign up to write an article by contacting Jennifer Ortega. All articles will be due no later than April 11.
Thanks for your help in showcasing our amazing community!
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We've added a new LOCAL vendor to RaiseRight, King Pizza & Gyro! They are located on the corner of Gregory Rd. and Pleasant Hill Rd. across from 7-Eleven, perfect walking distance from the school. Gift certificates can be purchased in the amount of $20 through RaiseRight and you will receive 15% rebate towards your SFA goal for the 24-25 school year. Visit www.RaiseRight.com now to purchase your gift certificates!
Click here for a copy of our Scrip delivery calendar
Our school submits orders by 8:00am on Monday mornings and the cards are delivered the following week. If you would like your Scrip order delivered in your Tuesday Family Envelope, please click on the link here to sign the Scrip Waiver form.
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Please complete the form here if you are requesting reimbursement for school activities (for example, PTG events). After requests are reviewed and approved, your reimbursement will be ready within 7-10 business days. | |
Thank you to everyone that has signed up to help our teachers and school! Your time and commitments help us to have the best school year possible.
When you are finished with your volunteer service, remember to fill out the google form that records your Family Service Hours. You can find the form here. This form can be completed after each volunteer opportunity or your earliest convenience so that your hours are recorded and not forgotten!
As a reminder, each family is responsible for 17 volunteer hours during the school year in the following categories:
Fundraising - 5 hours
Festival - 4 hours
Personal Choice - 8 hours
All hours must be logged and recorded by May 31, 2025. If you have any questions regarding totals or accumulations please reach out to Kim Anderson at kanderson@ctkschool.org
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Have you considered becoming Catholic but are not sure how to proceed? Possibly married to a Catholic or have children in Christ the King School – and interested in sharing their faith? Or possibly just looking to clarify your own faith journey?
Investigate our RCIA program, which facilitates your consideration of baptism or conversion. Learn more by emailing Tom Bobich at RCIA@CTKPH.org.
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CTK Parish Newsletter: Please click here for the February 5th Parish Newsletter | | | | |