Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona Newsletter

May 2024

Wishing all of our families a

safe and happy summer!

Gina's Blog

From My Heart to Yours,

Love, David's Mom

Dearest Beloved Friends,

Thank you, dear friends, for all each of you did to make our 24th Annual Sharing Down Syndrome Walk on April 20, 2024 such a success! The team who raised the most donations came all the way from Duncan, Arizona, TEAM LIAM! Oh, how we love Liam’s (age 10) and his proud parents, Kaylee and Daniel Rodriguez. And his siblings, and big sister, Dusty Rose (13) and little brother, Noah (5). As you can see by this picture, I think about half of their town came the four-hour drive to Celebrate Down Syndrome with us! We love you! 

Continue reading Gina's blog!

The 24th Sharing Down Syndrome Walk - Big Success

Many thanks to all who came out to support our 24th Sharing Down Syndrome Walk. It was a big success with over 1,100 in attendance!

Team News

Congratulations to Team Liam who was our Top Fundraising Team for 2024. Liam Rodriguez, with the support of his parents, Daniel and Kaylee Rodriguez, and the team raised over $5,300!

Team Thomas rolled in as the second-place winner!

Benny and The Jets came in at third place!

Bravo to all of our teams!

We graciously thank all of the people who created a team, and supported (donated to) a team this year. Your efforts helped us to raise over $20,000 for our organization. All of the funds raised will be put right back into the community for more FREE events and support for families who love someone with Down syndrome.

The professional photos from the event were taken by our Sharing Down Syndrome Walk official photographer from Save This Memory.

Next year's 25th Anniversary Walk will take place on March 29th, 2025. Mark your calendars!

2024 Sharing Walk Photo Gallery
2024 Sharing Walk Video

We're always looking for new ideas for the next walk. Please take the 1-minute survey. We value your feedback! Thank you for your time.

2024 Post-Walk Survey

Thanks to Allysa Barreras for leading us in The Pledge of Allegiance.

Mary Angel Elsworth sang the National Anthem.

We would also like to thank the National Guard from Gilbert who came to present the colors at our Sharing Walk.

The Homies were in the house! Hyping up our crowd, the hip hop group delivered a remarkable performance.

2024 Award Winners

At our 24th Annual Sharing Down Syndrome Walk on April 20, 2024, we honored some extraordinary people in our community.

Outstanding Nurse of the Year: Sarah "Mo" Montavon

Sarah is a wonderful nurse and the proud Aunt to a sweet boy with Down syndrome. Sarah never lets newly diagnosed families feel alone. She never misses a chance to refer them to us and tells them how much her nephew means to her. She loves our kids!

Outstanding Genetic Counselor of the Year: Peggy Kulch

I met Peggy over 15 years ago at Phoenix Children's Hospital. Peggy is a breath of fresh air to anyone lucky enough to know her. Peggy is a gift to any newly diagnosed parent of a child with Down syndrome because she sees our children, not for their diagnosis, but rather for who she knows they came become.  She brings hope to new families.  She congratulates parents of newly diagnosed babies and gives them hope. She is gentle, insightful and kind. I love her.

Nicholas Hall Legacy Award: Shawnie and Kevin Huff.

This award is in honor of Nicholas Hall, son of Betsy and Speedy Hall, who sadly passed away at age 13. This award is for those who have wonderfully impacted the lives of those who have Down syndrome. 

(insert pictures of Betsy with Nicholas One as a baby and one with family)

Shawnie and Kevin are the proud parents of four children with Down syndrome. I met them when their first baby, their son, Braxton was born. Sadly he passed away at only 13 months old. Shawnie and Kevin went on to welcome three more children with Down syndrome into their home; two biological children: Tia and Tyler and later they flew to Serbia to adopt their youngest son, Max. Both Shawnie and Kevin have served on our Sharing Down Syndrome Board for many years. Their Sharing Walk team name is appropriately named, "Four Wild Angels." (*Read more about this amazing family in our May Blog) 

Parent Support Meetings

The next SDSA parent meeting is scheduled for September. Please take a brief survey and learn what we have in store so we may plan to best serve you.

Take the Short Survey

Summer Break is Fast Approaching!

According to a recent article by Raising Special Kids, you can cover the majority or ALL of your loved ones with special needs summer programs for free! Check out the informative article here.

Check out the list of summer camps Raising Arizona Kids has put together for summer fun here >> 2024 special needs summer camps

Come with us for a structured and fun-filled morning at one of the newest learning centers in Tempe! Sharing is hosting a private event to keep cool during summer break. Full Spectrum Learn & Play is a community dedicated to fostering inclusivity, providing opportunities, and making a positive impact on the lives of every child and family.

Register to attend!

Colton Cowell Foundation Superhero Experiences

"Yes, I've been to the cave. No, I can't tell you where it is!"

We are so grateful to this amazing foundation for allowing our Bruce Wayne fanatics to visit the Batcave. The Colton Cowell Foundation donates $2,000 to SDSA services and programs, as well as a secondary charity at each experience. We cannot thank you enough!

NDSC Convention Updates

The National Down Syndrome Congress 52nd annual convention is coming to Phoenix July 25 - 28, 2024 at the JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort & Spa!  

Convention Website

Registrations Filling Up Fast!

On Thursday, July 25th Global Down Syndrome Foundation is organizing the best GLOBAL Research & Medical Care Roundtable at the NDSC Annual Convention in Phoenix. Experts will share the latest in mental health, sleep apnea, inflammation, Alzheimer's, clinical trials and more!

This amazing roundtable is free with your NDSC registration. Sign Up Today!

Attention all Educators - You Don't Want to Miss This Opportunity for FREE registration!

Reserve Your Tickets

...and the countless in-kind donors, families, individuals, volunteers and organizations who give us so much strength and support. We are truly grateful.


You can select our organization as your charity of choice when you sign up for Fry's Rewards.

Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and all contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. EIN: 86-0822557.

Our Arizona State Tax Qualifying Charitable Organization (QCO Code) is 20543.