April 11, 2024

I want to inform the campus community about some personnel changes happening on campus.


First, our interim vice president of finance and administration, Mr. Ronald Dorn who joined us in March, has left the position due to personal reasons.


Directors within the Finance and Administration division were informed of this change earlier today. We anticipate having a new interim vice president for finance and administration in place next week.


SEMO filled the interim position through The Registry, a service of the Council of Independent Colleges and the premier interim placement firm in American higher education. I will share information once a new interim has been named.


Second, Indiana State University named its next president this morning, and it is provost, Dr. Mike Godard. I am excited for the journey Dr. Godard is about to take. I wish him much success.


As Dr. Godard works through details for beginning his new role, we will make decisions regarding the provost position and share updates with you accordingly.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me would you have any questions. As always, thank you all for your efforts to help our University succeed.


Carlos Vargas, President