Richard C. Peck Consulting, LLC & The Philanthropy Guy, LLC

Providing consulting and educational services to nonprofits, donors, and professional advisors related to impactful charitable giving


Charitable Giving Newsletter

12/28/23 Edition

In This Week's Issue:

Your Beast of Burden...

Weekly Tips for Nonprofits, Donors, and Professional Advisors

Your Beast of Burden...

For those making SIGNIFICANT charitable contributions, especially those who are managing the execution and tracking of each and every donation, the operational load and complexity of the tax and compliance rules can feel like a serious burden.

Burden implies work. And work leads to procrastination, resulting in a “December Mad Scramble” – with a third of U.S. giving (almost $500 billion) happening in the last month of the year, with December 31st as the most popular giving day, historically.

For most donors, there are many grantees (those receiving grants) and commitments which are similar year-to-year and could be done earlier! Completing giving earlier not only removes stress from a busy time at year-end, but also reduces errors and “missed gifts.” The moral of the story: giving throughout the year can result in a financial benefit by potentially lowering estimated tax payments or allowing bigger deductions when assets might be at a higher mark. 

So, what’s the best way to change this dynamic at year-end? 

Look back at your last three years of charitable activity, which often reveals patterns of giving that can accelerate decision-making on obvious grants. Setting a “giving plan” early spreads out the administrative work...and is handy when meeting with financial and accounting advisors to optimize wealth and tax planning. So, just work smarter, darn it! Learn about Paul Lussow, an expert in working smarter, directly below:

Paul Lussow, Co-founder and CEO of Giving Place

Paul Lussow (4) Paul Lussow | LinkedIn is the co-founder and CEO of Giving Place, which is a software company created for the unique needs of family office philanthropy and major donors. Prior to founding Giving Place, Paul spent nearly a decade on Wall Street as an investment banker at Credit Suisse but left to work in the impact sector for Laureate Education, which was the largest provider of higher education in the world, with nearly one million students across 29 countries. Paul has a BA in History from Northwestern University and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Click here to learn about Giving Place:

About (

A Tip for Nonprofits: Developing a diverse mix of board members to advise and govern your organization is essential. How do you outline that mix to ensure you have the most robust representation of talents and backgrounds? Importantly, how do you recruit for that? Learn more here about creating the board you dream about: 6 Steps to Increase Board Diversity at Your Nonprofit (

A Tip for Donors: Collective Action Funds (CAFs) are set up to enable collective (e.g. group member) recommendations for grants, as opposed to a single individual making these recommendations. The minimum initial contribution (required by a group called Tides, for example) to set up a CAF is $100,000 and to then begin disbursing grants. There is no minimum balance required to be maintained. Read here for more: What are Collective Action Funds (CAFs)? - Tides

A Tip for Professional Advisors: Did you know that 9 in 10 women wish they could be doing more to create positive social change, but only 14 percent have spoken to a financial advisor about charitable planning strategies? Don't be part of the problem: be part of the solution...and learn more about the topic of Women and Giving in this incredibly insightful, robust article: Women and Giving - Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (

"As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way."

~Mary Anne Radmacher

Richard C. Peck Consulting, LLC and The Philanthropy Guy, LLC

About Rick

228 Park View Drive

Belmont, NC 28012

+1 (603) 387-3897

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